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熊建明  王宇飞 《四川测绘》2002,25(3):115-118
本文对GPS短边方位测量中遇到的问题进行了探讨,如仪器的检验,数据剔除率,检核测量误差的方法和方位平差及精度估计等。通过分析推导得出GPS方位边的平差公式和精度估计公式。  相似文献   
兵棋地图是对战场环境各要素及其对作战行动影响规律的客观描述,构建兵棋地图概念模型能够促使军事人员和技术人员建立对同一问题的统一认知。首先,分析了军事概念模型的基本概念及其形式化描述方法;其次,提出了战场环境仿真概念模型,据此构建了兵棋地图概念模型,并对概念模型中的两类元素和三种交互关系进行了讨论;最后,利用UML对兵棋地图概念模型进行了形式化描述。  相似文献   
顺煤层瓦斯抽采钻孔是目前最直接最有效的瓦斯治理方法,自然伽马作为含煤地层识别常用的判识依据,可以根据地层放射性判断钻孔轨迹是否在目标层中。但现有的矿用伽马测井仪器只能进行滑动钻进测量,不适用于复合钻进及旋转导向钻进,无法满足伽马动态连续测量的工况。针对以上问题,在分析了煤矿井下随钻测量工况特点和伽马测井原理的基础上,通过低压直流载波双向通信技术进行孔底多扇区方位伽马数据的实时传输;采用屏蔽开窗的结构设计,实现单伽马晶体的8扇区分区测量;基于三轴MEMS加速度传感器和三轴MEMS陀螺仪不同的频率特性,采用互补滤波的动态测量方法,克服了回转钻进过程中振动和旋转对工具面向角测量的影响。通过地面性能测试和井下的工业性试验,验证了仪器在不同放射性地层分界面能正确反映出地层放射性变化规律。试验结果表明,仪器可以满足复合回转定向钻进时的地质导向测量要求,为煤矿井下顺煤层定向钻进提供了技术保障。   相似文献   
介绍了用GPS对台站数字化地震仪地理北方向的定位方法。试验表明,定向精度优于2′,完全满足地震仪器定向精度小于6′的要求。  相似文献   
基于全站仪对任意亮星的观测采样,提出了一种利用高度角序列和水平角速率进行联合匹配的任意亮星识别算法。通过引入天体地平坐标计算程序,算法可正确辨别行星和恒星。本文分析了任意亮星高度角和水平角速率的观测误差和计算误差,以此给出了匹配阈值条件的设定依据,并在此基础上制定了有效的匹配策略。仿真计算及实际观测试验均表明,该算法具有100%的识别成功率,远优于现有算法。将此算法应用于任意亮星天文定向,定向结果的内符合精度达到2″,外部检核精度达到1.6″。采用多颗任意亮星进行定向,可有效减弱由测站位置误差引入的定向系统误差,提高绝对定向精度。本文提出的天文定向适用于多云及雾霾天气。  相似文献   
Volcán Citlaltépetl (Pico de Orizaba) with an elevation of 5,675 m is the highest volcano in North America. Its most recent catastrophic events involved the production of pyroclastic flows that erupted approximately 4,000, 8,500, and 13,000 years ago. The distribution of mapped deposits from these eruptions gives an approximate guide to the extent of products from potential future eruptions. Because the topography of this volcano is constantly changing computer simulations were made on the present topography using three computer algorithms: energy cone, FLOW2D, and FLOW3D. The Heim Coefficient (), used as a code parameter for frictional sliding in all our algorithms, is the ratio of the assumed drop in elevation (H) divided by the lateral extent of the mapped deposits (L). The viscosity parameter for the FLOW2D and FLOW3D codes was adjusted so that the paths of the flows mimicked those inferred from the mapped deposits. We modeled two categories of pyroclastic flows modeled for the level I and level II events. Level I pyroclastic flows correspond to small but more frequent block-and-ash flows that remain on the main cone. Level II flows correspond to more widespread flows from catastrophic eruptions with an approximate 4,000-year repose period. We developed hazard maps from simulations based on a National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) DTED-1 DEM with a 90 m grid and a vertical accuracy of ±30 m. Because realistic visualization is an important aid to understanding the risks related to volcanic hazards we present the DEM as modeled by FLOW3D. The model shows that the pyroclastic flows extend for much greater distances to the east of the volcano summit where the topographic relief is nearly 4,300 m. This study was used to plot hazard zones for pyroclastic flows in the official hazard map that was published recently.  相似文献   
本文全面分析了拉普拉斯方位角和起算边长的精度,指出了联合平差中这两类元素不能作为固定值,而应视为变量且赋予相应的权,并对权的取法进行了探讨。  相似文献   
杨书辰  宫进忠  董杰 《物探与化探》2004,28(1):23-25,31
以现代地层学多重划分为理论依据,以岩石地层单元组的密度、磁化率、剩余磁化强度及厚度加权算术平均值等物性参数为研究对象,以有序地质量最优分割方法为数学手段,进行河北省全区综合地层柱物理地层界线的厘定,并对其地质意义进行了初步讨论。  相似文献   
An interactive computer system has been developed to assist the mineral identification in ore microscopy. The reference file of the system consists of optical, mechanical, and chemical properties of about 130 ore minerals. The properties are name, chemical formula, color, bireflectance, anisotropism, internal reflection, reflectance at wavelengths of 470, 546, 589, and 650 nm, and polishing hardness and micro-indentation hardness. All the properties except reflectance and microindentation hardness are qualitative or semi-qualitative. Most of the properties are given as characters relative to the more common minerals. This implies that most of the identification processes advance on the basis of the comparison between a subject mineral and coexisting minerals. For this reason, the system asks a user at first to input already identified mineral names. This is quite different from the mineral identification procedures used in petrographic microscopy. To reduce the number of possible minerals, the system presents a series of questions to a user, and the user selects any of the prepared answers according to his observation. The user can also choose any desired question independently of the sequence. The user is expected to be able to recognize some common minerals, such as pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, and hematite, without the assistance of the system.  相似文献   
Motif的功能概要地说就是对各种Widget的创建、管理和回调。利用Motif工具库为该系统设计人机交互界面的主要步骤为:根据有限元法地震正演模拟系统的总体结构,编程设计系统各层次结构的接口界面,主要包括主窗口、菜单拉杆、下拉菜单和绘图基的创建以及模型数据输入和图形的绘制。有限元法地震正演模拟系统的总体结构由四个层次的内容组成,其主要功能是:输入模型参数和排列参数(包括激发、接收参数);进行有限元法地震正演模拟计算;修改模型参数并重新进行计算。  相似文献   
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