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关于地理信息理论的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地理信息系统是运行在信息高速公路上的重要列车,它以应用为目的,以技术为导引,为全社会涉及空间地理数据的各行各业服务。随着电子计算机技术、通讯技术、空间定位技术、遥感技术和可视化技术的发展,地理信息系统的硬、软件环境,数据采集、存贮、分析和表达等手段,势必要不断进步。在此形势下,本文试图对地理信息理论问题作出探讨和思考。主要包括:各种形式空间数据在计算机中的表示;空间数据的自动采集与更新;空间数据的质量及数据不确定性;GIS数据的空间查询与分析;空间数据的表达与显示(可视化、符号化和多尺度表示)。在讨论和分析中注意与传统的以纸质地图为介质的“模拟法GIS”相比较,并尽可能顾及未来计算机技术和信息技术的发展特点  相似文献   
本文概述了建国以来我国海洋地质调查与研究工作取得的丰硕成果。论述区域地质调查在海洋地质基础工作和未来海洋开发中的战略意义,介绍了国内外海洋区域地质调查的现状,对开展这项调查的可行性条件,以及进行1/100万海洋区域地质调查的项目内容、技术方法和提交成果等提出了设想和建议。  相似文献   
本文以粤西水东湾表层沉积物样品的粒度分布为基本数据,使用对应分析方法并结合地形与波流特征,分析了海湾动力沉积环境。分析结果表明,海湾现代沉积环境可划分为4个动力沉积区。  相似文献   
我国湖泊环境演变及其成因机制研究现状   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
湖泊沉积忠实地记录了湖泊环境变化的各类信息.不同时问尺度的湖泊环境变化分别受到构造、气候与人类活动三个方面的驱动机制的影响.影响中同湖泊环境变化的最主要的构造运动是青藏高原的隆升;气候变化的影响主要是东亚季风系统带来的一系列作用;而人类活动的影响则比较复杂,不仅有流域植被、土壤性质的改变导致输入湖泊物质的变化,也有人类活动直接改造湖泊,如围垦、封堵等.准确地分析湖泊环境变化的各种过程与规律,特别是定量刻画人与自然相互作用下的湖泊环境响应过程与驱动机理,是当今科学界的热点.  相似文献   
The controlling parameters of early marine carbonate cementation in shoal water and hemipelagic to pelagic domains are well‐studied. In contrast, the mechanisms driving the precipitation of early marine carbonate cements at deeper slope settings have received less attention, despite the fact that considerable volumes of early marine cement are present at recent and fossil carbonate slopes in water depths of several hundreds of metres. In order to better understand the controlling factors of pervasive early marine cementation at greater water depths, marine carbonate cements observed along time‐parallel platform to basin transects of two intact Pennsylvanian carbonate slopes are compared with those present in the slope deposits of the Permian Capitan Reef and Neogene Mururoa Atoll. In all four settings, significant amounts of marine cements occlude primary pore spaces downslope into thermoclinal water depths, i.e. in a bathymetric range between some tens and several hundreds of metres. Radial, radiaxial and fascicular optic fibrous calcites, and radiaxial prismatic calcites are associated with re‐deposited facies, boundstones and rudstones. Botryoidal (formerly) aragonitic precipitates are common in microbially induced limestones. From these case studies, it is tentatively concluded that sea water circulation in an extensive, near‐sea floor pore system is a first‐order control on carbonate ion supply and marine cementation. Coastal upwelling and internal or tidal currents are the most probable mechanisms driving pore water circulation at these depths. Carbonate cements precipitated under conditions of normal to elevated alkalinity, locally elevated nutrient levels and variable sea water temperatures. The implications of these findings and suggestions for future work are discussed.  相似文献   
The adoption of UN Convention of the Law of the Sea in 1982 created optimism for indigenous peoples and marginalised coastal communities that they may (re)gain control of, or improve access to, marine resources. However concerns were also raised that opening the seas to industrial development might create threats for traditional users of the sea. Twenty-five years later the potential enclosure of large areas of coastal seas to marine renewable energy development is reigniting debates about marine governance, access and control over marine resources. Case studies in Scotland, Canada, New Zealand and Australia reveal a dynamic tension between: an economic development ‘blue growth’ agenda requiring the creation of private rights in the sea; and socio-political drivers which seek to address historic injustices and increase access to natural resources by indigenous and marginalised coastal communities. As yet there is little evidence of this tension being adequately addressed by emerging institutional frameworks for managing marine resources.  相似文献   
Plans by government to accelerate the establishment of a national representative system of marine protected areas (NRSMPAs) in Australia have caused increasing disquiet within the fishing industry. Rock lobster fishers have raised concerns regarding plans to establish large “multiple‐use” MPAs that may or may not contain a substantial no‐take component in the continental shelf waters adjacent to the coast. Key industry concerns including the potential impacts on present and future harvest rates are examined. The industry response to government MPA policy in each of the major jurisdictions is outlined. An industry position developed at the National Rock Lobster Congress in Perth, Western Australia (September 2003) is put forward. The position advocates the need for an adjustment scheme to account for displaced effort, the need for government commitment to the development of management plans that include the long‐term monitoring of all MPAs, and the need for a thorough risk assessment process to be conducted before the establishment of an MPA. The issues raised in this paper should be relevant to the establishment of MPAs in an international context.  相似文献   
Karst Hazard Assessment of Eastern Saudi Arabia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Karst phenomena exist in areas in the eastern part of Saudi Arabia, forming solution features such as sinkholes, collapsed dolines and solution caverns, as a result of the chemical leaching of the carbonate and evaporite formations by percolating water. The instability of these karst phenomena could produce land subsidence problems. This paper reviews the geology of documented karstic rock units in Saudi Arabia and proposes a simple engineering classification of the solution features characteristic of limestone. Two case histories in the Dhahran area, eastern Saudi Arabia, will be used as examples for the application of a modified engineering classification.  相似文献   
Privacy, reconsidered: New representations, data practices, and the geoweb   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Blogging, social networking, and other Web 2.0 practices have sparked widespread debate about the status and future of privacy. This paper examines an explicitly geographical aspect of Web 2.0 with respect to these debates: the geospatial web, or ‘geoweb’. As part of fundamental shifts in the kinds of geographic information available, its circulation, and representative forms it assumes, the geoweb implies new objects of privacy concern and subsequent privacy-related negotiations over the aggregate of its component information, technologies, and data praxes. Thus we argue that privacy must not only be revisited, but indeed re-conceptualized. Whereas prior research on privacy vis-à-vis geographic information technologies has tended to question what privacy ‘is’, we focus instead on the constitutive outcomes of societal struggles over privacy. We examine how privacy is being negotiated around two geoweb services - Google Street View and the Twitter GeoAPI - to illustrate that these contestations produce privacy as a social object in particular ways. We show that public discourse around actual or anticipated privacy harms stemming from geoweb services and their uses, as well as the preventatives and remedies proposed or implemented to address such harms, reconstitute the objects and practices of privacy concern, and alter the roles and relationships of state, civil and corporate actors in the construction of privacy. Finally we suggest that the geoweb raises new privacy concerns because some of its representational forms - namely geo-tagged images and self-authored texts - facilitate identification and disclosure with more immediacy and less abstraction.  相似文献   
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