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宽范围物性约束方式可以促进物性参数在一定范围内实现耦合, 具有一定的容错性, 实现简单.但目前该方式只在全局优化算法联合反演中得以实现, 如何将其推广至梯度优化算法联合反演至今没有明确的策略.此外, Gramian约束虽然对先验信息依赖低, 但是对明确的物性关联信息利用率低.基于此, 本文提出了适用于梯度优化算法的宽范围物性约束的策略, 即"岩石物性关联+范围约束+耦合项", 并实现了基于宽范围物性约束策略的大地电磁测深(MT)和重力共轭梯度Gramian约束联合反演新算法.模型试验表明, 本文提出的算法可以提高先验物性关联信息的利用率, 且有效限定物性耦合的范围.我们将本文方法应用于安徽省茶亭铜金矿床实际资料处理之中, 联合反演结果清晰地揭示了铜金矿床的空间分布.  相似文献   
基于数值模拟的三维随机海面,从时间域和空间域两个角度对海浪的外观特征和内部结构间的关系进行了研究,得出了一些在工程应用上有参考价值的结果.文章认为,将波面看作是若干随机正弦波叠加的海浪结构模型,用于描述平稳、均匀和窄谱的海况时,其频谱分析结果与外观统计结果基本上是一致的;但是,当海面处于谱宽度较大的风浪或混合浪状态时,一些频谱分析结果必须经过修正才能应用.同一海况下,海面波动的时间过程和沿主波向的空间分布是明显不同的.当海面有突发性大浪时,外频谱能够很好地反映不平稳海况,而频谱则把这种不平稳性平滑了.文章着重讨论了波长和波陡的计算、频谱和外频谱的差异.  相似文献   
Management and conservation issues are addressed through the identification of areas of particular importance, which requires the acquisition of baseline information on species distribution and dynamics. These types of data are particularly difficult to obtain at high resolution for large marine vertebrates like cetaceans, given that dedicated surveys are complex and logistically expensive. This study uses daily presence–absence sighting data of cetaceans collected year‐round from whale‐watching boats to support the theory that fine‐scale data obtained from platforms of opportunity can provide valuable information on species occurrence and group dynamics. Data from 7,551 (daily) sightings comprising 22 species were collected from 3,527 surveyed days over 11 years (mean of 321 days per year, SD = 17) in the pelagic environment of Madeira Island. Cetaceans were observed on 92% of the surveyed days, and a mean of 15.4 (SD = 1.5), 8.2 (SD = 2.0) and 2.1 (SD = 1.2) species were recorded per year, month, and day, respectively. There were significant differences in the number of species per month (p < .001), with the highest diversity recorded in June. At least nine species, comprising 96% of all sightings, were found to use the Madeiran waters on a regular basis, such as the Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis), the short‐beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis), the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), and others featured in the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature as Endangered, Vulnerable, and Data Deficient. In addition, 10 species were found to use the Madeiran waters for travelling, feeding, resting, socializing and calving, which suggests that the southern and southeastern waters of Madeira Island constitute an area of interest for cetaceans. This study characterizes the cetaceans’ community structure (occurrence, aggregation sizes, behaviours, proportion of calves, and inter‐specific relationships) of a poorly studied region, providing important information for managers. Finally, the advantages and limitations of using fine‐scale data from a type of platform of opportunity that is increasing along coastlines globally are discussed.  相似文献   
Rock pools can be found in inter‐tidal marine environments worldwide; however, there have been few studies exploring what drives their, fish species composition, especially in Australia. The rock‐pool environment is highly dynamic and offers a unique natural laboratory to study the habitat choices, physiological limitations and adaptations of inter‐tidal fish species. In this study rock pools of the Sydney region were sampled to determine how the physical (volume, depth, rock cover and vertical position) and biological (algal cover and predator presence) parameters of pools influence fish distribution and abundance. A total of 27 fish species representing 14 families was observed in tide pools at the four study locations. The five most abundant species were Bathygobius cocosensis, Centropogon australis, Enneapterygius atrogulare, Lepidoblennius haplodactylus and Microcanthus strigatus, which together represented 71% of the total number of fish recorded. Larger rock pools containing more algal and rock ledge cover hosted a larger and more diverse population of fish. Furthermore, certain species were only found in pools with specific characteristics, such as the presence of loose shells, a variety algae or rock cover, suggesting a high degree of habitat specificity. By contrast, some species were ubiquitous and thus can likely tolerate a wide variety of physical conditions.  相似文献   
Proper incorporation of linear and quadratic constraints is critical in estimating parameters from a system of equations. These constraints may be used to avoid a trivial solution, to mitigate biases, to guarantee the stability of the estimation, to impose a certain “natural” structure on the system involved, and to incorporate prior knowledge about the system. The Total Least-Squares (TLS) approach as applied to the Errors-In-Variables (EIV) model is the proper method to treat problems where all the data are affected by random errors. A set of efficient algorithms has been developed previously to solve the TLS problem, and a few procedures have been proposed to treat TLS problems with linear constraints and TLS problems with a quadratic constraint. In this contribution, a new algorithm is presented to solve TLS problems with both linear and quadratic constraints. The new algorithm is developed using the Euler-Lagrange theorem while following an optimization process that minimizes a target function. Two numerical examples are employed to demonstrate the use of the new approach in a geodetic setting.  相似文献   
为研究不同设计参数对曲线梁桥地震响应的影响以指导结构抗震设计,对不同支承约束曲线梁桥地震响应及地震需求敏感性进行分析。采用增量动力分析(IDA)方法对比分析了不同支承约束曲线梁桥的结构地震响应变化趋势;采用Tornado图形法对不同结构参数影响程度进行了排序,找出了对结构地震需求影响显著的参数。结果表明:采用板式橡胶支座桥梁因支座易发生滑移而导致上部结构位移较大,但降低了下部结构响应,设置固定墩后,下部结构损伤显著增加;对于采用板式橡胶支座和铅芯橡胶支座的曲线梁桥,墩高及跨径对墩底曲率需求影响较大,而对于固定墩为墩梁固结形式和采用盆式橡胶支座的曲线梁桥,跨径及跨数对墩底曲率需求影响较大;对于采用不同支承约束的曲线梁桥,墩高和曲率半径对桥台位移需求影响较大,仅次于地震动参数PGA。  相似文献   
针对栅格数据,传统聚类方法大都基于专题属性进行聚类,分裂了栅格对象的空间特性与专题属性,而兼顾空间与专题属性的现有空间聚类方法又存在算法复杂、参数设置多等问题,因此本文提出了一种面向栅格的空间-属性双重约束聚类算法(A Raster-oriented Clustering Method with Space-Attribute Constraints, RoCMSAC)。RoCMSAC利用栅格数据空间邻域和空间连通特性,重新定义栅格簇的相似性度量准则,通过属性均质簇生成,空间相邻栅格簇合并和空间邻近栅格簇合并3个步骤对栅格数据进行空间-属性双重约束聚类。利用太平洋海域海表温度栅格数据对算法的可行性以及有效性进行验证,并与现有算法进行对比分析。通过实例验证与对比发现:① RoCMSAC方法能够保证栅格簇空间域的邻近性和属性域的均质性;② RoCMSAC方法可发现复杂形状的栅格簇,且算法时间复杂度低,需输入参数较少。  相似文献   
利用平差参数间合理的先验信息能够显著提高解的精度。在病态总体最小二乘模型的基础上,引入等式约束条件,建立等式约束病态总体最小二乘模型,构建该模型的约束正则化准则,并根据拉格朗日极值法导出参数的迭代解及方差-协方差阵,最后以数值算例和病态测边网算例验证公式的正确性。结果表明,新方法通过正则化准则能改善法矩阵的病态性,且遵从EIV准则顾及系数阵的误差,同时还考虑参数间合理的先验信息,其解的精度得到显著提升。  相似文献   
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