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This study compares how humans and neural networks classify climate types. Human subjects were asked to classify climates from monthly temperature and precipitation patterns. To model their learning process, the same data were used to produce input vectors that trained a pattern associator neural network. Both human subjects and the neural network classified climates accurately after 10 rounds of supervised learning. The neural network successfully modeled the rate of human learning and the ability to learn specific climate categories. Moreover, the neural network weights used to classify climates correspond to distinct visual characteristics in temperature and precipitation. These results suggest that neural networks can model the formation of visual categories.  相似文献   
 Activity-based models consider travel as a derived demand from the activities households need to conduct in space and time. Over the last 15 years, computational or rule-based models of activity scheduling have gained increasing interest in time-geography and transportation research. This paper argues that a lack of techniques for deriving rules from empirical data hinders the further development of rule-based systems in this area. To overcome this problem, this paper develops and tests an algorithm for inductively deriving rules from activity-diary data. The decision table formalism is used to exhaustively represent the theoretically possible decision rules that individuals may use in sequencing a given set of activities. Actual activity patterns of individuals are supplied to the system as examples. In an incremental learning process, the system progressively improves on the selection of rules used for reproducing the examples. Computer experiments based on simulated data are performed to fine-tune rule selection and rule value update functions. The results suggest that the system is effective and fairly robust for parameter settings. It is concluded, therefore, that the proposed approach opens up possibilities to derive empirically tested rule-based models of activity scheduling. Follow-up research will be concerned with testing the system on empirical data. Received: 31 January 2001 / Accepted: 13 September 2001  相似文献   
雷达回波外推是短临降水预报的一种重要方法。针对雷达回波外推中随着外推时间的增加而出现回波演变信息丢失这一问题,本文提出一种多尺度特征融合的深度学习短临降水预报模型(以下简称为MSF2)。首先,采用多尺度的卷积核对网络的浅层信息进行特征提取,弥补单一特征检测带来的不足。其次,将不同维度的特征信息进行拼接及通道混洗,进一步增强特征图通道之间的信息流通和信息表达能力。最后,将特征图中的多尺度信息进行融合,从而有效保留不同尺度的特征信息。利用华南雷达回波拼图资料数据,在3种不同降水强度(5 mm/h、10 mm/h和25 mm/h)下进行降水预报研究,并与光流法和ConvLSTM两种主流算法进行了对比。结果显示,在3种不同降水强度条件下,MSF2在所有评价指标(命中率POD、临界成功指数CSI、误报率FAR)中表现最优,这表明引入多尺度机制能改善模型的特征提取能力。相比于目前主流的光流法和ConvLSTM,本文提出的模型对于短临降水预报具有较好的适用性和较高的预报精度,而且实现了业务化运行。  相似文献   
This investigation assessed the efficacy of 10 widely used machine learning algorithms (MLA) comprising the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO), generalized linear model (GLM), stepwise generalized linear model (SGLM), elastic net (ENET), partial least square (PLS), ridge regression, support vector machine (SVM), classification and regression trees (CART), bagged CART, and random forest (RF) for gully erosion susceptibility mapping (GESM) in Iran. The location of 462 previously existing gully erosion sites were mapped through widespread field investigations, of which 70% (323) and 30% (139) of observations were arbitrarily divided for algorithm calibration and validation. Twelve controlling factors for gully erosion, namely, soil texture, annual mean rainfall, digital elevation model (DEM), drainage density, slope, lithology, topographic wetness index (TWI), distance from rivers, aspect, distance from roads, plan curvature, and profile curvature were ranked in terms of their importance using each MLA. The MLA were compared using a training dataset for gully erosion and statistical measures such as RMSE (root mean square error), MAE (mean absolute error), and R-squared. Based on the comparisons among MLA, the RF algorithm exhibited the minimum RMSE and MAE and the maximum value of R-squared, and was therefore selected as the best model. The variable importance evaluation using the RF model revealed that distance from rivers had the highest significance in influencing the occurrence of gully erosion whereas plan curvature had the least importance. According to the GESM generated using RF, most of the study area is predicted to have a low (53.72%) or moderate (29.65%) susceptibility to gully erosion, whereas only a small area is identified to have a high (12.56%) or very high (4.07%) susceptibility. The outcome generated by RF model is validated using the ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) curve approach, which returned an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.985, proving the excellent forecasting ability of the model. The GESM prepared using the RF algorithm can aid decision-makers in targeting remedial actions for minimizing the damage caused by gully erosion.  相似文献   
飞机颠簸对飞机运行安全及旅客舒适度具有很大危害,提高飞机颠簸的预报准确率对于减轻人员伤害和财产损失具有重要意义,且一直是航空气象研究的重点领域。随着观测手段的丰富和科学技术的进步,飞机颠簸预报也取得了长足发展。本文首先从定性预报和定量预报的角度对国内外飞机颠簸预报的主要方法,特别是人工智能(AI)方法在其中的最新应用进行了综述。在此基础上,归纳总结出AI用于飞机湍流预报存在的主要问题和未来的重点研究方向:1)飞机实况数据的开放共享以及多源湍流数据的融合构建问题;2)基于人工智能构建飞机颠簸预报模型的可解释性及物理机制问题;3)基于人工智能构建飞机颠簸的集合预报问题。最后,提出了气象领域未来第三代人工智能的发展思路。  相似文献   
鳗鲡(Anguilla)作为我国优质水产养殖种类,精准掌握其数量对高效养殖有重要意义。为实现对循环水养殖鳗鲡的准确计数,提出了一种基于深度学习的改进Faster RCNN模型。针对检测目标即鳗鲡头部尺寸小的问题,选择在特征提取网络ResNet50中加入FPN结构来作为模型的骨干网络,以提取并融合多尺度的特征;针对原模型锚框都是基于人工经验设置的,并不适用于鳗鲡数据集的问题,使用k-means聚类算法对训练集中标注的鳗鲡头部检测框进行聚类分析,获得了适合鳗鲡数据集的15种不同尺度的锚框;针对图像中存在鳗鲡头部重叠的问题,选择使用Soft-NMS算法替代原NMS算法对RPN部分生成的候选框进行筛选,以减少模型对鳗鲡重叠部分的漏检情况。试验结果表明:改进后的Faster RCNN模型对鳗鲡头部的检测精度(mAP0.5)高达96.5%,较原Faster RCNN模型(Backbone为ResNet50)显著提升了14%,与SSD300和YOLOV3模型相比分别显著提升了24.9%和15%;在鳗鲡计数上,利用改进后的Faster RCNN模型检测结果进行计数,计数准确率达到90%以上,提升了模型对鳗鲡的检测识别能力。  相似文献   

This article reviews the benefits of field-based instruction, particularly as it complements traditional classroom learning. It suggests that direct observation and hands-on learning associated with field-based instruction raise students' interest level and improve their understanding and long-term retention of targeted concepts. In addition, planning, implementation, and evaluation strategies are provided and recommendations are outlined for instructors interested in organizing or improving a field course at their learning institution. The park management field course offered between spring and summer semesters at Oklahoma State University provides an example of the major components of a successful field course.  相似文献   
为了提高瓦斯涌出量预测精度,针对瓦斯涌出量影响因素的多重相关性、复杂性等问题,结合主成分分析法和分源预测理论,对开采层、邻近层、采空区的瓦斯涌出量数据分别进行主成分分析降维,得到预测指标。针对极限学习机(ELM)存在的输入权值矩阵与隐含层阈值随机生成的问题,利用模拟退火粒子群算法(SAPSO)对极限学习机的参数寻优,将新疆某煤矿回采工作面瓦斯涌出量及影响因素作为SAPSO-ELM模型的输入进行训练,再利用训练好的SAPSO-ELM模型对陕西某煤矿回采工作面的瓦斯涌出量进行验证预测,并对比原始ELM模型的预测结果。结果表明,SAPSO-ELM模型的平均相对误差为3.45%,ELM模型的平均相对误差为8.81%,与ELM模型相比,SAPSO-ELM模型预测精度及效率均优于原始ELM模型。分源预测理论和主成分分析法的结合有效解决了多因素间的多重相关性并降低了预测模型的复杂度,SAPSO-ELM预测模型实现了瓦斯涌出量的快速精准预测,对预防瓦斯事故发生和保障煤矿安全高效开采具有较好的指导作用。  相似文献   
Climate change increases the complexity and uncertainty of regional natural resource management (NRM), calling into question the appropriateness of linear knowledge-transfer approaches. In this paper we reflect on knowledge practices among a partnership of researchers and NRM planners, under a federal program of NRM investment intended to ‘deliver information’ to regional NRM planners to support planning for climate change. We unpack ‘container’ and ‘conduit’ metaphors of linear, one-way communication invoked by the starting conditions, and explore whether more relational ways of communicating were achieved. A key theme emerged early in the research that NRM planners felt overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information available and discouraged by the irrelevance of much of it to their climate change planning. Our research-practice collaboration unfolded in this context and through ongoing face-to-face and virtual engagement over a period of two years. The collaborative approach featured joint identification of priority activities, co-design of planning approaches, and the iterative co-development of an online ‘information portal’, which acted as a boundary object. We report the emergence of a ‘knowing system’, resulting from these efforts to foster relationships and co-produce boundary objects in a particular geographic context. Our findings highlight the potential benefits of investing in the capacity of researchers and NRM practitioners to engage in collaborative research partnerships premised on the emergence of knowing systems.  相似文献   
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