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Wind speed and direction vary over space and time due to the interactions between different pressures and temperature gradients within the atmospheric layers. Near the earth’s surface, these interactions are modulated by topography and artificial structures. Hence, characterizing wind behaviour over large areas and long periods is a complex but essential task for various energy-related applications. In this study, we present a novel approach to discover wind patterns by integrating sequential pattern mining and interactive visualization techniques. The approach relies on the use of the Linear time Closed pattern Miner sequence algorithm in conjunction with a time sliding window that allows the discovery of all sequential patterns present in the data. These patterns are then visualized using integrated 2D and 3D coordinated multiple views and visually explored to gain insight into the characteristics of the wind from a spatial, temporal and attribute (type of wind pattern) point of view. This proposed approach is used to analyse 10 years of hourly wind speed and direction data for 29 weather stations in the Netherlands. The results show that there are 15 main sequential patterns in the data. The spatial task shows that weather stations located in the same region do not necessarily experience similar wind pattern. For within the selected time interval, similar wind patterns can be observed in different stations and in the same station at different times of occurrence. The attribute task discovered that the repetitive occurrences of chosen pattern indicate as regular wind behaviour at different weather stations that persisted continuously over time. The results of these tasks show that the proposed interactive discovery facilitates the understanding of wind dynamics in space and time.  相似文献   
VTI介质多波速度与各向异性系数求取及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对具有垂直对称轴的横向各向同性(VTI)介质,研究了多波速度与地层各向异性系数之间的关系。采用适应大偏移距以及强各向异性介质的双平方根方程,进行速度和各向异性系数分析,并将批量计算与交互解释相结合,实现了高精度各向异性介质多波速度与各向异性系数提取,并形成了一套利用多波地震资料求取地震波纵、横波速度及各向异性系数的方法和软件。所求取的参数可用于多波地震资料处理,提高多波资料的成像质量,也可为地层地质解释提供参考。实际资料的应用效果证明了该方法和软件的正确性及有效性。  相似文献   
基于GIS的地震应急态势标绘技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了地震应急态势标绘元素的分类体系,并设计基于此体系的态势标绘元素的可视化符号库,此符号库包括:基元符号层、单元符号层和表现符号层。研究了态势标绘元素基于GIS的显示方法与实现流程,采用基于哈希表的虚拟图层控制器实现态势符号的显示管理。建设南京市地震突发事件救灾应急平台,在平台中实现态势标绘模块。通过实际应急演练,验证了本研究的态势标绘技术的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
陈晓红  周宏浩 《地理研究》2019,38(11):2653-2665
城市发展与生态环境存在复杂的动态交互耦合过程,厘清精明发展与生态效率的协同发展关系及交互响应机理,是区域可持续发展的关键环节。本文以2003—2015年中国276个地级以上城市为研究对象,采用多指标综合评价法、Super-SBM模型、灰色关联模型和面板VAR模型对中国城市精明发展与生态效率的协同发展和交互响应关系进行综合测度。研究表明:① 城市精明发展呈现从沿海向内陆阶梯递减的空间演变趋势,多个城市群具有较高的城市精明发展指数。② 生态效率与精明发展的空间变化具有一定的耦合特征,沿海地区南北方向呈现出较高水平的“生态弧线”城市带。③ 城市精明发展与生态效率具有显著的关联性特征,协同发展关系有下降趋势。④ 城市精明发展与生态效率存在双向交互的Granger因果关系,具有正向的交互响应关系,且存在一定的路径依赖特征和惯性发展趋势。⑤ 长期而言,城市精明发展对生态效率变动的影响更大。  相似文献   
目前,Inpho全数字摄影测量系统针对航空三线阵影像具有较为成熟的处理流程。但是随着摄区环境和飞行成本要求的不断提高,航线方向不再局限于坐标轴方向,斜飞模式逐渐增多。本文在Inpho系统DOM影像制作原理的基础上,对比研究交互式方位角定义在ADS影像生产中的普遍适用性,进一步优化Inpho系统针对ADS数据的解决方案。  相似文献   
Motif的功能概要地说就是对各种Widget的创建、管理和回调。利用Motif工具库为该系统设计人机交互界面的主要步骤为:根据有限元法地震正演模拟系统的总体结构,编程设计系统各层次结构的接口界面,主要包括主窗口、菜单拉杆、下拉菜单和绘图基的创建以及模型数据输入和图形的绘制。有限元法地震正演模拟系统的总体结构由四个层次的内容组成,其主要功能是:输入模型参数和排列参数(包括激发、接收参数);进行有限元法地震正演模拟计算;修改模型参数并重新进行计算。  相似文献   
区域发展和水资源利用透明交互决策系统   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
区域发展与水资源是密切相关的 ,本文提出以时空运筹模型为核心的决策判断过程透明和分层交互的决策系统 ,简称透明交互决策系统。用户可以使用此系统找到研究区社会经济发展与水资源协调的方案。  相似文献   
In this paper, we discuss the development of electronic atlas in China, with focus on the issues of visualization. We particularly categorise this development into four periods, and then analyse the characters in each period and discuss the visualization issues. The four periods are highlighted: 1) Infant period (<1990) characterized as computer assisted mapping with products of screen maps; 2) Starting period (1991-1995) characterized as object-oriented mapping with products of interactive maps/atlases; 3) Advancing period (1996-2000) characterized as integrated mapping with products of multimedia cartographic maps; 4) New era (> 2001) characterized as web mapping and adaptive map design with products of Internet maps and atlas as well as adaptive maps. It is obvious that the development follows the logical way from static to dynamic, and even real time visualization, from single user to multiple users, from presentation to exploration for effective communication and knowledge construction. Current research and development projects are focused on customisation of atlas information systems for real-time tasks, Internet operability, small displays and mobile environments. The major challenges involved in each of such customisation processes are identified and commented in relation to the further development of visualization.  相似文献   
遥感图像人机交互判读方法研究及其应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对于大型复杂的遥感判读任务,往往需要灵活地运用不同的判读方法,才能取得令人满意的效果,然而传统目视判读和常规计算机分类都难以满足这一要求,笔者设计了屏幕目视判读,改进型监督自动分类,分区自动分类,辅助波段分类,动态变化判读,人机混合判读和多组分工判读等遥感图像人机交互判读方法,把计算机自动分类与人工判读的优势相结合,对于提高图像判读精度,速度和高效率的遥感专题信息生成,帮助判读人员更好地完成各种遥感图像的判读任务都具有重要的意义,该文探讨了以上方法的特点,适用范围与实现方法,并给出了一些实例加以说明。  相似文献   
MSDP在测震台网的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了地震交互分析软件的发展历程,探讨了MSDP地震交互分析处理软件常用功能在测震台网的应用,比如:数据存储、地震定位、仿真和滤波、震相标注、地震编目、走时表等,并总结了MSDP存在的一些问题和不足,提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   
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