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重力归一化总梯度的三维计算中,将圆滑滤波因子分别引入向下延拓和导数换算响应因子中,推导了其计算公式及数值实现过程,同时给出了具体的计算步骤;对含油气球冠模型的三维归一化总梯度场特征进行了分析与研究。研究结果表明,对于含油气球冠模型来说,不同于均匀球冠模型在各个深度的切平面等值线图中表现出单峰异常的特征,其三维归一化总梯度场的特征表现为:无论在过中心剖面的等值线图还是在某个深度的切片图中,只有当截止频率取值适当时才可以表现出"两高夹一低"的典型储油气藏标志特征,若取值不当,其表现出来的特征与均匀球冠模型相似。此外,归一化总梯度场等值线图中出现"两高夹一低"的位置,往往是含油气球冠所在位置和深度。  相似文献   
随着人们对网络空间的依赖性不断增强,互联网技术与网络基础设施规模迅速发展。很难直接用数字或表格的形式对网络空间进行全局的规划与管理,并且不容易发现隐藏在网络空间中的一些关键信息。网络空间点群要素的多尺度模型构建对网络空间数据的多尺度分析和可视化具有非常重要的意义。本文以网络空间的特征为依据,在借鉴基于社团划分的网络空间分层算法和基于节点重要性的网络空间分层算法特点的基础上,提出了Blondel算法和k-核分解的混合算法相结合的网络空间点群要素多尺度模型构建算法。本算法通过自动社团划分,用同一社团内的节点合并构建新的网络,有效解决了基于节点重要性的网络空间分层算法自动化程度低的弊端。利用核心节点来代替整个社团结构,显著保留了网络空间中节点的属性。实验表明使用该算法可以使各个层次网络空间点群要素的综合比例降至30%以下,较好的实现了网络空间点群要素的聚类与分层,若将网络空间点群要素的多尺度模型应用于地理空间中,则可实现网络空间地图的多尺度绘制。  相似文献   
针对现有土地登记发证业务的特点和作业方式,提出了莱芜市土地登记系统的设计思路和原则,依托莱芜市三维国土一张图管地平台开发设计了土地登记系统。总体上实现了土地登记办公的整个业务流程,为政府管理部门办理日常业务提供了新模式。  相似文献   
Sandy desert landscape is a geological product of arid climate and abundant sand materials supply in natural conditions, therefore the formation of sandy desert is an ideal studying object for understanding the interaction between various stratigraphic/epigenetic spheres of the earth system. However, until now, the knowledge about the provenance and formation of these deserts in Xinjiang, Central Asia is diverse and inconsistent, a systematic review is necessary. Ancient aeolian sand sediments in the internal areas of these deserts and their twin dust deposits in the Cenozoic strata surrounding the Xinjiang deserts are direct and indirect clues reflecting the provenance of sand materials and the formation and evolution of deserts. Based on the geochemical, mineralogical and isotopic evidences of desert sands and relevant deposits in the peripheral regions, this paper reviews the research progress on the development of the sandy deserts in Xinjiang, Northwest China. Many proofs proposed that desert sands in Xinjiang were mainly sourced from the ancient pluvial, alluvial and fluvial sediments and were eventually achieved because of the local sand supply. It pointed out that the settings of tectonic structure in Xinjiang had made sediments both in the Tarim Basin and the Junggar Basin being influenced greatly by regional hydrological system and aeolian processes originated from the planetary wind system of westerly, the East Asian winter monsoon and the topographical mountain-valley winds. However, the directions of transportation paths are different between the hydrological dynamics and the aeolian dynamics, which are decided by the slantwise structures of the basins tectonics and the regional atmospheric circulation routes, respectively, and have determined anisotropies of the transport pathway of these sediments delivered by different agents. This results in a geological cycle of detrital sediment transportation in the two large basins and thus largely increases the degree of sediment mixing, alternation and recycle between younger and older sediment sources, as well as the complexity and diversity of sand provenances.  相似文献   
移动智能终端正在迅速成为地图服务的增值平台,基于Android平台的移动GIS地图服务技术将成为研究热点。本文首先研究了移动GIS地图服务的特点、形式和模式,提出了一种地图混合服务模式;然后在此基础上,探究了Android平台下地图服务模式的技术开发,建立了一种基于自定义瓦片地图的服务开发模式;最后以客户端移动GIS地图服务演示系统为例,进行了技术验证。  相似文献   
Coastal areas are characterised by the choice of performance measures and/or reference points which may be critical in the environmental management process, determining the success of an Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) plan. The tools for the strategic control of ICZM plans are particularly important, although they are still not widely used at the local level. The following paper proposes the use of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) method of Kaplan and Norton (1992), which is a holistic management performance tool that can be used by managers to put into action their business strategy. In particular the methodology has focused on the use of a BSC process, inspired by the Niven (2003) approach for public bodies. The BSC suggests the creation of a framework for the strategic assessment of plans and projects based on the Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Mediterranean (Protocol). An analysis of the Protocol has been carried out according to the BSC model, and it shows how it can be integrated with assessment and environmental management tools, such as the Driving forces, Pressures, States, Impacts and Responses (DPSIR) framework. The proposed process has suggested a novel framework for analysing the ICZM plans of coastal managers and stakeholders. The analytical framework facilitates the examination of Drivers and causes of the ICZM strategy, the possible impact on society and coastal communities, the most appropriate measures to achieve the objectives and the practicalities of implementing such measures given the institutional context of where these are developed.  相似文献   
This work integrates stress data from Global Positioning System measurements and earthquake focal mechanism solutions, with new borehole breakout and natural fracture system data to better understand the complex interactions between the major tectonic plates in northwestern South America and to examine how the stress regime in the Eastern Cordillera and the Llanos foothills in Colombia has evolved through time. The dataset was used to generate an integrated stress map of the northern Andes and to propose a model for stress evolution in the Eastern Cordillera. In the Cordillera, the primary present-day maximum principal stress direction is WNW–ESE to NW–SE, and is in the direction of maximum shortening in the mountain range. There is also a secondary maximum principal stress direction that is E–W to ENE–WSW, which is associated with the northeastward “escape” of the North Andean block, relative to stable South America. In the Cupiagua hydrocarbon field, located in the Llanos foothills, the dominant NNE–SSW fractures are produced by the Panama arc–North Andes collision and range-normal compression. However, less well developed asymmetrical fractures oriented E–W to WSW–ENE and NNW–SSE are also present, and may be related to pre-folding stresses in the foreland basin of the Central Cordillera or to present-day shear associated with the northeastward “escape” of the north Andean block. Our study results suggest that an important driver for orogenic deformation and changes in the stress field at obliquely convergent subduction zone boundaries is the arrival of thickened crust, such as island arcs and aseismic ridges, at the trench.  相似文献   
刘寒寒  叶菁  王雯雯 《热带地理》2022,42(5):788-798
随着新型城镇化和国土空间规划工作的推进,半城市化地区的科学发展与治理已成为城乡融合发展的重要环节。基于文献计量分析方法,运用CiteSpace和VOSviewer可视化工具,对近30年来国内半城市化研究进行知识图谱分析。结果表明:1)作者与机构研究力量分散,地域分布特征明显;2)研究热点聚焦于分析北京、广州、上海等发达城市的土地利用、景观格局、失地农民、影响因素等问题,其内容可聚类为形态特征、空间界定、驱动机制、协调发展4类主题;3)半城市化研究发展经历了3个阶段,研究区域从东南沿海向内陆转移,内容从定性理论分析向定量实证探讨转化,视角也由自然特性分析向社会发展研究转变,体现出更多人文关怀。最后,从半城市化地区空间范围界定、人居环境建设、农业转移人口市民化路径探讨和基本公共服务均等化实施4个方面进行展望,旨在为中国半城市化地区的发展提供参考。  相似文献   
面向道路网络地图示意化的线形简化方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对当前示意网络地图线形状简化方法中存在需要人工干预或地图认知度低的问题,本文提出自动化程度高并能保证良好地图认知的线形状简化方法.该方法通过合理设定线形状简化中所需的阈值以避免人工干预,提高了线形状简化过程的自动化程度,并通过在简化过程中应用平滑算法,以减少示意结果中线对象在方向上的转折数,从而提高了简化度和清晰度.试验表明该方法不仅可以生成清晰的示意结果,并且能够保证良好的地图认知度.  相似文献   
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