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根据高分辨率遥感影像中城镇道路的特点,提出了一种基于特征点的道路信息提取方法。首先,对影像进行增强处理并选取感兴趣的子区域,利用改进的分水岭分割理论和阈值选择算法,结合八邻域检测方法得到道路的特征点;然后,利用回归分析方法在一定的坐标系统下得到每条道路的回归方程,根据端点坐标信息得到道路信息图;最后,利用数学形态学算法获取道路骨架图。结果表明,本方法能够精确有效地提取高分辨率遥感影像的城镇道路信息。 相似文献
分别叙述了激光干涉技术和雷达差分干涉技术的原理及应用. 采用激光实时干涉计量技术实验室观测试样在加压过程中的形变,研究不同破裂孕育区所表现的不同应变异常场特征. 采用雷达差分干涉技术可以测量地形及地表形变,并且有西藏玛尼、张北——尚义等地震前后的形变测量结果. 指出激光实时干涉计量技术与雷达差分干涉技术相似,都是以条纹变化图研究形变异常场特征. 因此, 对雷达差分干涉技术测量的孕震过程中的形变场,特别是临近大震发生前的形变场特征进行观测和以激光干涉技术进行实验及对比研究均将很有意义. 相似文献
T. J. Reston W. Weinrebe I. Grevemeyer E. R. Flueh N. C. Mitchell L. Kirstein C. Kopp H. Kopp participants of Meteor / 《Earth and Planetary Science Letters》2002,200(3-4):255-269
The structure of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 5°S was investigated during a recent cruise with the FS Meteor. A major dextral transform fault (hereafter the 5°S FZ) offsets the ridge left-laterally by 80 km. Just south of the transform and to the west of the median valley, the inside corner (IC – the region bounded by the ridge and the active transform) is marked by a major massif, characterized by a corrugated upper surface. Fossil IC massifs can also be identified further to the west. Unusually, a massif almost as high as the IC massif also characterizes the outside corner (OC) south of the inactive fracture zone and to the east of the median valley. This OC massif has axis-parallel dimensions identical to the IC massif and both are bounded on their sides closest to the spreading axis by abrupt, steep slopes. An axial volcanic ridge is well developed in the median valley both south of the IC/OC massifs and in an abandoned rift valley to the east of the OC massif, but is absent along the new ridge-axis segment between the IC and OC massifs. Wide-angle seismic data show that between the massifs, the crust of the median valley thins markedly towards the FZ. These observations are consistent with the formation of the OC massif by the rifting of an IC core complex and the development of a new spreading centre between the IC and OC massifs. The split IC massif presents an opportunity to study the internal structure of the footwall of a detachment fault, from the corrugated fault surface to deeper beneath the fault, without recourse to drilling. Preliminary dredging recovered gabbros from the scarp slope of the rifted IC massif, and serpentinites and gabbros from the intersection of this scarp with the corrugated surface. This is compatible with a concentration of serpentinites along the detachment surface, even where the massif internally is largely plutonic in nature. 相似文献
为了评价主成分分析方法和决策级数据融合方法对高光谱图像地物分类结果的影响,作者利用各分类器和主成分分量的优势,提出了两组地物分类结果的决策级融合策略,利用8种常用监督分类方法对高光谱原始图像和PCA变换后不同分量组合图分类得到的结果进行决策级融合,并应用覆盖黄河入海口新老河道交界处的CHRIS/PROBA高光谱图像开展实验研究。结果表明:直接采用每类地物分类精度最高的、空穴和缝隙采用总体分类精度最高的融合策略,在综合考虑生产者精度和用户精度的情形下,仅使用最大似然法、支持向量机和人工神经网络3种分类方法,按照分类精度从高到低的顺序进行的融合分类效果最好,总体分类精度为87.82%。与8种监督分类方法中效果最好的最大似然法相比,精度提高了2.7个百分点,同时明显减少了错分现象,尤其是对于分布面积较小的翅碱蓬和柽柳,滩涂被误分为翅碱蓬、芦苇被误分为柽柳的现象大大降低。 相似文献
利用新疆北部山区雷达遥感数据,通过遥感数字图像处理与增强,生成雷达遥感假彩色合成影像应用于岩性判释。对不同岩性岩石,利用极化雷达提供的地表岩石的多种散射信息作为输入进行计算机神经网络分类,岩性识别分类的总精度为62.6%。与常规雷达数据分类对比,分类精度与岩石识别正确率均有显著提高。 相似文献
大兴安岭-燕山晚中生代岩浆活动与俯冲作用关系 总被引:67,自引:0,他引:67
本文通过对华北的大兴安岭-燕山地区晚中生代火山-深成岩岩石化学、同位素地质学的分析,认为该地区岩浆的形成和演化与板内伸展环境下的底侵作用有关,而与太平洋板块俯冲无直接的成因联系。本文展示了较高分辨率的日本海沟-长白山-蒙古额尔德尼查干的地震层析图像,揭示了太平洋俯冲板片的形态特征;再结合对俯冲时间及俯冲作用与岩浆作用时差的研究,进一步证明板块俯冲与研究区的岩浆活动无直接关系。最后通过底侵作用年代学的研究,将大兴安岭-燕山中生代岩浆活动与层析图象显示的大陆板内软流圈上涌体联系起来。 相似文献