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根据构造相似条件分析,琉球海沟与日本海沟、智利海沟、印尼巽他海沟一样具备发生9级罕遇超巨大地震的可能。在对近几年来全球发生的超巨大地震参数及构造对比分析的基础上,设定琉球海沟9.0级地震参数,并将其引发的海啸进行数值模拟研究。结果表明,该地震可引发初始波高为8m的海啸,台湾东北部半小时后遭受10m以上海啸,3~4小时左右传至浙南、闽北沿岸,近岸各处波高在1~2m;5小时左右传至浙北、粤北沿岸,浙江近岸各处波高在2m左右,广东沿海、台湾海峡由于台湾岛的正面阻挡,海啸波高低于50cm;8小时后靠近上海海岸线,最大波高约1m。海啸的上岸高度与海岸附近的海深和海岸线的形态密切相关,我国东南海域地形变化复杂、海湾众多,对海啸波有放大作用,模拟结果可能比实际海啸偏小。我国沿海地区分布着不少已建和在建的核电厂,在核电设计时未考虑海啸,一旦发生这种罕遇地震海啸则影响不可忽视,尤其是若与风暴潮、天文大潮叠加则可能出现严重后果。由于核电安全要求万无一失,故须制订有效预警和应对措施。  相似文献   
为了评估以震源机制解走向作为影响场长轴方向的适用性,以1970—2020年145个破坏性地震为研究对象,研究各地震的震源机制解走向和极震区长轴方向之间的偏差,发现两者平均差值为17.0°;走滑型、逆断型和正断型地震分别占研究地震总数的56.6%、19.3%和6.2%,其震源机制解走向与极震区长轴方向的平均差值分别为16.4°、16.2°和20.6°;有82.8%的地震的震源机制解走向与极震区长轴走向差值小于30°,说明该方法是可行的。通过统计研究2010—2020年等震线长轴方向明显的50个强震震中附近区域历史强震震源机制解走向与极震区长轴方向差值,结果表明:有13个地震震中30 km范围内有历史强震发生,最近历史强震震源机制解走向与极震区长轴方向差值小于30°的有8个(62%)。如果在距离地震震中30 km以内发生过历史强震,则可以综合考虑距震中最近的历史强震震源机制解走向和活动断裂走向来判定影响场长轴方向。  相似文献   
海量地质图件蕴含着丰富的地学基础知识及专家经验知识。地质图主要表达了通过区域地质调查、矿产地质调查所获取的地球表面的地质知识(如地层单元、岩体、断裂等)。如何快速地从矢量地质图件中抽取地质知识并形成知识服务是目前地学知识图谱及知识服务研究的前沿。由于传统的地质图知识抽取主要依赖人工方式进行综合分析,本文聚焦于矢量地质图件知识表达与抽取研究,提出了一种地质图知识表达框架,提取地质图中所包含的地质实体及关系,将地质图信息以知识图谱的形式表达,并开展了基于地质矢量知识图谱的智能问答应用。最后以江西省于都县银坑幅矢量数据集为例开展实验验证分析,结果表明,本文方法能够较为全面地获取地质图中各个地质对象的信息,提高了地质图语义表达的效果,同时也可以提高地质学习人员对地质图的理解和认识,让计算机能够大规模获取地质图的知识内容。  相似文献   
MAPGIS格式地形图图切剖面绘制的又一种方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋光浩 《贵州地质》2009,26(1):75-78
本文给出了利用南方CASS7.0软件改造MAPGIS格式地形地质图,在其基础上图切勘探线剖面的另外一种绘制方法。  相似文献   
马强  刘长亮  常森  王涛 《地下水》2012,(3):12-14
目的通过分析研究,厘清研究区长6储层油水分布特征。方法顺延砂体走向和垂直砂体走向分别制作两条油藏剖面图,通过对剖面图详细分析,得出目的层油水分布规律。结果研究区砂体呈条带状展布,纵向上层间非均质性较强,油层厚度较薄,厚度变化较快。结论研究区长6储层油水接触关系正常,但油水分异程度差,油水同层现象普遍,纯油层较少,差油层、油水同层较为发育,并且油水相变迅速,以连片层状或透镜体状为主。  相似文献   
高分辨率卫星遥感数据在城市地图更新中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市地图是全面反映城市发展和城市社会经济现象的综合信息载体,是城市基础空间数据库和城市GIS的重要组成部分。文章就高分辨率卫星遥感数据在城市地图更新中的工艺、生产平台、影像纠正、影像融合、地图更新的方法及应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   
There are two problems with current cylindrical projections for world maps. First, existing cylindrical map projections have a static height-to-width aspect ratio and do not automatically adjust their aspect ratio in order to optimally use available canvas space. Second, many of the commonly used cylindrical compromise projections show areas and shapes at higher latitudes with considerable distortion. This article introduces a new compromise cylindrical map projection that adjusts the distribution of parallels to the aspect ratio of a canvas. The goal of designing this projection was to show land masses at central latitudes with a visually balanced appearance similar to how they appear on a globe. The projection was constructed using a visual design procedure where a series of graphically optimized projections was defined for a select number of aspect ratios. The visually designed projections were approximated by polynomial expressions that define a cylindrical projection for any height-to-width ratio between 0.3:1 and 1:1. The resulting equations for converting spherical to Cartesian coordinates require a small number of coefficients and are fast to execute. The presented aspect-adaptive cylindrical projection is well suited for digital maps embedded in web pages with responsive web design, as well as GIS applications where the size of the map canvas is unknown a priori. We highlight the projection with a height-to-width ratio of 0.6:1, which we call the Compact Miller projection because it is inspired by the Miller Cylindrical projection. Unlike the Miller Cylindrical projection, the Compact Miller projection has a smaller height-to-width ratio and shows the world with less areal distortion at higher latitudes. A user study with 448 participants verified that the Compact Miller – together with the Plate Carrée projection – is the most preferred cylindrical compromise projection.  相似文献   
针对数字栅格地图数据网络分发中安全高效的需求,提出了一种基于H.264/AVC的数据隐藏算法。首先,结合H.264帧内编码特点,根据方向近似性对H.264视频4×4亮度块的9种帧内预测模式进行分组;然后,在分析当前块所采用的预测模式和数字栅格地图数据特征的基础上,建立数字栅格地图数据和预测模式之间的映射关系,根据此映射关系实现数字栅格地图数据的隐藏。实验结果表明,该方法有效降低了数据嵌入引起的视频失真强度,限制了视频位率的增加;嵌入和提取方法简单快速,保证了数字栅格地图数据网络分发的效率和安全性。  相似文献   
基于MAPGIS的1:5万地质图管理系统设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对目前获取的海量区域地质图数据管理难的问题,提出了建立1:5万区域地质图数字化建库内容的管理方法.在研究MAPGIS技术和相关计算机技术的基础上,设计了一种GIS应用系统的解决方案.该系统具有数据入库管理、属性代码转换、数据分布式存储管理、空间查询、地理要素检索、地理内容检索等功能.实验结果表明,地质图管理系统为区域地质图数据规范化管理提供了基础平台,对保证区域地质数据库建设成果数据积累和社会服务应用具有重要意义.  相似文献   
To grasp the evolution of urban lakes accurately is quite necessary for studying on the mechanism of city ecological development. The study about extraction with different types of water by remote sensing technology has developed for decades. Many water indexes as the main methods are used to extract water information. Each method has advantage and disadvantage in different situation. A synergistic approach in this study can reduce the uncertainty of urban lake extraction by using four methods: NDWI, MNDWI, RNDWI and SPM. The basic idea behind the synergistic approach is to give each pixel a score based upon the agreement among the different products of four water extraction methods. According to the score of each pixel, the synergy map, which has been created by the products of four methods, is decomposed into sixteen sub-synergy maps. We use Bayesian Decision Theory to screen out the sub-synergy maps with low confidence level. The remaining ones are recombined a refined map. The overall accuracy of refined map reaches 96.44%, higher than any one of the four methods. Wuhan, known as the City of Hundred Lakes, is selected as the study area. We use the synergistic method to keep track of twenty lakes in Wuhan City changing from 1990 to 2013. The total area of twenty lakes has reduced from 130.2478 km2 to 102.2971 km2 during twenty-three years. The area of Shaihu Lake, which is the most serious of all observed lakes, has shrunk by 77.27%. And Nanhu Lake has lost 8.5 km2 of its area that is the most among all lakes. We also find 1990–2000 is the high tide of urban lake shrinking. After the year of 2000, the situation of lake shrinking has been controlled gradually.  相似文献   
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