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Natural resource management and conservation programs that promote building capacity and social learning among participants often lead to the formation of learning networks: a type of social network where learning is both a goal and potential outcome of the network. Through forming relationships and sharing information, participants in a learning network build social capital that can help a network achieve social and environmental goals. In this study, we explored social capital in a learning network that emerged through a large-scale marine governance effort, the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries, and Food Security. Through a mixture of social network analysis and key informant interviews, we examined the major patterns of information exchange among individuals who had participated in regional learning exchanges; evaluated whether the network's structure resulted in information sharing; and considered implications for strengthening network sustainability, capacity building, and learning. We found that the Regional Exchange network fostered information sharing among participants across national and organizational boundaries. While the network had individuals who were more central to information sharing, the network structure was generally decentralized, indicating potential resilience to changes in leadership and membership. Participants stressed the importance of the knowledge and connections they had acquired through the learning network; however, they expressed doubts regarding its sustainability and stressed the need for a strong coordinating entity. Our findings suggest that conservation learning networks have the ability to bridge cultural divides and promote social learning; however, a strong network coordinator and continuing efforts to support information sharing and learning are crucial to the network's strength and sustainability. The tangible learning and capacity development outcomes cultivated through Regional Exchange network underscore the value of and need to invest in conservation networks that support peer-to-peer learning.  相似文献   
The available literature on marine debris from Latin America and the Wider Caribbean Region was collected and linked, reviewing their methodologies and principal results (quantities, composition and spatial-temporal patterns). The study region comprises 52 coastal countries of which only 14 had registers of works on marine debris. A total of 70 works were available and 69 had their full contents accessed. Brazil dominated the available literature with 70% of the documents. Beaches were the most studied environment, and plastics the prevalent form of contamination in the whole region. The exposure of marine biota (species, type of contact, consequences) was highlighted. The studied region, although still little exploited by this sort of research, shows the same contamination patterns observed world-wide. We also contacted 40 researchers in the area, collecting scientific contributions, opinions and suggestions for improvement of this research field. Further advances and new (urgently needed) lines of research are also discussed.  相似文献   
陈庆宏 《安徽地质》2010,20(4):319-320,318
总结物探队人才队伍建设实践,学习实践科学发展观,解放思想,转变观念,深刻理解人才是科学发展的第一资源和以用为本的人才理念,探讨在"地质立队"思想指导下,如何引进人才,激励人才,加强人才队伍建设,以人才队伍协调发展,加快地勘经济跨越发展步伐。  相似文献   
煤矿区地质灾害对新农村建设的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河南省煤炭资源丰富,分布于六大煤矿区,主要煤矿119个。煤矿区地质灾害主要有地面塌陷、地裂缝、崩塌、滑坡、不稳定斜坡等。各类灾害造成居民住房、学校、道路、水利、电力等设施和土地资源的破坏。煤矿区地质灾害已成为阻碍农村经济持续发展的重要因素。在论述煤矿区地质灾害对新农村建设影响的基础上,初步制定地质灾害防治措施,提出煤矿塌陷区新农村建设中村庄选址对策。  相似文献   
修缮工程的造价控制相对于新建工程有其自身特点,需要从工程设计和招标阶段开始就制定严谨的造价控制计划,并在其后的工程管理中逐步实现。本文论述了修缮工程造价控制的难点和特点,并提出了解决建议。  相似文献   
农村土地违法建房问题存在多、乱、差、杂等特点。文登市积极采取应对措施,深入分析原因,认为经济利益驱使、规划不合理和引导不力、宣传监管乏力是造成这一问题的主要原因。建议进一步加大法律法规宣传力度、加大国土资源执法巡查力度、增加规划意识、建立农村宅基地有偿使用制度和农民宅基地使用权制度。  相似文献   
全域综合整治背景下的宅基地复垦项目审查是保证复垦项目合法性合规性的有效手段,针对当前宅基地复垦项目审查效率低的问题,本文提出了基于遥感影像的农村宅基地复垦项目立项真实性审查方法。首先以重庆市农村宅基地复垦项目为例,建立宅基地复垦项目立项真实性审查模型,利用改进的U-Net模型准确提取建筑物,然后与复垦红线叠加实现复垦项目真实性的智能审查。试验结果表明,该方法能够快速准确地审查复垦项目真实性,对优化土地结构、促进土地流转、实现乡村振兴具有重要意义,可为全域综合整治背景下宅基地复垦项目真实性审查提供技术参考。  相似文献   
南海区域渔船活动时空特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来海洋资源的不断开发利用,使得海洋空间规划变得尤为重要,其中以渔业资源占主要比重。为了对渔业资源监测与规划提供辅助决策信息,本文通过对南海及周边国家2018年船舶自动识别系统(AIS)数据进行预处理,采用数理统计和GIS空间分析方法,实现了南海区域渔船活动强度时空特征分析。结果显示: ① 2018年南海及周边国家渔船以区域性分布为主,集中在中国和越南沿海岸100 km以内区域,在秋季11月捕捞活动频繁,全年渔船平均活动强度白天大于夜晚,16:00 PM 时达到最大渔船活动强度; ② 中国在广东省、广西省和海南省各主要港口渔船活动强度呈现聚集性点状分布,渔船活动强度多大于100,部分港口附近海域呈条带状分布,西沙群岛相较南海其他群岛渔船活动强度较大,除越南外其他周边国家靠近南海附近海域部分海湾和港口有聚集式分布,渔船活动强度都小于2; ③ 越南渔船区域性分布明显,在胡志明港口呈现稳定的块状聚集性分布,且一年四季活动强度变化趋势不大,近岸渔船活动强度保持在50~100,越南渔船在中国南海禁渔线内靠近海南省西南部有两处活动较强的块状分布区域,2018年全年在此区域活动频率占采样天数的87.71%,且平均每小时有7~10艘渔船在该海域活动,休渔期内平均每小时渔船数量大于5,给中国南海海域渔业资源造成巨大威胁。本文通过AIS数据研究分析渔船活动可为海洋空间规划与政府相关部门提供数据支撑。  相似文献   
通过列举国内外超高层建筑遭受气象灾害的案例,结合广西气象灾害风险区划资料,分析大风、台风、龙卷风、暴雨、雷电(雷击)、强降温等灾害与沿海超高层建筑的关系,以及可能造成的影响和潜在的风险,论述了超高层建筑进行气象灾害风险评估可实现最大安全与最小投资的统一.以期为广西沿海开展“超高层建筑气象灾害风险评估”工作提供理由和依据.  相似文献   
童矿  宋洋  孔祥芬 《测绘通报》2022,(3):127-131
目前,在建筑物识别与监测方面,基于单幅高分辨率遥感影像的阴影测高法和基于多视角影像的立体像对法将建筑物轮廓或名称识别与高度监测相独立,因此导致其自动化水平较低、数据冗余度与成本较高。基于数字表面模型(DSM)和兴趣点(POI)数据,本文提出了一种机场净空区建筑物识别与监测集成的方法,并以某国际机场为试验区对该方法的可行性进行了验证。试验结果表明:①该方法在建筑物识别与监测方面的准确率只取决于DSM的精度,而对DSM的数据来源没有限制;②以潜在危险建筑物高程变化速率为依据进行不定期的动态监测,在确保监测间隔期间机场净空区安全的同时可以降低数据成本和重复识别与监测所有建筑物造成的数据冗余度。  相似文献   
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