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围绕天气预报业务工作的中心,以提高预报准确率为主题,概括地介绍了目前国内动态,并提出了新世纪中预报业务发展所需注意的几个问题。  相似文献   
讨论了近年来在《G PS测量原理与应用》课程教学中对“逆向思维”教学方法的初步认识,列举了几个“逆向思维”教学实例,总结了课程教学中存在的一些问题,并提出了今后的改进方法。  相似文献   
地图自动综合概念框架分析与研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
武芳  王家耀 《测绘工程》2002,11(2):18-20,48
在分析人类的思维方式和特点的基础上,讨论了人在自动综合中的作用和地位,提出地图综合的综合策略的概念框架。  相似文献   
对全球导航卫星的信号体制进行了专利检索分析,综合考虑信号调制、多路复用等技术,分别以导航卫星的信号调制方式、信号生成方式、信号编码方式为检索领域,对全球导航卫星系统申请专利进行全面而系统的检索。在初检基础上,以空间段、星上技术为依据进行复检并深入分析,指出该领域未来发展方向。为我国未来全球导航卫星系统信号体制的设计提出知识产权规避措施和发展建议。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Adopting the persona of the nonacademic, J. B. Jackson was, nonetheless, a major influence on academic scholarship. Expertly and deftly, he played on his understanding of scholarly convention, pushing the boundaries of “legitimate” generalization and assertion. Careful observation of his style reveals eight strategies for testing, mocking, and challenging habits of mind that can unnecessarily constrict scholarly inquiry. From daring in the drawing of conclusions to the wily use of the pronoun “we,” from a refusal to defer to middle-class values to the baiting of environmentalists, Jackson at once had a good time and called much of academic propriety into question. An examination of his “game plan” gives scholars a chance to examine their own habitual practices.  相似文献   
邓明 《地学前缘》2000,7(2):547-553
震电效应研究已成为当今地球物理学界最热门的研究课题之一。与该课题相配套的测试仪器对研究工作的进展起关键作用。仪器的研制本着智能化、高精度、低噪声的设计思想 ,采用单片微型计算机作控制单元 ,以菜单设置各种采集命令 ,操作简便。具有电位和梯度两种采集方式 ,电极距为 10 0m ,测线长度为 10 0 0m。仪器启动后 ,各通道间的切换、放大、A/D、存储都是自动完成的 ,可连续采样 15h。野外测量完成后 ,可对计算机进行数据回放。在结构设计上 ,针对野外作业的特点 ,使仪器轻便化、抗震、防潮、可靠耐用 ,适应各种恶劣的野外环境。该仪器经过油田上的现场试验 ,初步证明能满足震电效应研究的技术要求。  相似文献   
Not just for fun: Using cartoons to investigate geographical issues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract:  Geography teachers have, for some time, acknowledged the value of cartoons as a means of fostering an appreciation and understanding of geographical issues. They have, however, often struggled to identify the range of instructional strategies that best facilitate their students' interpretation of this rich, yet quite diverse, form of cultural artefact. This article examines the development of cartoons as a form of political satire and social commentary, outlines the benefits derived from using cartoons as an instructional tool, and explores some of the cartoon-based teaching and learning strategies teachers employ to enhance the interpretative and communicative skills of students.  相似文献   
天气预报哲学观若干问题思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用马克思主义哲学和自然辩证法的基本原理,从人与自然,人与机器互动的科学哲学观点出发,探讨了天气预报哲学观的若干问题。  相似文献   
姚家岭锌金多金属矿床是长江中下游成矿带铜陵矿集区近年来新发现的特大型热液多金属矿床,矿床位于铜陵断隆区与繁昌断凹区的过渡部位,成矿过程受构造、裂隙和矿液运移模式等因素的控制。成矿作用分为多个阶段,矿床范围内蚀变作用强烈,蚀变类型复杂多样,矿化不均匀。当前大数据思维为地质研究开辟了新思路,采用全数据模式、从数据出发的大数据分析方法可以有效探索研究矿床。基于姚家岭矿床的钻孔数据,结合已有研究成果,创建深部数据挖掘范围,在该范围内采用反距离权重插值法建立姚家岭块体模型,然后选择三维欧式距离场及空间相关程度定量化分析对深部空间信息进行相关性数据挖掘。结果表明,姚家岭矿床的铅锌矿体、金矿体和铜矿体与二叠系栖霞组重叠超过50%,60%左右铅锌矿体与石炭系的空间距离在500 m以内, 80%左右金矿体和铜矿体与石炭系的空间距离在500 m以内。铅锌矿体与角砾斑岩和角砾大理岩的空间相关性最高,相关程度分别为40.37%和24.77%;金矿体与角砾斑岩的空间相关性最高,相关程度分别为13.76%和5.5%;铜矿体与角砾斑岩、角砾大理岩和角砾灰岩的相关性最高,相关程度分别为36.17%、16.51%和15...  相似文献   
Teaching high-school geomorphological concepts and topographic map reading entails many challenges. This research reports the applicability and effectiveness of Google Earth in teaching topographic map skills and geomorphological concepts, by a single teacher, in a one-computer classroom. Compared to learning via a conventional instructional method, students learning with Google Earth do not have different geomorphological concepts development because both settings enable students to learn with similar static representation. However, students learning with Google Earth improve topographic map skills significantly compared to the conventional instructional method. This is because of the 3D landscape visualization and prior knowledge connections available with Google Earth.  相似文献   
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