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区域生态风险评价是对各种生态风险及环境问题进行评价和管理的重要手段。针对雅安地震灾区特殊的自然地理及生态环境特征,选取芦山县为研究对象,采用遥感、GIS及SPSS统计分析的方法,通过风险源、风险受体、暴露和易损性分析,建立生态风险综合评价模型,划分生态风险区类型,进而提出生态风险管理对策。结果表明:1)微度和低度生态风险区集中分布在高海拔的森林及草地生态系统,该区生物多样性丰富,抗干扰能力较强,地质灾害及人类活动影响较小;2)中度和高度生态风险区具有沿农田及建设用地生态系统集聚分布的特征,该区地质灾害频繁,地壳活动性较强,生态系统抵抗灾害的能力较差。研究结果可为地震灾区防御、规避风险及安全选址提供科学依据。  相似文献   
针对我国机场噪声预测工作中存在的问题,根据地理信息系统的固有优势,采用面向对象的编程技术,开发建立基于GIS的机场噪声预测管理系统。按照自下而上的设计思路,将系统分为数据层、业务层和用户层三级结构,并且构建模块化操作,将系统分为GIS操作、噪声预测和信息管理三个模块,通过方便快捷的界面操作,实现了机场噪声预测和影响范围的查询和分析。实验结果表明,该系统能有效提高机场噪声预测和管理工作的效率和质量,为机场规划和航班制定提供及时、准确的决策参考。  相似文献   
卫星导航系统中星载原子钟的钟差预报对于导航、定位及授时具有重要的作用。为了提高卫星钟差预报的精度,设计了一种两步确定卫星钟噪声协方差矩阵的Kalman滤波钟差预报模型。该方法首先基于Hadamard总方差确定卫星钟噪声协方差矩阵的初值,然后,使用方差递推法得到滤波过程中卫星钟的噪声协方差矩阵。使用GPS系统的星载铷钟数据进行短期预报,并与常用的二次多项式模型、灰色模型进行对比,结果表明:本文中提出的方法可以实现高精度的卫星钟差预报且预报效果优于两种常用模型,同时,该方法能够在一定程度上弥补预报误差随预报时间增加而不断变大的不足。  相似文献   
在捷联惯导(SINS)和GPS卫星接收机进行紧耦合的研究中,采用差分定位进行紧耦合的方法比较成熟,而关于精密单点定位(PPP)与捷联惯导紧耦合的研究还比较少。本文对精密单点定位与捷联惯导紧组合系统进行了Matlab仿真,利用数学解析的方法产生机载运动轨迹,通过设置系统的参数,获得仿真SINS和GPS数据;然后,通过PPP/SINS紧组合系统的仿真程序解算,将定位结果与PPP的结果比较,表明PPP/SINS紧组合导航定位的结果比PPP的精度和可靠性好,而且收敛的速度更快,同时也验证了算法的正确性。最后,分析了不同等级惯导对定位精度的影响。  相似文献   
福建省地理信息产业技术公共服务平台是福建省科技厅产业技术公共服务平台建设项目。要充分发挥该平台在推动地理信息产业发展中的作用,集聚产、学、研各方优势资源,提升中小企业的技术水平和创新能力,就要在交易平台中设计一套完善的评价方法,促进交易平台上交易双方不断提升自己的服务能力。本文介绍了常规电子商务网站的评价体系和存在的普遍性问题,并根据实际对本平台评价方法进行了初步设计。  相似文献   
系统把智慧城市建设与地理国情应用完美结合,形成时空一体、二三维一体的集成多源数据的一张图;开发IPAD版系统,把PC端的数据处理向移动端适时展现。系统具有国情普查数据的展示和分析、专题地图展示、电子地图、三维模型展示、轨迹记录,以及其他GIS基本功能。在屏幕上任意点取闭合图形,就会实时显示选定图形范围内的国情数据及统计分析数据。辅助决策者又好又快地进行科学决策。  相似文献   
研究了移动测量系统宽幅影像的拼接与量测算法。通过建立三幅影像柱面全景投影的几何关系,能够直接拼接完成宽幅影像。利用宽幅影像和原始影像间反投影变换关系以及三幅原始影像的同、异步立体像对,可建立宽幅影像与物方空间坐标间一一对应关系,从而实现宽幅影像目标的量测算法。宽幅影像的投影拼接和量测实验表明,利用柱面全景投影拼接得到宽幅影像的方法可应用于移动测量平台宽幅影像序列的拼接;在原始影像具备同步立体像对的条件下,宽幅影像量测的绝对精度可达1 m以内,相对精度可达0.2 m以内,满足城市环境实景目标量测的精度需求。  相似文献   
不同的GNSS采用的坐标系定义几乎相近,但参考椭球及其坐标实现不同,这将影响多GNSS融合导航定位效果。根据各GNSS坐标系所采用参考椭球的基本常数,计算比较了不同坐标系参考椭球参数的差异;导出了相应的正常重力公式,比较了这些正常重力公式确定的正常重力值差异;最后分别从坐标系统的定义与实现两个方面分析了其对定位结果的影响。结果表明:1)GPS(BDS)与Galileo和GLONASS所使用的参考椭球引起正常重力差约为0.15和0.30 mgal;2)GPS与BDS,Galileo及GLONASS所使用参考椭球引起纬度分量最大差异约为0.1 mm,3 cm和3 cm,高程分量约为0.1 mm,0.5 m和1 m;3)各GNSS所使用坐标框架间转换参数引起的坐标变化达到厘米级。  相似文献   
Since it was first proposed in 2000, the concept of the Anthropocene has evolved in breadth and diversely. The concept encapsulates the new and unprecedented planetary-scale changes resulting from societal transformations and has brought to the fore the social drivers of global change. The concept has revealed tensions between generalized interpretations of humanity’s contribution to global change, and interpretations that are historically, politically and culturally situated. It motivates deep ethical questions about the politics and economics of global change, including diverse interpretations of past causes and future possibilities. As such, more than other concepts, the Anthropocene concept has brought front-and-center epistemological divides between and within the natural and social sciences, and the humanities. It has also brought new opportunities for collaboration. Here we explore the potential and challenges of the concept to encourage integrative understandings of global change and sustainability. Based on bibliometric analysis and literature review, we discuss the now wide acceptance of the term, its interpretive flexibility, the emerging narratives as well as the debates the concept has inspired. We argue that without truly collaborative and integrative research, many of the critical exchanges around the concept are likely to perpetuate fragmented research agendas and to reinforce disciplinary boundaries. This means appreciating the strengths and limitations of different knowledge domains, approaches and perspectives, with the concept of the Anthropocene serving as a bridge, which we encourage researchers and others to cross. This calls for institutional arrangements that facilitate collaborative research, training, and action, yet also depends on more robust and sustained funding for such activities. To illustrate, we briefly discuss three overarching global change problems where novel types of collaborative research could make a difference: (1) Emergent properties of socioecological systems; (2) Urbanization and resource nexus; and (3) Systemic risks and tipping points. Creative tensions around the Anthropocene concept can help the research community to move toward new conceptual syntheses and integrative action-oriented approaches that are needed to producing useful knowledge commensurable with the challenges of global change and sustainability.  相似文献   
The ‘Anthropocene’ is now being used as a conceptual frame by different communities and in a variety of contexts to understand the evolving human–environment relationship. However, as we argue in this paper, the notion of an Anthropos, or ‘humanity’, as global, unified ‘geological force’ threatens to mask the diversity and differences in the actual conditions and impacts of humankind, and does not do justice to the diversity of local and regional contexts. For this reason, we interpret in this article the notion of an Anthropocene in a more context-dependent, localized and social understanding. We do this through illustrating examples from four issue domains, selected for their variation in terms of spatial and temporal scale, systems of governance and functional interdependencies: nitrogen cycle distortion (in particular as it relates to food security); ocean acidification; urbanization; and wildfires. Based on this analysis, we systematically address the consequences of the lens of the Anthropocene for the governance of social-ecological systems, focusing on the multi-level, functional and sectoral organization of governance, and possible redefinitions of governance systems and policy domains. We conclude that the notion of the Anthropocene, once seen in light of social inequalities and regional differences, allows for novel analysis of issue-based problems in the context of a global understanding, in both academic and political terms. This makes it a useful concept to help leverage and (re-)focus our efforts in a more innovative and effective way to transition towards sustainability.  相似文献   
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