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龙晓君  李小建 《地理科学》2017,37(10):1577-1584
使用SRTM DEM、土地覆被、冻融侵蚀、河流沟谷等多源数据,对区分海拔等级的指标地物作了具体分析,以指标地物的平均海拔为依据,通过分级指标对象(如冰川、林线)分布高程重合或贴近的多条等高线圈形成分级等高平面,对陆地地貌进行切割划分,用每组指标对象偏离等高平面的值作为控制量(控制点),插值重构分级参考曲面。该方案最大限度突出指标的地理意义,形成的海拔分级结果与中国地理系统分布特征更为贴近,可以为中国大尺度地貌基本形态的划分提供参考。  相似文献   
High-performance simulation of flow dynamics remains a major challenge in the use of physical-based, fully distributed hydrologic models. Parallel computing has been widely used to overcome efficiency limitation by partitioning a basin into sub-basins and executing calculations among multiple processors. However, existing partition-based parallelization strategies are still hampered by the dependency between inter-connected sub-basins. This study proposed a particle-set strategy to parallelize the flow-path network (FPN) model for achieving higher performance in the simulation of flow dynamics. The FPN model replaced the hydrological calculations on sub-basins with the movements of water packages along the upstream and downstream flow paths. Unlike previous partition-based task decomposition approaches, the proposed particle-set strategy decomposes the computational workload by randomly allocating runoff particles to concurrent computing processors. Simulation experiments of the flow routing process were undertaken to validate the developed particle-set FPN model. The outcomes of hourly outlet discharges were compared with field gauged records, and up to 128 computing processors were tested to explore its speedup capability in parallel computing. The experimental results showed that the proposed framework can achieve similar prediction accuracy and parallel efficiency to that of the Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN)-based Real-Time Integrated Basin Simulator (tRIBS).  相似文献   
利用2003年小江流域的TM影像,结合实地调查,再根据流域地质分布和地貌发育情况,将流域地貌类型划分为岩溶地貌和非岩溶地貌两个一级类型景观,在此基础上,根据地貌发育程度结合高程情况,将岩溶区又划分为6个岩溶景观,非岩溶地貌分为两个二级类型景观。应用景观生态学原理,并通过Fragstats 3.3软件在流域尺度上计算了一些相关指标。结果表明:岩溶区的景观生态特征总体上体现了其生态环境的特殊性和脆弱性,地表水资源溃乏,土层薄、土壤资源零星分布且易流失,造成未利用地面积大,石漠化现象严重,土地利用程度低的特点。非岩溶区景观生态由于耕地和林地占绝对优势,石漠化面积少,香农多样性指数和均匀度低,景观的异质性较低,结构较为简单。  相似文献   
平缓地区地形湿度指数的计算方法   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
地形湿度指数( topographic wetness index) 可定量模拟流域内土壤水分的干湿状况, 在流域 的土壤及分布式水文模型等研究中具有重要的意义。但现有的地形湿度指数计算方法在应用于 地形平缓地区时会得到明显不合理的结果, 即在河谷地区内, 地形湿度指数仅在狭窄的汇水线上 数值较高, 而在汇水线以外的位置则阶跃式地变为异常低的地形湿度指数值。本文针对此问题对 地形湿度指数的计算方法提出改进: 以多流向算法MFD- fg 计算汇水面积, 相应地以最大下坡计 算地形湿度指数, 再基于一个正态分布函数对河谷平原地区内的地形湿度指数进行插值处理。应 用结果表明, 所得地形湿度指数的空间分布不但能合理地反映平缓地区坡面上的水分分布状况, 并且在河谷地区内地形湿度指数值也都比较高, 其空间分布呈平滑过渡, 因而整个研究区域的水 分分布状况得到了比较合理的反映。  相似文献   
回顾了我国现行矿产储量分类分级标准的制订情况,分析了其存在的主要问题。简要介绍了《联合国国际储量/ 资源分类框架》。通过新颁发的《固体矿产资源/ 储量分类》国家标准与我国现行分类及联合国框架的对比,阐述了其主要特点及实施意义。  相似文献   
分布于济南东部六山圈—大有一带的侵入岩,为燕山早期同一岩浆热事件多次侵入形成的杂岩体,依其形成顺序可划分为山张庄、西杜、大有、赵家鹊山四个单元,归并为埠村超单元。该超单元的形成与幔源基性岩浆上侵及同源岩浆分异产生的中偏基性—中性岩浆多次侵入有关,属热气球式膨胀与火山口塌陷复合就位机制。  相似文献   
黄土沟谷是黄土地貌中最有活力、最具变化、最富特色的对象单元,黄土高原千沟万壑的地貌形态以及触目惊心的侵蚀状态也让区域内沟谷地貌的形成、发育及演化问题成为研究中焦点及前沿性科学问题。近年来,诸多学者采用地学测年法、特征表达法、监测模拟法力图实现对黄土沟谷发育演化进程中“过去-现代-未来”的科学认知。这些研究在相当程度上丰富了黄土沟谷发育过程的认知。本文梳理了黄土高原沟谷地貌演化相关研究的现状,并从黄土高原地貌演化、黄土沟谷发育、基于DEM的沟谷信息提取与表达等研究进行了系统的回顾、梳理与分析。此外,本文提出“黄土沟道剖面群组”概念与方法,试图从新的视角审视黄土沟谷地貌发育演化过程。沟道剖面在黄土沟谷发育演化进程中传递物质能量和累积地形动力,并通过径流节点的串联实现剖面群的连接与组合,形成独特的剖面“群组”模式;该沟道剖面群组是集黄土沟谷地貌特征与过程于一体的综合信息集成体,其三维空间结构是对黄土沟谷地貌发育演化的高度抽象与映射,并可望进一步丰富黄土高原数字地形分析理论与方法体系,为黄土高原黄土地貌成因机理与空间分异格局带来创新的认识。  相似文献   
太阳成像光谱探测是诊断太阳大气磁场和热力学参数的主要手段. 傅里叶变换太阳光谱仪(Fourier Transform Solar Spectrometer, FTSS)具有宽波段的优势, 是当前中红外高分辨率太阳光谱探测的最佳选择. FTSS通过采集目标辐射等光程差干涉图, 反演获得光谱图, 等光程差采样的间隔决定了反演光谱波长范围. 因此从FTSS宽波段光谱观测对不同等光程差采样间隔需求出发, 基于现场可编程门阵列(Field Programmable Gate Array, FPGA)技术, 采用全数字分频、倍频方案, 设计了一套宽波段FTSS等光程差采样系统. 采用分布式余数补偿方法, 有效解决了在参考激光干涉信号倍频过程中, 输出采样信号在输出信号周期间误差累积问题, 并降低了输出采样信号的误差及非均匀性; 经功能仿真及实验测试, 系统在200Hz--50kHz频率范围内, 频率误差delta $<$ 0.04%, 可有效满足FTSS的300nm--25μm宽波段的光谱观测数据采集需求, 为后续可见和红外波段FTSS的研制奠定了技术基础.  相似文献   
The frequency-dependent amplification for rock (NEHRP-class B) sites was studied using earthquake ground-motion database collected in Taiwan during implementation of the Taiwan Strong Motion Instrumentation Program. The database used includes several hundred records from earthquakes of ML 4.0–7.3 occurred between 1993 and 2004. The characteristics of amplification were evaluated using the well-known technique of horizontal-to-vertical Fourier spectral ratio (H/V) of the S-wave phase [Lermo J, Chavez-Garcia FJ. Site effect evaluation using spectral ratios with only one station. Bull Seism Soc Am 1993;83:1574–94]. The study allows us to analyze peculiarities of rock sites amplification in Northern and Eastern Taiwan. It was suggested to divide the NEHRP-class B site amplification into four types based on frequency of maximum amplification and the shape of amplification function. The applicability of the technique was also checked for a few stiff and soft soil sites (NEHRP-classes D and E).  相似文献   
As sea level is projected to rise throughout the twenty-first century due to climate change, there is a need to ensure that sea level rise (SLR) models accurately and defensibly represent future flood inundation levels to allow for effective coastal zone management. Digital elevation models (DEMs) are integral to SLR modelling, but are subject to error, including in their vertical resolution. Error in DEMs leads to uncertainty in the output of SLR inundation models, which if not considered, may result in poor coastal management decisions. However, DEM error is not usually described in detail by DEM suppliers; commonly only the RMSE is reported. This research explores the impact of stated vertical error in delineating zones of inundation in two locations along the Devon, United Kingdom, coastline (Exe and Otter Estuaries). We explore the consequences of needing to make assumptions about the distribution of error in the absence of detailed error data using a 1 m, publically available composite DEM with a maximum RMSE of 0.15 m, typical of recent LiDAR-derived DEMs. We compare uncertainty using two methods (i) the NOAA inundation uncertainty mapping method which assumes a normal distribution of error and (ii) a hydrologically correct bathtub method where the DEM is uniformly perturbed between the upper and lower bounds of a 95% linear error in 500 Monte Carlo Simulations (HBM+MCS). The NOAA method produced a broader zone of uncertainty (an increase of 134.9% on the HBM+MCS method), which is particularly evident in the flatter topography of the upper estuaries. The HBM+MCS method generates a narrower band of uncertainty for these flatter areas, but very similar extents where shorelines are steeper. The differences in inundation extents produced by the methods relate to a number of underpinning assumptions, and particularly, how the stated RMSE is interpreted and used to represent error in a practical sense. Unlike the NOAA method, the HBM+MCS model is computationally intensive, depending on the areas under consideration and the number of iterations. We therefore used the HBM+ MCS method to derive a regression relationship between elevation and inundation probability for the Exe Estuary. We then apply this to the adjacent Otter Estuary and show that it can defensibly reproduce zones of inundation uncertainty, avoiding the computationally intensive step of the HBM+MCS. The equation-derived zone of uncertainty was 112.1% larger than the HBM+MCS method, compared to the NOAA method which produced an uncertain area 423.9% larger. Each approach has advantages and disadvantages and requires value judgements to be made. Their use underscores the need for transparency in assumptions and communications of outputs. We urge DEM publishers to move beyond provision of a generalised RMSE and provide more detailed estimates of spatial error and complete metadata, including locations of ground control points and associated land cover.  相似文献   
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