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分析了高原地面加热场强度距平指数与四川盆地伏旱及主汛期降水的联系。结果表明,高原前期加热强度同四川盆汛期降水和伏旱程度密切相关。把这些关系引入汛期降水预测模型对提高短期气候预测能力有一定积极意义。  相似文献   
为解决海洋中大量观测数据只含有温度剖面而缺乏盐度观测的问题, 基于历史观测的温盐剖面资料, 考虑到盐度卫星数据的发展, 采用回归分析方法, 在孟加拉湾建立了盐度与温度、经纬度、表层盐度的关系, 并对不同反演方法的反演结果进行检验评估。结果发现, 在不引入海表盐度(sea surface salinity, SSS)时, 最佳反演模型是温度、温度的二次项与经纬度确定的回归模型, 而SSS的引入则可以进一步优化反演结果。将反演结果与观测结果进行对比, 显示用反演的盐度剖面计算的比容海面高度误差超过2cm, 而引入SSS后的误差低于1.5cm。SSS的引入能够较为真实地反映海洋盐度场的垂直结构和内部变化特征, 既能够捕捉到对上混合层有重要影响的SSS信号, 又能够反映盐度在跃层上的季节内变化以及盐度障碍层的季节变化。水团分析显示, 与气候态相比, 盐度反演结果可以更好地表征海洋上层水团的变化特征。  相似文献   
土壤呼吸是陆地植被吸收的CO2返回大气的基本途径,土壤呼吸速度轻微变化也会引起大气中CO2浓度的明显改变,进而影响气候变化。陆面过程模式中更好地描述土壤呼吸过程对于预测未来气候变化是至关重要的。对于土壤呼吸的模拟研究,介绍了经验模型和以过程为基础的机理模型,以及国内外陆面过程模式中土壤呼吸的研究情况,并讨论了土壤呼吸模式中需要改进的问题。    相似文献   
GPS高程测量代替常规水准测量的技术和方法已经成为这些年来许多大地测量学者们研究的热门课题之一,本文简单地介绍了GPS高程测量的模型及其适用范围,并通过在也门Block 69的应用分析,说明了在高程异常值变化平缓的平坦地区,只需测定少量(不少于3个)较均匀分布于测区的已知高程控制点,采用平面拟合法,拟合精度就能够达到测区测量精度的要求。  相似文献   
针对高分辨率遥感影像背景复杂,道路提取容易受阴影、建筑物和铁路等背景信息干扰的问题,提出一种带有轻量级双注意力和特征补偿机制的DAFCResUnet模型。该模型在ResUnet的基础上,通过增加轻量级的双注意力和特征补偿模块实现模型在性能和时空复杂度上的平衡。其中,双注意力模块可以增强模型的特征提取能力,特征补偿模块可以融合网络中来自深浅层的道路特征。在DeepGlobe和GF-2道路数据集上的实验结果表明,DAFCResUnet模型的IoU和F1-score可以达到0.6713、0.8033和0.7402、0.8507,模型的整体精度优于U-Net、ResUnet和VNet模型。与U-Net和ResUnet模型相比,DAFCResUnet模型仅增加了少量的计算量和参数量,但IoU和F1-score均有较大幅度的提高;与VNet模型相比,DAFCResUnet模型在计算量和参数量远低于VNet的情况下取得了更高的精度,模型在精度和时空复杂度两方面均有优势。相比其他对比模型,DAFCResUnet模型具有更强的特征提取和抗干扰能力,能更好解决道路上的干扰物、与道路特征相似地物、树荫或阴影...  相似文献   
探究城镇空间扩张的方向性及其时间变化特征,能够反映都市圈发展过程中核心城市与边缘地区空间关联的动态过程,为制定都市圈发展的相关政策提供科学依据。本文从都市圈的核心城市与边缘地区相互关联的视角,借鉴物理学中力的分解原理,构建了同时兼顾扩张强度和方向性的向心扩张指数CEI,并以郑州都市圈为对象,采用2000—2018年30 m分辨率的全球人造不透水面数据产品GAIA,分析了建设用地扩张的总体数量和占比变化、动态度及强度变化、以及空间方向性变化等特征,进一步应用多元逻辑回归模型,揭示了影响城镇空间扩张向心性的关键因素。结果表明:(1)向心扩张指数CEI为揭示都市圈核心城市对边缘地区的辐射带动作用提供方法支撑,能够定量刻画边缘地区朝向核心城市的发展趋势;(2)在郑州都市圈近20年的快速扩张过程中,尽管各区县市的DEI指数和CEI指数随时间而增减波动,但郑州都市圈总体呈现“核心—边缘”发展模式,除个别地级市中心城区及其下辖县以外,多数区县市的向心性显著且随时间增强,郑州市中心城区对于边缘地区具有显著的辐射带动作用;(3)核心城市与边缘地区的人均GDP差异及城镇化率差异是影响边缘地区向心扩张的重要...  相似文献   
利用逐月降水数据和NCEP/NCAR再分析数据,分析了洞庭湖流域春、夏、秋季57年来旱涝异常的年际变化以及典型旱涝异常年份的全球海温分布形势,并利用降尺度和趋势分析方法探究气象因子对ENSO和关键区海温的响应,以加强对流域旱涝前期影响因素的认识.结果表明:1)流域在春、秋季旱涝变化趋势不明显,在夏季较明显地变湿.2)前...  相似文献   
The solar-powered marine unmanned surface vehicle(USV) developed by the USV team of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics is a rugged, long-duration, and autonomous navigation vessel designed for the collection of longrange, continuous, real-time, meteorological and oceanographic measurements, especially under extreme sea conditions(sea state 6–7). These solar-powered USVs completed a long-term continuous navigation observation test over 26 days.During this time, they coordinated double-USV observations and actively navigated into the path of Typhoon Sinlaku(2020) before collecting data very close to its center during the 2020 USV South China Sea Typhoon Observation Experiment. Detailed high temporal resolution(1 min) real-time observations collected by the USV on the typhoon were used for operational typhoon forecasting and warning for the first time. As a mobile meteorological and oceanographic observation station capable of reliable, automated deployment, data collection, and transmission, such solar-powered USVs can replace traditional observation platforms to provide valuable real-time data for research, forecasting, and early warnings for potential marine meteorological disasters.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to assess the existing concentration of 17β-estradiol(E2)in the surface water samples collected from rivers and lakes around Klang Valley,Malaysia.E2,which is a natural feminizing chemical produced in female organisms,regularly used to compare with other environmental estrogens because they behave similarly and react effectively as a hormone at a very low concentration.It was found that the average concentration of E2 in the aquatic environment of Klang Valley was(14.08 ±3.67)pg/mL,which was 14 times higher than those in the Japanese aquatic environment in this study.The river system had the average concentration of(20.02±5.26)pg/mL while the lake had an average concentration of(5.91±3.39)pg/mL.The E2 concentration was presumed high if the sources occurred nearby the area.Current levels of E2 in the aquatic environment may possess threats to existing aquatic organisms.Since high level of E2 has been discovered in the aquatic environment around Klang Valley,further studies and monitoring of E2 and other EDCs concentrations are needed to determine their levels in Malaysian aquatic environment and help to control these chemicals pollution in the aquatic environment.  相似文献   
Adsorption of copper, cadmium and nickel at low concentrations on goethite was studied in the presence of the simple organic ligands oxalate, salicylate, and pyromellitate. The experimental metal adsorption behavior was compared to calculations with a surface complexation model to evaluate the most important interactions. Oxalate mostly decreased Cu and Ni adsorption at high pH-values by competition between solution and surface complexation but had no effect on Cd adsorption. Cu adsorption in the presence of oxalate below pH 6 could best be described by defining a ternary complex of type A (surface-metal-ligand). Salicylate had only minor effects on metal adsorption. The adsorption of Cu in the presence of salicylate above pH 5 could be explained by a ternary complex of type A. Pyromellitate increased the adsorption of Cu and Cd in the acidic pH-range, likely by formation of ternary surface complexes of type B (surface-ligand-metal).  相似文献   
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