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用 A(b)指数判断图象以后有无主震,其效果颇好。A(b)指数能将有主震 M_L≥5.0与有主震 M_L≤4.7(或无主震)区别开来。再加地震活动的范围、强度资料的配合,能判断主震的大小。此方法的资料自检准确率陆地达96%,震例检验的准确率也高。这样的判断,对用图象作地震预报有重要的作用。  相似文献   
文章借助弹性薄板理论,建立地表沉陷变形的预计模型,并给出任意点地表变形的预计表达式。针对地下开挖空间形状的不规则性,推导出了水平空间、倾斜面空间以及不规则开挖空间:椭圆抛物面空间、二次柱面空间以及二次曲面空间地表沉陷的预计公式。本文的研究结果对该类开采沉陷问题的研究具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   
Multi-directional irregular waves are simulated on the basis of the given directional spectrum using a double summation model, a single direction per frequency model and a single summation model. Their results are compared. It is shown that the single direction per frequency model proposed in this paper can generate a realistic wave field. The effects of the model parameters on the simulated results are also studied in this paper and corresponding suggestions are given.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the effect of berm width and elevation of composite slope on irregular wave run-up. Based on the data obtained from model tests, the formula and distribution of irregular wave run-up on composite slope are derived. The changing of wind speed, width and elevation of the berm are considered comprehensively. The wave run-up with various exceedance probability can be es-timated utilizing the distribution curves of irregular wave run-up.  相似文献   
- The wave-current forces on vertical piles in side-by-side arrangement induced by irregular waves with opposing current are investigated experimentally in this paper. The characteristics in both time and frequency domain of in-line, lift and resultant forces are analyzed. The grouping effect coefficients of inline, lift and resultant forces on piles related to KC number and relative spacing parameters are given. These results are compared with those in the case of irregular waves combined with following currents. It is found that the results in these two cases are quite different. The range of KC number tested is 10- 60, the range of Reynolds number is (0.55-3.43) ×104.  相似文献   
The study of wave propagation in finite/infinite media has many applications in geotechnical and structural earthquake engineering and has been a focus of research for the past few decades. This paper presents an analysis of 2D anti- plane problems (Love waves) and 2D in-plane problems (Rayleigh waves) in the frequency domain in media consisting of a near-field irregular and a far-field regular part. The near field part may contain structures and its boundaries with the far-field can be of any shape. In this study, the irregular boundaries of the near-field are treated as consistent boundaries, extending the concept of Lysmer's vertical consistent boundaries. The presented technique is called the Condensed Hyperelements Method (CHM). In this method, the irregular boundary is limited to a vertical boundary at each end that is a consistent boundary at the far-field side. Between the two ends, the medium is discretized with hyperelements. Using static condensation, the stiffness matrix of the far-field is derived for the nodes on the irregular boundary. Examples of the application of the CHM illustrate its excellent accuracy and efficiency.  相似文献   
以一座典型山区非规则梁桥为研究对象,建立了该桥梁多维多点激励下的多自由度动力计算模型,研究了该桥梁在多维多点激励下考虑支座摩擦滑移及结构碰撞等非线性因素时的抗震性能。研究结果表明:相比一维地震输入,多维地震可使结构的动力响应增加,桥墩底部弯矩需求增大;相比一致激励,多点激励可使得支座的位移需求增大,且地震波最后到达的桥墩上方支座位移最大;同时考虑多点激励和碰撞效应可使桥墩的弯矩需求增加;水平地震作用下,矮墩上部的支座容易滑动,且双向地震较单向地震更明显,三向地震输入较双向有所增强。因此,对山区非规则梁桥进行抗震设计时应有针对性地进行多维多点地震输入计算,找出结构的最大地震需求,以期指导设计。  相似文献   
复杂地表条件下的地震勘探越来越被人们所关注.双复杂条件下的叠前深度偏移方法是解决复杂地表条件和复杂地质构造成像的有效手段."波场上延"法能实现由非水平观测界面开始的偏移过程,解决复杂地表对地下构造成像的影响.复杂理论模型的试算以及实际资料处理表明,"波场上延"方法较好地克服了起伏地形对地下构造成像的影响,取得了令人满意的效果,实现了波动方程基准面校正和深度成像的有机结合.  相似文献   
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