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大气中日益上升的温室气体浓度,已导致温室效应日益增强,从而引发一系列不利的环境与生态后果,并会对世界粮食生产、水资源利用等关系人类生存发展的方面产生重要影响。1994~2014年是平顶山城市化进程不断加快和经济社会高速发展的时期,土地利用、人口、能源消耗和城市植被等影响碳源、碳汇的主要方面也都发生了重大的变化。将1994~2014年河南省平顶山市城区的碳平衡变化情况作为研究对象,计算出碳平衡主要影响因素各自的变化情况并加以分析,得出有关平顶山城区碳环境演变的结论。最后,为促进平顶山城区的碳源碳汇平衡,提出实现城市快速发展过程中低碳效应策略。  相似文献   
利用四川地区GNSS观测数据研究该地区季节性负荷位移场及季节性负荷应力应变场,并结合降水数据分析该地区季节性水文负荷对地壳变形及活动断裂带附近应力应变的影响.结果表明,四川地区地表发生的季节性位移与降水之间存在很强的时空相关性;水文负荷周期性变化产生的负荷应力扰动对活动断裂带的应力积累模式具有一定的调节作用,进而影响活...  相似文献   
When P waves from distant earthquakes meet a velocity discontinuity in the earth's crust and upper mantle, they give rise to a series of converted PS waves besides PP refracted waves. It is possible to monitor the variation of the physical properties of the medium in the limited formation space above the transition zone of the seismogenic zone by measuring the time difference between the teleseismic PS converted wave and the first arrival P wave, that is, time-variation ΔtPS=tPS-tP. The advantage of this method is that the transition point of the teleseismic source with similar source is relatively stable at the transition interface, and the accuracy of the measured relative time is high, and the change of the medium in a small range of the seismogenic zone above the conversion interface can be monitored. This paper studies the variation of the travel time difference ΔtPS in focal region before and after Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake. We select 2001 to 2012 as the research period, use teleseismic waveforms which occurred in the southern region of Sumatra and Hindu Kush area recorded by Sichuan station YZP and JJS. These teleseisms satisfy 5.0 ≤ M ≤ 6.5, and their waveform signal-to-noise ratio is high with clear initial P-wave motion. The epicentral distance of teleseisms is less than 3 degrees. Then we obtain the variation of the travel time difference ΔtPS between teleseismic PS converted wave and PP transmitted wave recorded during the study period in the two stations. The results show that there is a slow increasing trend of ΔtPS before 2006, and an obvious low value process of ΔtPS appeared in the period about 2 years before the Wenchuan earthquake. The maximum decline was about 0.2~0.3s, more than 4~5 times the measurement error. The low value has a certain degree of return about 2~3 months before the earthquake. The change of arrival time difference indicates that the medium is in different states in different periods of seismogenic process. The sharp decrease in ΔtPS from 2006 to January 2008 may be due to the strong disturbance caused by the stress accumulation of the medium. At this stage, the velocity of P wave and S wave increases with the increase of stress, and the increase of S wave velocity will result in the decrease of ΔtPS. The change of ΔtPS is greatly affected by S wave velocity, so ΔtPS appears to decrease rapidly. Regarding the low value that has a certain degree of return about 2~3 months before the Wenchuan earthquake, the possible reason is that the release of stress is much higher than the accumulation of stress in meta-instability stage. At this stage, the velocity of S wave decreases and the decrease of S wave causes ΔtPS to increase. Then, the Wenchuan earthquake of magnitude 8.0 occurred. It is shown that the teleseismic converted wave method in this paper can monitor the variation of medium's wave velocity before large earthquakes, and it has a good prospect in seismic monitoring and worth further experimental study.  相似文献   
以中国大陆科学钻探实时记录网页的开发为例,介绍了在开发网络数据库时,利用Excel组件作输入界面,实现查询界面上表格的表头和表尾不动、而中间行可以滚动,实现回次滚动查询和界面实时刷新。  相似文献   
由于能见度具有局地性和复杂的非线性变化特征,一直是精细化预报的难点。人工神经网络对复杂变化过程的模拟能力较高,为解决这一难题提供了可能性。本文采用循环神经网络,利用福州气象观测站地面观测数据,建立了福州单站能见度短临预报模型,并就预报能力进行了评估。随机检验结果表明,在1 h、3 h、6 h时效上,循环神经网络的预报与观测的变化趋势一致性较好;均方根误差比基于实况的预报分别减小15.75%、31.66%、41.26%,说明具备较好的预报能力;平均绝对值误差比传统BP神经网络分别减小12.90%、24.45%、 38.99%,表明循环神经网络对能见度预报具有优势,为能见度的精细化短临预报提供了新途径。  相似文献   
针对GPS高程时间序列受各类噪声干扰的影响,导致难以提取有用信息的问题,提出一种基于整体经验模态分解(EEMD)结合多尺度排列熵(MPE)的阈值降噪方法。该方法以EEMD为核心算法,将原始信号分解成一系列本征模态函数(IMF),并采用MPE作为指标将其分类为噪声IMF、混合IMF和信息IMF;然后利用阈值函数处理混合IMF,实现二次降噪;再重构降噪后的数据与信息IMF,获得降噪结果。仿真信号和实例分析结果表明,该方法与相关系数法、MPE法相比,降噪评价指标RMSE、SNR和dnSNR均为最优,说明该降噪方法效果最好,本文方法获得的降噪结果能够更好地反映出时间序列本身的非线性变化特性,可为GPS高程时间序列分析提供可靠依据。  相似文献   
王欢  王芳  郭梦瑶 《地理研究》2022,41(10):2712-2725
在市场经济日趋成熟、购物需求日益多样的今天,掌握居民购物出行规律,对合理布局商业空间、科学规划交通路网和提升公民个人福利具有积极意义。本文基于全国29个省份174个地级行政区30591位受访者的主要和次要活动时间利用调查数据,通过GIS空间分析对居民购物活动参与率、购物持续时间和由购物产生的交通出行时间进行系统分析后,构建离散选择模型探讨居民购物出行活动的影响因素。研究发现:农村和西部地区居民购物参与率较低,但持续时间较长;城镇和东部沿海地区居民的购物参与率较高,但持续时间较短;农村地区及青海、内蒙古、重庆、云南等地的城镇居民交通出行时间较长。居民购物出行受到居民个体属性、居民家庭属性以及区位条件因素综合影响,且购物参与率与持续时间在某些群体呈现一定互斥。最后,从基础设施建设、购物中心规划布局等方面提出城乡空间布局与交通发展优化的对策建议。  相似文献   
Soil CO_2 efflux, the second largest flux in a forest carbon budget, plays an important role in global carbon cycling. Forest logging is expected to have large effects on soil CO_2 efflux and carbon sequestration in forest ecosystems. However, a comprehensive understanding of soil CO_2 efflux dynamics in response to forest logging remains elusive due to large variability in results obtained across individual studies. Here, we used a meta-analysis approach to synthesize the results of 77 individual field studies to determine the impacts of forest logging on soil CO_2 efflux. Our results reveal that forest logging significantly stimulated soil CO_2 efflux of the growing season by 5.02%. However, averaged across all studies, nonsignificant effect was detected following forest logging. The large variation among forest logging impacts was best explained by forest type, logging type, and time since logging. Soil CO_2 efflux in coniferous forests exhibited a significant increase(4.38%) due to forest logging, while mixed and hardwood forests showed no significant change. Logging type also had a significant effect on soil CO_2 efflux, with thinning increasing soil CO_2 efflux by 12.05%, while clear-cutting decreasing soil CO_2 efflux by 8.63%. The time since logging also had variable effects, with higher soil CO_2 efflux for 2 years after logging, and lower for 3-6 years after logging; when exceeded 6 years, soil CO_2 efflux increased. As significantly negative impacts of forest logging were detected on fine root biomass, the general positive effects on soil CO_2 efflux can be explained by the accelerated decomposition of organic matter as a result of elevated soil temperature and organic substrate quality. Our results demonstrate that forest logging had potentially negative effects on carbon sequestration in forest ecosystems.  相似文献   
The coupled hull, mooring and riser analysis techniques in time domain are widely recognized as the unique approach to predict the accurate global motions. However, these complex issues have not been perfectly solved due to a large number of nonlinear factors, e.g. forces nonlinearity, mooring nonlinearity, motion nonlinearity and so on. This paper investigates the coupled effects through the numerical uncoupled model, mooring coupled model and fully coupled model accounting mooring and risers based on a novel deep draft multi-spar which is especially designed for deepwater in 2009. The numerical static-offset, free-decay, wind-action tests are executed, and finally three hours simulations are conducted under 100-year return period of GOM conditions involving wave, wind and current actions. The damping contributions, response characteristics and mooring line tensions are emphatically studied.  相似文献   
碳酸氢钠(NaHCO_3)俗称小苏打,其产品质量取决于颗粒的大小,晶体的形貌和样品的纯度等诸多因素。本论文基于连续稳态MSMPR结晶器原理,研究了不同停留时间下,碳酸氢钠从碳酸钠溶液中冷却结晶过程动力学。利用实验数据建立了NaHCO_3的结晶动力学操作模型。实验和计算结果表明,随停留时间的增加,NaHCO_3过饱和度降低,晶体生长速率和成核速率均减小,相应的平均粒径增加,细颗粒含量减小;适当延长停留时间是制取高品质小苏打产品的有效途径。冷却结晶过程可有效增加小苏打产量,小苏打收率维持在55%左右。此外,一定Na_2CO_3存在下冷却结晶碳酸氢钠晶体形态由细长的针状变为规整的片状。  相似文献   
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