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This work integrates stress data from Global Positioning System measurements and earthquake focal mechanism solutions, with new borehole breakout and natural fracture system data to better understand the complex interactions between the major tectonic plates in northwestern South America and to examine how the stress regime in the Eastern Cordillera and the Llanos foothills in Colombia has evolved through time. The dataset was used to generate an integrated stress map of the northern Andes and to propose a model for stress evolution in the Eastern Cordillera. In the Cordillera, the primary present-day maximum principal stress direction is WNW–ESE to NW–SE, and is in the direction of maximum shortening in the mountain range. There is also a secondary maximum principal stress direction that is E–W to ENE–WSW, which is associated with the northeastward “escape” of the North Andean block, relative to stable South America. In the Cupiagua hydrocarbon field, located in the Llanos foothills, the dominant NNE–SSW fractures are produced by the Panama arc–North Andes collision and range-normal compression. However, less well developed asymmetrical fractures oriented E–W to WSW–ENE and NNW–SSE are also present, and may be related to pre-folding stresses in the foreland basin of the Central Cordillera or to present-day shear associated with the northeastward “escape” of the north Andean block. Our study results suggest that an important driver for orogenic deformation and changes in the stress field at obliquely convergent subduction zone boundaries is the arrival of thickened crust, such as island arcs and aseismic ridges, at the trench.  相似文献   
羌塘坳陷石油地质走廊剖面重磁异常处理模拟及地质解释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用“重磁视深度滤波”方法对羌塘石油地质走廊南、北两条剖面上的实测重磁数据进行处理解释,提取两条剖面位场异常中含有的地质-地球物理断面的初始特征,然后使用最新的“重磁模拟解释系统(GM-SYS)”,以初始特征为模拟初值,以地震、地电和地质资料为约束,进行重磁剖面模拟反演,获得了羌塘盆地南、北两条剖面精细的地质结构解释断面图和栅状图。结合剖面域内的其它资料对走廊域内几个重要地质问题进行了初步的分析和解释,对羌塘盆地石油地质走廊域内的地层、基底、断裂及火山岩分布有了进一步的认识,为整个羌塘盆地区域地质解释及油气远景评价提供了新的解释依据。  相似文献   
A depth map (close to that of the thermocline as defined by 20℃) of climatically maximum seatemperature anomaly was created at the subsurface of the tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean, based on which the evolving sea-temperature anomaly at this depth map from 1960 to 2000 was statistically analyzed. It is noted that the evolving sea temperature anomaly at this depth map can be better analyzed than the evolving sea surface one. For example, during the ENSO event in the tropical Pacific, the seatemperature anomaly signals travel counter-clockwise within the range of 10°S-10°N, and while moving, the signals change in intensity or even type. If Dipole is used in the tropical Indian Ocean for analyzing the depth map of maximum sea-temperature anomaly, the sea-temperature anomalies of the eastern and western Indian Oceans would be negatively correlated in statistical sense (Dipole in real physical sense), which is unlike the sea surface temperature anomaly based analysis which demonstrates that the inter-annual positive and negative changes only occur on the gradients of the western and eastern temperature anomalies. Further analysis shows that the development of ENSO and Dipole has a time lag features statistically, with the sea-temperature anomaly in the eastern equatorial Pacific changing earlier (by three months or so). And the linkage between these two changes is a pair of coupled evolving Walker circulations that move reversely in the equatorial Pacific and Indian Oceans.  相似文献   
雷电发生发展于地理空间,具有明显的时空特性,因此在地理信息平台的支持下进行各种雷电数据空间及其属性特征分析具有重要的意义。在ArcEngine的基础上,设计研发了雷电数据可视化地图组件(Thunder Map),按照数据定义层、数据功能层以及地图UI层的3层逻辑结构,实现了各种雷电相关数据基于地理信息平台的可视化表达,并提供了相关数据管理与功能分析的操作接口,为基于地理空间信息的雷电数据处理提供可视化的功能组件支持。  相似文献   
吴胜男  江志红 《气象科学》2019,39(5):588-598
利用欧洲中心1979—2015年夏季6—8月ERA-Interim逐日再分析资料和国家气候中心CN05.1格点化降水观测数据集,引入基于自组织映射SOM(Self-Organizing Maps)方法进行长江中下游地区夏季海平面气压空间距平场的客观分型,得到该地区25种地面天气型及其系统演变特征,发现天气型的稳定、转移与天气系统强弱有关。高低压系统越强,天气型停滞频率越高,天气型越稳定;反之,天气型越不稳定。基于SOM天气型转移概率,发现三条与局地降水联系的系统演变路径,其中1号路径暖空气势力强盛,副高北上,推动锋面北抬,产生江北降水型,多发生在7月;路径2反映冷空气势力强盛推动锋面南下的天气过程,产生沿江降水型,该天气型在6、7月均易发生;路径3表现为台风移动变化对长江下游江南地区降水的影响,为江南降水型,且集中在8月。通过引入SOM方法对逐日天气尺度环流进行分型,从气候态上捕捉与降水有关的天气系统的移动变化特征,体现SOM方法在模拟天气系统演变的优势。  相似文献   
三维地质模型是地质调查信息表达从传统二维平面向三维空间转变的一次重大突破。中国正在开展的三维地质填图作为国家的重要基础地质调查工作部署,将调查与研究相结合,在推动三维地质建模从研究走向实践具有重大意义。三维地质填图过程中如何准确、快速地构建三维断层模型是其中的关键点及难点。通过对数字填图过程不同阶段数据源的分析,详细分析了实际材料图建立断层数据以及与野外路线数据的关系映射规则,提出并实现了由线及面的断层模型构建方法。该方法强调断层模型构建与业务流程的一致性、动态性和快速性,构建模型的数据源始于野外第一手资料,充分利用填图业务过程中不同阶段数据的关联、约束与继承关系,能够满足在填图过程中根据地质认识的深入快速、动态地重构模型的要求,同时也可根据直观的三维断层模型时时验证地质连图的合理性。算法已在实际野外三维地质填图工作进行了多次实验,获得较好的成果。实验说明,基于实际材料图的三维断层模型构建方法与实际业务过程同步,具有操作便捷性,可直接应用于三维地质填图的实际工作要求。  相似文献   
本文运用新疆历史地震资料,分析了该地区的强震时空分布及地震活跃周期和活动图象,并探讨了强震活动与空间环境因子的关系,这无疑对新疆强震活动趋势分析和该地区强震中长期预报具有较重要的意义。  相似文献   
Hofmann  Y.  Jahr  T.  Jentzsch  G.  Bankwitz  P.  Bram  K. 《Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica》2000,44(4):608-610
The Vogtland and NW Bohemia are characterized geoscientifically by periodically occurrence of swarm earthquakes. The basic geophysical mechanism is not yet sufficiently clarified, just like detail questions to geology in especially the deeper underground. Complex geophysical investigations in the seismoactive region indicate geodynamic phenomena like mass redistribution or stress accumulation and release (Spiák et al., 1998). According to Grünthal (1989) a weakness zone is suggested in the region of the swarm earthquakes. This zone can be caused by fluid-tectonics (Kämpf et al., 1992), a mantle plume (pers. com. J. Svancara, 1999) and/or by the geometry of the geological structures (Neunhöfer & Güth, 1988). A three-dimensional gravimetric model can clear up the underground situation. By means of high-resolution gravimetry a three-dimensional model will be developped for the Vogtland and NW Bohemia region. In the first step a homogeneous Bouguer map of the Vogtland and NW Bohemia was created (fig. 1) containing gravity structures analysed by Ibrmajer & Suk (1989) and Blízkovsky et al. (1985). The used gravimetric data were made available by the Saxonian National Office for Environment and Geology, by the Czech Geological Survey, Prague and by the GGA Hannover. In the context with the interpretation of the deep-seismic profile MVE 90 a two-dimensional gravimetric modeling was carried out (Behr et al., 1994), too. Anomaly-producing source bodies apparently do not offer themselves in a two-dimensional model, because after Jung (1961) the length of a gravimetric source structure must be about four times larger than it's width. The technique of the three-dimensional gravimetric modeling by means of any polyhedrons was developed by Götze (1976, 1984). Gravimetry is a potential method and supplies an infinite number of solutions, so the model has to be developed close to other geoscientific results. The aim is to construct a high-resolution three-dimensional underground model, which includes the upper earth's crust and the deep-seated structures of the middle and lower crust, too. The determination of the mass distribution in the underground supplies contradicting or supporting facts for geodynamic views in the Vogtland and NW Bohemia for example of Bankwitz et al. (1993). The interpretation of the Bouguer map of the Vogtland and a three-dimensional gravimetric model ought to contribute a substantial, also geodynamic part to understand the origin and the emergence of the swarm earthquakes in this region.  相似文献   
较系统地研究了1954年民勤7级地震的宏观震中、震区烈度分布及地质构造背景等问题,并圈定了极震区范围,根据调查结果认为,该次地震是由于红崖山-四道山断裂在NE向或NNE向主压应力作用下,发生左旋斜冲向东端扩张破裂的结果,与NNW向构造带的复合也有一定的关系。  相似文献   
地形畸变对偶极-偶极电阻率测深拟断面图的影响   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
偶极-偶极剖面方法是一种非常流行的物探方法,但就地形对该方法的实质性影响及修正研究得比较少.我们就几种典型的地形畸变情况进行了正演计算,并绘制了拟断面图.通过对这些图形分析,可以看到在地形畸变处的拟断面图不能反映地下地质体的情况,且有效拟断面图是不连续的,需要分段处理,分级解释.  相似文献   
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