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Interface damage and delamination is usually accompanied by frictional slip at contacting interfaces under compressive normal stress. The present work is concerned with an analysis of progressive interface failure using the cohesive crack model with the critical stress softening and frictional traction present at the contact. Both monotonic and cyclic loadings are considered for anti‐plane shear of an elastic plate bonded to a rigid substrate by means of cohesive interface. An analytical solution can be obtained by neglecting the effect of minor shear stress component. The analysis of progressive delamination process revealed three solution types, namely: short, medium and long plate solutions. The long plate solution was obtained under an assumption of quasistatic progressive growth of the delamination zone. In view of snap back response, the quasistatic deformation process cannot be executed by either traction or displacement control. The states of frictional slip accompanied by shake down or incremental failure are distinguished in the case of cyclic loading, related to load amplitude and structural dimensions. The analysis provides a reference solution for numerical treatment of more complex cases. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Landslides and rock falls along the highway are common geological hazards in Southwest China. As an influencing factor on potential landslides behavior, roads or distance to roads have been successfully used in landslide susceptibility assessments in mountainous area. However, the relationship between the road-cut and the slope stability is not clear. Therefore, we performed two-dimensional slope stability calculation using the general limit equilibrium (GLE)method incorporated in the software SLOPE/W of GeoStudio for stability analysis of slopes. Our studies show that the man-made roads influence on the slope stability mainly exists in two ways:One is to create a new steep slope, which will result in rock falls and shallow landslides along the roads; the other is to influence the stability of the original slope, which will result in comparatively huge landslides. For the latter, our simulation study reveals that the road location, namely at which part of a natural slope to construct a road is important for the slope stability. For a natural slope with a potential slip surface, if a road is constructed at or near the slope toe where the potential slip surface surpasses, it will greatly degrade the slope's factor of safety (Fs) and make the slope unstable; however, if a rode-cut is near the top of the slope, it will increase the slope's Fs and make the slope more stable. The safety location is different for different slope angle, steeper slope needs a higher location for a safety road-cut in comparison with gentle slopes. Moreover, the slope stability decreases when loading a seismic force and it varies with the slope angle. Firstly, the Fs decreases when the slope angle increasing, and when the slope angle reaches 45°, the Fs then becomes greater with the slope angle increasing.  相似文献   
The widespread preference for rockbolts in providing adequate rock stability in underground mines and man-made cavities make it necessary to obtain a better understanding of the response of these support systems. It is widely accepted that the fully grouted rockbolts provide better roof stability in areas of very poor roof condition which may be caused by high ground stress conditions. There is little information about the in situ behavior of these systems especially under dynamic loading. Hence, to study the behavior of fully grouted rockbolts under dynamic loading, a numerical modeling study was conducted using the FLAC3D code. In this study the behavior of three types of fully grouted rockbolts were compared with each other including rockbolts with and without head plate and a yielding type one. The results of analyses indicated that under dynamic loading the fully grouted rockbolts without the head plate are incapable of controlling the rock mass movement. Although fully grouted rockbolts with head plate damp a considerable amount of the dynamic energy through friction as these bolts slide within the grout, but the elongation of the rockbolt is not possible due to the rapid breakage of the rockbolt–grout interface. Yielding rockbolts are the best choice for the absorption of the dynamic stress wave and controlling of the rock mass movement. The obtained results show that the optimal design of yielding rockbolt should be in such a way that after dynamic loading, anchoring part of bolt has a limited movement to prevent stress concentration in the shaft of rockbolt and its breakage.  相似文献   
本文根据滁州市会峰大厦人工挖孔扩底桩的垂直静荷载试验成果,分析研究了滁州市红砂岩地基嵌岩桩的荷载有受力特征。  相似文献   
In this article, a new constitutive model for soils is proposed. It is formulated by means of plasticity, but in contrast to the precedent works, it presents a yield function describing a surface within the intergranular strain space. This latter is a state variable providing information of the recent strain history. An expression for the plastic strain rate has been proposed to guarantee the stress rate continuity. Under the application of medium or large strain amplitudes, the constitutive equation becomes independent of the intergranular strain and delivers a mathematical structure similar to some Karlsruhe hypoplastic models. Some simulations of monotonic and cyclic triaxial test are provided to evaluate and analyze the model performance. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
沂源县田庄水库农业面源氮素淋滤行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋辉  刘庆福 《地下水》2010,32(2):71-73
受农业面源影响,典型山区水库-田庄水库氮素超标,通过模拟土壤在不同降雨强度与不同降雨类型下的淋滤行为,探讨氮素淋溶释放规律,并对田庄水库农业面源氮素入库量进行了计算。结果表明,降雨类型和降雨强度只影响土壤中氨氮峰值浓度出现的时间,对其数值影响不大,由于土壤中硝氮含量较高,使降雨强度和类型对其淋出液中的硝氮峰值浓度产生的时间和数值都有所影响;农业面源氮污染通过田庄水库四条入库河流年均排入水库中的硝氮总量高达604.49t,氨氮为23.85t。  相似文献   
双肢短肢剪力墙结构抗震性能试验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据六片双肢短肢剪力墙结构试件低周反复荷载试验,量测了试件在荷载作用下的变形和钢筋的应变。根据截面内钢筋应变值采用直线和曲线两种方法拟合了截面内的应变变化情况。据此计算出各试件墙肢截面内钢筋和混凝土的应力和截面内力大小,以及各试件墙肢内的局部弯矩和整体弯矩大小。分析了内力的变化规律,并对不同肢厚比大小的短肢墙结构进行了定量评价。  相似文献   
针对近海区域海潮变化复杂且海潮负荷效应显著,而全球海潮模型在近海区域精度较低的问题,该文提出了将全球海潮模型NAO.99b和区域模型osu.chinasea.2010相结合,分析海潮对中国大陆及周边地区IGS站的影响。使用GAMIT软件解算IGS站实测数据,通过海潮负荷计算软件SPOTL对解算结果进行改正,并对改正效果进行对比和分析。结果表明,海潮负荷对中国及周边区域站点的影响主要体现在垂直方向,对一些站点的影响可以达到厘米级;海潮负荷对站点坐标的改正效果明显,特别是日本的种子岛站改正效果接近30%;站点改正效果从沿海到内陆逐渐减弱。  相似文献   
This paper presents a constitutive model for describing the stress-strain response of sands under cyclic loading. The model, formulated using the critical state theory within the bounding surface plasticity framework, is an upgraded version of an existing model developed for monotonic behaviour of cohesionless sands. With modification of the hardening law, plastic volumetric strain increment and unloading plastic modulus, the original model was modified to simulate cyclic loading. The proposed model was validated against triaxial cyclic loading tests for Fuji River sand, Toyoura sand and Nigata sand. Comparison between the measured and predicted results suggests that the proposed modified model can capture the main features of cohesionless sands under drained and undrained cyclic loading.  相似文献   
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