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Belemnite guards of Cretaceous and Jurassic age were found to contain varying amounts of quartz deposited both on the external surface and inside the rostrum. The oxygen isotopic composition of coexisting carbonate, quartz and phosphate from the same rostrum was measured according to well-established techniques. None of these compounds showed isotopic values in equilibrium with one another. Assuming δ18O values of the diagenetic water within the range of meteoric waters, the δ18O(SiO2) yield temperatures in agreement with the apparent secondary origin of this phase. The δ18O(CO32−) range, with a certain continuity, between −10.8 and +0.97 PDB-1 with most of the intermediate values being within the range of the carbonate isotopic values of Mesozoic fossils. The most positive isotopic results obtained from phosphate are close to +23/+24‰ (V-SMOW). They can hardly be related to a secondary origin of the phosphate, or to the presence of diagenetic effects, since these results are among the most positive ever measured on phosphate. As far as we know there is no widespread diagenetic process determining an 18O enrichment of phosphate. The very low concentration of phosphate did not allow the determination of its mineralogical composition. All the available δ18O(PO43−) values from belemnite and non-belemnite fossils of marine origin of Tertiary and Mesozoic age are reported along with the newly measured belemnites. The following conclusions may be drawn from the data reported: (1) the pristine oxygen isotope composition of fossil marine organisms (either carbonate or phosphate) may easily undergo fairly large changes because of oxygen isotope exchange processes with diagenetic water; this process is apparent even in the case of geologically recent fossils; (2) the δ18O(PO43−) of belemnite rostra seems to be, at least in the case of the most positive results, in isotopic equilibrium with environmental water because of the similarity between the results from Cretaceous belemnites and the results from Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary pelecypods and fish teeth; 3) if so, the only feasible interpretation that can be suggested for the 18O enriched data is the possibility of a relatively large variation of the oxygen isotopic composition of ocean paleowater from Jurassic to recent time.  相似文献   
The methods used for a building seismic hazard evaluation are presented with the associated results. The goals of the study are (1) to check the soil nature and the existence or not of a possible site effect around the installation and (2) to characterize the dynamic behavior of the building using ambient vibration records.

The results of the soil study with the Nakamura method are very difficult to interpret because they are not stable in space and time. The spectral ratios method has been used with regional earthquake records. The results of the application of this method allowed us to conclude that the installation was free of site effect.

The ambient vibration measurements on the building brought the conclusion to determine the first and second modes of the structure. These results have been used to calibrate numerical model. The modal shapes in plan (high roof) and in elevation (main column) have been evaluated. The damping of the building has been computed using ambient vibration records.  相似文献   

坝上高原安固里淖粒度年纹层与环境变化   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
在安固里淖湖心区获取一未扰动沉积物样柱,分析发现了由冬季风搬运物与湖心沉积共同形成的粒度年纹层,建立了纹层年表,恢复了安固里淖湖区8507aB.P,以来的环境变化过程。8507-5429aB.P。冬季风活动较弱,后期的所波动;5429-3244aB.P.冬季风活动较强,3244-2494aB.P。冬季风活动减弱;2494-1165aB.P。冬季风活动略有增强;1165aB.P以来,冬季风活动减弱。安固里小淖粒度年纹层反映的冬季风变化情况与我国北方地区同期的环境变化和海平面变化有很好的对应关系。  相似文献   
该文指出 :王化云的治黄思想 ,“上拦下排、两岸分滞、蓄水拦沙、宽河固堤、除害兴利、综合利用” ,实际上是治理黄河的系统工程 ,2 1世纪应该继承和发展黄河系统工程的方略。黄河地处中国腹地 ,是中华民族的摇篮 ,当今高新科技的发展 ,足以从更大的范围 ,以全国的水资源、土资源为核心来考虑黄河的建设。统一计算水资源中的大气水、地表水、地下水、壤中水、生态水、环境水、生产水、生活水 ;统一计算土资源中的土壤资源、沙资源、沙石资源 ,真正按照地理系统工程来建设黄河。  相似文献   
在分布式土壤侵蚀过程模型中 ,承载数据以及进行运算的最小单元 ,即基本地块的选取是非常关键的 ,它直接关系到模型的模拟精度和运算数据量。目前大多数分布式模型都采用平均布设矩形网格的方法 ,这种方法在基本网格的大小选取上存在着盲目性和不统一性。本文以黄土高原丘陵沟壑区为例 ,利用GIS和SPSS分析了黄土高原丘陵沟壑区属性均一的基本地块在面积上的统计规律 ,给出了基本地块选取的合理依据 ,以促进建立更好的分布式模型  相似文献   
土地持续利用的五维空间分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
土地资源的持续利用是人类社会发展的基础,文章较为系统地提出了时间,空间,用途,技术和制度是实现土地资源持续利用的五维空间,并对各维度的内涵进行了较为深入的分析。其中,土地持续利用的时间维主要表现为从伦理角度考虑如何在代际间合理分配土地资源,使代际间利益之和最大;空间维则要求实现土地利用在空间上的合理布局;胜任维要求将土地资源合理配置到各种用途上,从而使人们从土地所提供的产品和劳各中获得的总效用最大;技术维选择意味着土地利用的直接或间接技术的选用能够保证土地的永续使用;制度维要求制度建设适应土地利用情况的变化,通过消除不同的土地制度之间存在着的外部利润来实现土地资源的最优配置。  相似文献   
泥石流多发干旱河谷区植被恢复研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
云南东北部东川小江流域的干旱河谷土地退化十分严重,土地表层的砾石含量已超过60%,有机质含量、全氮、有效氮、有效磷、有效钾的含量相对于残存燥红土明显下降。草坡是当地的主要植被类型,并未起到防治土地退化的应有作用。以合欢(Leucaena glauca)、马桑(Coriaria sinica)种植为主的恢复方式对土地的恢复有明显的改善作用。高密度的乔木树种合欢的种植使林下的草本物种的数量和组成发生了极大变化,较耐荫的植物占据了林分下层,且物种数量较草坡减少,群落多样性指数降低。三种马桑种植方式下,不但原有的草坡群落的物种仍有大量的生存空间,而且为一些新物种创造了生存环境,从而使物种的种类较原有草坡地增加,提高了群落的多样性指数。合欢种植的生物量最高,对解决当地薪柴严重短缺意义重大,马桑种植在增加灌木层生物量的同时,并未改变草坡的物种组成,还可兼顾解决当地的饲草和放牧,应大力推广。  相似文献   
云南省金沙江流域土壤流失方程研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
云南金沙江流域是长江中上游水土流失最严重的区域。本项研究以“通用土壤流失方程”(USLE)为蓝本,运用小区实验等手段,综合分析了各个侵蚀因子,建立了云南金沙江流域土壤流失方程A=R·K·LS·c·P,并确定了方程中诸因子的求算方法和数值,以及该流域土壤允许流失量,为方程的应用提供了基本的技术数据。同时,还进行了方程的检验,方程计算值与小区实测值的相对误差在6.3%以下,表明该方程在实际应用中是可靠的。该方程的建立,可为云南金沙江流域预测预报土壤侵蚀,制定土地合理利用规划方案、水土保持措施和土地生态安全格局提供了一套可靠的科学方法和依据。  相似文献   
在应用新近建立的云南金沙江流域土壤流失方程测算该流域各县(市、区)年均土壤流失总量和各地类年均 土壤流失量基础上,分析了该流域水土流失的总体特征、各地类水土流失特征和不同坡度级坡耕地的水土流失特 征,为因地制宜地防治水土流失提供了依据。  相似文献   
A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of different crop sequences on water use, growth and yield of green gram (Vigna radiata (L) Wilezek) during 1992-93 and 1993-94 under rainfed upland condition in Indo-Gangetic plains of West Bengal. Green gram sown in the month of March as pre-rainy (summer) season crop, as and when the winter crops vacated the land, produced highest dry matter of 372 gm-2 which was significantly highest in black gram-yellow sarson sequence.The results of the field experimentation revealed that green gram gave highest grain yield to the extent of 10.80 q/ha when sown after black gram (rainy season) followed by yellow sarson (winter season) while the crop produced 10.63 q/ha under sesame-yellow sarson sequence. Highest water use of 267mm was achieved in green gram under black gram-yellow sarson sequence and the crop gave water use efficiency of 4.07 kg ha-1mm-1 under black gram-yellow sarson sequences.  相似文献   
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