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We present the modeling of the ultraviolet and optical spectra obtained simultaneously on 1993 April 15 with the HST and at Lick Observatory. A Monte Carlo code is employed in the modeling and a comparison is made between models reported by different groups. With an atmosphere similar to the Sun in chemical composition, the observed spectral lines are well reproduced by a power law density structure of index around 20 except the strong H and HeI λ5876 lines which have peculiar absorption profiles. The photospheric velocity is found to be 9500 km/s and the blackbody temperature of the spectrum is 7990 K. For H and HeI λ5876, we suggest a two-component density structure which has a smoother layer located immediately outside the steeply decreasing inner envelope. The power law indices are most probably 20 and 3, respectively, with the transition point at about 13 000 km/s. In addition, this outer smooth layer serves to flatten the far UV spectrum as observed.  相似文献   
Two meteor events which were sighted in the Gujarat skies of India, were accompained by the visibility of sporadicE ionization on the ionograms recorded at Ahmedabad (Geog. Lat. 23·2°N, long. 72·30°E). The first event was the Dhajala fireball which flashed into the geoatmosphere along an E-N to W-S trail at about 20·40 h IST on 28 January 1976; the closest distance of the ground projection of meteor trail from Ahmedabad was 50km. The other event was a possible meteor group sighted over Ahmedabad on 28 May 1978, at about 21·10 h IST. This work describes the nature of the sporadicE ionization observed on Ahmedabad ionograms during the two events. Features of theEs echo during the Dhajala event which indicate that it could be of meteoric origin are discussed. Meteor theory is used to relate the observed ionization with the physical dimensions of the Dhajala meteorite as obtained by other workers.  相似文献   
实时准确地监测和分析大型建筑物的变形对于大型建筑物的施工与运行是十分重要的。奇异谱分析(SSA)是一种与经验正交函数相关联的一种统计技术。文中采用奇异谱分析(SSA)的方法,结合功率谱峰值与原序列和RC1-2重建序列均方误差最小的方法确定最优潜入维数M,研究了特长钢箱梁桥索塔的变形趋势和震荡周期。小波分析技术也可以很好地描述时间序列的时频分布,但SSA重构后的结果比小波要平滑些,更能反映出时间序列的特征。结合苏通大桥北索塔监测序列表明,北索塔站的N,E,U方向上均存在明显的趋势和显著的变动周期,而且也含有较多的噪声信息。  相似文献   
简明地描述了MapGIS对线性地物的拓扑处理使用情况和一些使用方法的实现,同时介绍MapGIS拓扑处理部分功能的应用和技巧。  相似文献   
陕西省铝土矿地质特征及成矿规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陕西省已知铝土矿产地主要分布于陕北的府谷县、渭北的铜川-韩城一带和陕南的西乡、镇巴、南郑地区;已知铝土矿都位于沉积间断面上,受地层层位控制,属滨海-浅海相沉积矿床。陕北和渭北铝土矿主要产于石炭系下统下部本溪组,陕南铝土矿主要产于二叠系上统吴家坪组底部王坡页岩段。成矿的地质构造条件是隆起区边缘。成矿物质来源既有基底碳酸盐岩的溶蚀分解物,也有陆源铝硅酸盐岩的风化分解物。气候条件是有利于使岩石中铝质析出的温暖潮湿条件。时间上有一个较长时间的沉积问断。对成矿有利的地形条件是古地形总体比较平缓,有利于铝硅酸盐风化物在缓慢的搬运过程中充分分解析出Al2O3。  相似文献   
玻璃海鞘脂肪酸提取工艺的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用乙酸乙酯从玻璃海鞘中提取多不饱和脂肪酸,通过正交实验对提取工艺进行研究,得其最佳提取条件为:温度50℃,提取时间240min,料液比1:3,提取次数2次。按此工艺提取,得脂肪酸产率为1.22%,利用气相色谱进行分析,得其中多不饱和脂肪酸含量为66.40%,EPA和DHA含量之和为15.20%。  相似文献   
对广西田东县35KV输电线路进行防雷措施进行设计时,综合考虑当地气候、地形、环境等多种因素,并进行雷击风险评估工作,给出了最佳的防雷保护方案,从而有效地降低输电线路雷击跳闸率,减少雷电对电网安全运行的影响.  相似文献   
We have designed a new instrument to measure the current flowing along balloon rigging line during flights through thunderstorms. This instrument was tested in a high voltage facility and used to collect line current data during one balloon flight into a thunderstorm. Using these data, worst-case calculations are made; as such, we claim that they are the upper limits of any alteration (to the measured electric field or particle charge) that may occur, and the real number is likely much less. It is postulated the rigging-line current could have two separate effects on the measured electric field: (1) reduction of the field due to emission of corona ions, and (2) enhancement of the field due to the insertion of a long thin ‘conductor.' Even with current as high as 1 μA (the largest measured was around 50–100 nA), these two effects were found to be about −1% and +1%, respectively. Also, the calculated worst-case alteration to charged precipitation measurements is about 0.1 pC. Thus, with proper efforts to make the rigging line as poor a conductor as possible, it seems that we are justified in stating that these effects are negligible.  相似文献   
Three fluorinated bipyridine ligands have been designed and synthesized as chelating agents for the extraction of metal ions in supercritical CO2 (sc‐CO2). The ligand solubilities in sc‐CO2 were investigated at different temperatures and pressures, and the measured data have been correlated using a semiempirical model. The calculated results showed satisfactory agreement with the experimental data. Based on these data, metal ion extraction with the three compounds as chelating agents in sc‐CO2 was performed from spiked filter paper, whereby ligand 1 showed the highest extraction efficiency, especially for Ni2+ and Cu2+. The extraction constants, Kex, of the three chelating ligands were seen to increase with increasing extraction efficiency for the same metal ion in the same extraction system.  相似文献   
宁夏南部山区天然草场不同植被覆盖度的小气候特征比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用不同季节小气候加密观测和小气候常规观测资料,通过分析西吉月亮山禁牧草场和鸦儿湾荒地近地层气温、地温、风速、相对湿度等要素的差异和日变化特征,探讨了不同下垫面下小气候变化的趋势。结果表明:封山禁牧后,下垫面随之变化,会产生所谓的“绿岛效应”,尤其在植被生长旺盛的夏季,气温明显下降,空气湿度增大。说明封山禁牧这一措施对脆弱生态的恢复改造有明显的效果。  相似文献   
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