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 Stokes' formula from 1849 is still the basis for the gravimetric determination of the geoid. The modification of the formula, originating with Molodensky, aims at reducing the truncation error outside a spherical cap of integration. This goal is still prevalent among various modifications. In contrast to these approaches, some least-squares types of modification that aim at reducing the truncation error, as well as the error stemming from the potential coefficients, are demonstrated. The least-squares estimators are provided in the two cases that (1) Stokes' kernel is a priori modified (e.g. according to Molodensky's approach) and (2) Stokes' kernel is optimally modified to minimize the global mean square error. Meissl-type modifications are also studied. In addition, the use of a higher than second-degree reference field versus the original (Pizzetti-type) reference field is discussed, and it is concluded that the former choice of reference field implies increased computer labour to achieve the same result as with the original reference field. Received: 14 December 1998 / Accepted: 4 October 1999  相似文献   
利用系统聚类分析和相关分析方法,根据1953--2005年内蒙古东部产粮区48个气象站的气象资料.进行了气候相似区划分;并得出各区在热量、水分的时间变化上具有较高的区域一致性。据此,以区域内各站点的温度、降水和日照时数的平均值作为区域热水光时间序列,分析了各气候要素变化特征及其对农业可能产生的影响。结果表明:各区域温度呈上升趋势,增温速率(平均增温为0.3-0.4℃/10a)高于中国平均增温速率(0.22℃/10a),增温幅度呈从西向东递增的趋势,平均最低气温增幅最大,平均最高气温增温幅度与海拔呈正相关,尤以1988年以后变暖趋势最为明显;降水量基本呈减少趋势,年代际波动较大;20世纪90年代至今,内蒙古东部产粮区生长季降水明显减少,气温迅速升高,暖千化趋势表现明显,温差减小和日照时数减少,水热匹配格局发生改变,粮食产量出现减少趋势的可能性较大。  相似文献   
二维视电阻率断面的快速最小二乘反演   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
快速最小二乘反演是以平滑限定的最小二乘方法为基础,是对二维视电阻率断面进行反演的一种方法。反演过程不需要提供初始模型,在首次迭代时使用一均匀介质地下模型作为初始模型,该模型的视电阻率偏导数值可以用解析法得到。在后面的迭代中,使用了拟牛顿法去修改每一次迭代的偏导数矩阵,避免了偏导数矩阵的直接计算,从而减少了计算时间和存储空间。同时运用牛顿矩阵校正技术解最小二乘方程组也减少了大量的计算时间。总之,该方  相似文献   
We have developed a least-squares method to determine simultaneously the depth and the width of a buried thick dipping dike from residualized magnetic data using filters of successive window lengths. The method involves using a relationship between the depth and the half-width of the source and a combination of windowed observations. The relationship represents a family of curves (window curves). For a fixed window length, the depth is determined for each half-width value by solving one nonlinear equation of the form f (z) = 0 using the least-squares method. The computed depths are plotted against the width values representing a continuous curve. The solution for the depth and the width of the buried dike is read at the common intersection of the window curves. The method involves using a dike model convolved with the same moving average filter as applied to the observed data. As a result, this method can be applied to residuals as well as to measured magnetic data. Procedures are also formulated to estimate the amplitude coefficient and the index parameter. The method is applied to theoretical data with and without random errors. The validity of the method is tested on airborne magnetic data from Canada and on a vertical component magnetic anomaly from Turkey. In all cases examined, the model parameters obtained are in good agreement with the actual ones and with those given in the published literature.  相似文献   
An iterative algorithm to calculate mutual correlation using hierarchical key points and the search space mark principle is proposed. An effective algorithm is designed to improve the matching speed. By hierarchical key point algorithm and mutual correlation coefficients of the matching images, the important points can be iteratively calculated in the images hierarchically, and the correlation coefficient can be obtained with satisfactory precision. Massive spots in the parameter space which are impossible to match can be removed by the search space mark principle. Two approximate continuities in the correlation image matching process, the image gray level distribution continuity and the correlation coefficient value in the parameter space continuity, are considered in the method. The experiments show that the new algorithm can greatly enhance matching speed and achieve accurate matching results.  相似文献   
近景摄影测量数据处理过程中,控制点的识别和定位需要耗费时间和人力,但该环节也是实现近景摄影测量数据自动处理的关键所在。设计了一种具有抗仿射变换特征的控制点,并将模板匹配和Harris特征点提取算法结合,实现了控制点的自动识别与定位,提高了数据处理自动化程度,并通过实验证明了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   
基于偏最小二乘回归技术对纹理特征进行线性组合,得到新的纹理特征来进行分类。实验表明,组合后的纹理特征不但提高了纹理分类的性能,而且具有一定的数据自适应能力。  相似文献   
土壤铅含量高光谱遥感反演中波段选择方法研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用高光谱遥感数据进行了南京郊外土壤重金属元素铅的含量反演,由于高光谱数据波段众多,波段选择或变换至关重要。比较了基于次贪婪的前向选择模型的最小角度拟合和基于遗传算法进行波段选择的最小二乘和偏最小二乘拟合,结果发现基于遗传算法的偏最小二乘反演结果优于全波段的偏最小二乘,表明波段选择在高光谱反演重金属中是有益的。尽管采取了波段选择后的各方法在反演时均能达到70%以上的训练精度,但因遗传算法搜索的解空间范围更宽广,使得基于遗传算法的偏最小二乘优于前向选择模型的最小角度拟合。最后还比较了基于遗传算法的普通最小二乘和偏最小二乘拟合,结果表明偏最小二乘更优,因此在高光谱反演重金属含量当中,偏最小二乘精度较高,而在波段选择方法中,遗传算法更优。  相似文献   
一种机载雷达点云数据的快速分类方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机载激光雷达扫描技术可以以点云形式快速获取地形表面高精度三维信息。基于激光雷达扫描数据及建筑物本身的拓扑信息就可以对建筑物进行精确的重建,而重建中最关键的技术是对点云数据进行分类,进而进行地物识别。对大规模三维点云数据进行快速分类,提出一种采用区域分割结合基于最小二乘平差的多项式拟合方法,将大量离散的三维点云分割后进行多项式拟合,并将二维数据分类转化为一维数据分类。在分类的基础上,将建筑物几何规则作为约束条件提取了房屋边缘。实验分析表明,该方法既能去除多余噪声,又能有效保留特征点,分类的总误差率低于3%。  相似文献   
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