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土-地铁车站结构动力相互作用大型振动台模型试验研究   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
以南京地铁为背景,开展了深厚软弱场地土-地铁地下结构动力相互作用的大型振动台模型试验研究。在试验中获得的主要数据有:模型体系的加速度反应时程、模型结构的应力反应时程和结构表面的土压力时程等。本文对试验反映的地铁车站结构的动力反应规律及其周围模型地基的地震反应规律进行了分析。结果表明:车站结构的中柱应变反应明显大于别的构件,同时,深厚软弱地基上车站结构侧墙底部的应变反应也明显大于侧墙顶部的反应,其中,车站结构顶板、中间层楼板和底板的应变反应都很小;输入地震动的频谱特性对车站结构应变反应的影响是不同的,在同一加载情况下,在台面输入傅氏谱频宽最大的南京人工波时车站结构应变反应最大。  相似文献   
海洋胶体与痕量金属的相互作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
痕量金属的胶体结合态是海洋中金属的一种相当普遍的存在形式。胶体与痕量金属之间的相互作用影响着痕量金属在海水中的形态、迁移、生物可利用性及其归宿。总结了海洋胶体态金属的存在及其显著性,概述了胶体对金属在河口混合过程中行为的影响,并简要讨论了胶体在海水中痕量金属的固液相分配中的作用。  相似文献   
贾文雄  王洁  张禹舜  刘亚荣 《地理科学》2016,36(8):1243-1251
通过野外调研和室内实验,研究了祁连山南坡灌丛草甸地上生物量的生长季变化,并对地上生物量与水热因子的关系进行了探讨。结果表明:在不同区域群落结构有所不同,覆盖度越低,上层和下层的植物高度越低,丰富度和多样性越小。但均匀度还受草场退化阶段的影响,群落结构相对稳定,植物的均匀度越高;地上生物量的年内变化是单峰曲线,乌鞘岭和门源的地上生物量在7月份最大,祁连和野牛沟的地上生物量在9月份最大;地上生物量的积累与前1月和前2月的气温和降水正相关,与前4月的气温也正相关,并且对气温变化的敏感性大于降水,但与地温和土壤水分的相关性不明显,前1月表层地温较高对地上生物量的积累有积极作用;对于地上生物量积累,日气温、日相对湿度、降水量有直接正向作用,而日最高气温、日最低气温、日水汽压有直接负向作用,5 cm、20 cm地温和0~10 cm、20~30 cm土壤水分也有直接正向作用,而10 cm地温和10~20 cm土壤水分也有直接负向作用。  相似文献   
桩-液化土相互作用p-y关系分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于多工况的桩-液化土体动力相互作用振动台试验,研究地震荷载作用下液化土层中桩土间侧向相互作用力p与桩身和土体间侧向相对位移y之间的关系。将试验得到的实际p-y曲线与采用拟静力法和以API规范为基础的折减系数法计算出的p-y曲线进行对比,结果表明:(1)液化土层中试验得到的桩真实p-y响应及由拟静力法和折减系数法得到的结果都呈非线性变化,三者极限状态有接近一致的趋势,但变化过程差异明显;(2)采用拟静力法和折减系数法都会使液化土层桩基础侧向反力迅速增长,很快达到屈服极限,远远超过实际情况,会导致相当保守的结果;(3)液化进程中控制桩p-y响应的是土体位移而非惯性力,因而拟静力法和折减系数法的原理不适合桩-液化土体动力相互作用分析,不能用于液化土层中桩基础地震响应的计算。  相似文献   
蔡永恩  赵志栋 《地震学报》2008,30(6):594-604
海底地震引起的海啸过程在力学上是一个流固耦合问题。地震引起的海底变形会影响流体的运动,流体运动会影响地震引起的海底变形。海啸的数值模拟,通常采用浅水波控制方程,把地震引起的海底变形作为海啸波动的边界条件或初始条件,不考虑它们之间的相互作用。本文采用势流体的流固耦合有限元方法模拟了地震和海啸的全过程。地震过程的模拟与地震位错模型不同,在位错模型中,断层的位错是事先指定的;而在本文中,首先形成自重作用下的初始应力场,然后通过断层材料的突然软化引起的错动,模拟地震震源的动力学过程。模拟结果显示,在海面除了可以看到大振幅的海啸波外,还可以发现体波震相和面波震相。在600 km的海面震中距上,它们要比海啸波早到48分钟,在此处面波的最大平均振幅可达0.55 m,是相同震中距海底面波最大平均振幅的2倍。因此,海啸预警信息在海面可以比在地表更早地得到。海啸波的传播速度在水深3 km的开阔海面是175.8 m/s,它要比理想长波理论预测的大,其平均振幅为2 m,波长可达32 km. 到达大陆架后其速度、波长都减小,在岸边可以激起10 m高的巨浪,水平方向深入陆地达53 m。震中附近海面和地震断层上的最大垂直加速度分别为5.9 m/s2和16.3 m/s2,后者是前者的2.8倍。由此看来,海水是很好的减震器。海啸波的加速度到达岸边会衰减10倍。与加速度不同,海面震中处的振动速度为3.2 m/s, 是海底震源处的1.4倍。震源处的最大位移小于震中海面的最大位移, 其差就是海啸波源的振幅。值得注意的是,海底地震的最大位错在震后23 s达到,不是发生在断层滑动的开始。   相似文献   
The 1995 Kobe earthquake seriously damaged numerous buildings with pile foundations adjacent to quay walls. The seismic behavior of a pile group is affected by movement of quay walls, pile foundations, and liquefied backfill soil. For such cases, a three-dimensional (3-D) soil–water coupled dynamic analysis is a promising tool to predict overall behavior. We report predictions of large shake table test results to validate 3-D soil–water coupled dynamic analyses, and we discuss liquefaction-induced earth pressure on a pile group during the shaking in the direction perpendicular to ground flow. Numerical analyses predicted the peak displacement of footing and peak bending moment of the group pile. The earth pressure on the pile in the crustal layer is most important for the evaluation of the peak bending moment along the piles. In addition, the larger curvatures in the bending moment distribution along the piles at the water side in the liquefied ground were measured and predicted.  相似文献   
Immersed tunnels are particularly sensitive to tensile and compressive deformations such as those imposed by a normal seismogenic fault rupturing underneath, and those generated by the dynamic response due to seismic waves. The paper investigates the response of a future 70 m deep immersed tunnel to the consecutive action of a major normal fault rupturing in an earthquake occurring in the basement rock underneath the tunnel, and a subsequent strong excitation from a different large-magnitude seismic event that may occur years later. Non-linear finite elements model the quasi-static fault rupture propagation through the thick soil deposit overlying the bedrock and the ensuing interaction of the rupture with the immersed tunnel. It is shown that despite imposed bedrock offset of 2 m, net tension or excessive compression between tunnel segments could be avoided with a suitable design of the joint gaskets. Then, the already deformed (“injured”) structure is subjected to strong asynchronous seismic shaking. The thick-walled tunnel is modelled as a 3-D massive flexural beam connected to the soil through properly-calibrated nonlinear interaction springs and dashpots, the supports of which are subjected to the free-field acceleration time histories. The latter, obtained with 1-D wave propagation analysis, are then modified to account for wave passage effects. The joints between tunnel segments are modeled with special non-linear hyper-elastic elements, properly accounting for their 7-bar longitudinal hydrostatic pre-stressing. Sliding is captured with special gap elements. The effect of segment length and joint properties is explored parametrically. A fascinating conclusion emerges in all analysed cases for the joints between segments that were differentially deformed after the quasi-static fault rupture: upon subsequent very strong seismic shaking, overstressed joints de-compress and understressed joints re-compress—a “healing” process that leads to a more uniform deformation profile along the tunnel. This is particularly beneficial for the precariously de-compressed joint gaskets. Hence, the safety of the immersed tunnel improves with “subsequent” strong seismic shaking!  相似文献   
This is the second paper of two, which describe the results of an integrated research effort to develop a four-step simplified approach for design of raft foundations against dip-slip (normal and thrust) fault rupture. The first two steps dealing with fault rupture propagation in the free-field were presented in the companion paper. This paper develops an approximate analytical method to analyze soil-foundation-structure interaction (SFSI), involving two additional phenomena: (i) fault rupture diversion (Step 3); and (ii) modification of the vertical displacement profile (Step 4). For the first phenomenon (Step 3), an approximate energy-based approach is developed to estimate the diversion of a fault rupture due to presence of a raft foundation. The normalized critical load for complete diversion is shown to be a function of soil strength, coefficient of earth pressure at rest, bedrock depth, and the horizontal position of the foundation relative to the outcropping fault rupture. For the second phenomenon (Step 4), a heuristic approach is proposed, which "scans" through possible equilibrium positions to detect the one that best satisfies force and moment equilibrium. Thus, we account for the strong geometric nonlinearities that govern this interaction, such as uplifting and second order (P-△) effects. Comparisons with centrifuge-validated finite element analyses demonstrate the efficacy of the method. Its simplicity makes possible its utilization for preliminary design.  相似文献   
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