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In this paper, the authors present the results of both macroscopic and microscopic investigations on structure development created by repeated ice lensing in various loamy experiments. Experimental data are compared with observations performed on active forms in High Arctic and Alpine Mountain environments. Those observations are also compared with phenomena observed in fossil periglacial formations of Western Europe. Platy and short prismatic structure formation is bonded to the hydraulic and thermal conditions during ice segregation. When a long series of alternating freezing and thawing affects platy structures, the fabric evolves, also being influenced by slope and drainage conditions: cryoturbations, frostcreep, and gelifluction can appear. They are characterized by specific microfabrics which are better developed with an increasing number of cycles: this is clear in experiments where hydraulic and thermal parameters are better controlled. Vesicles are also a prominent characteristic of the surface horizon in experiments and arctic soils. The genesis of vesicles is discussed on the basis of new observations and is related to the mechanical collapse of frost-created aggregates under the mechanical work of soil air escape during soil saturation by water at thaw.  相似文献   
Modern spatial statistics techniques are widely used to make predictions for natural processes that are continuously distributed over some convex domain. Implementation of these techniques often relies on the adequate estimation of certain spatial correlation functions such as the covariance and the variogram from the data sets available. This work studies the practical estimation of such spatial correlation functions in the case of clustered data. The coefficient of variation of the dimensionless spatial density of the point pattern of sample locations is suggested as a useful metric for degree of clusteredness of the clustered data set. We show that the common variogram estimator becomes increasingly unreliable with increasing coefficient of variation of the dimensionless spatial density of the point pattern of sample locations. Moreover, we present a modified form of the variogram estimator that incorporates declustering weights, and propose a scheme for estimating the declustering weights based on zones of proximity. Finally, insight is gained in terms of a numerical application of the common and modified methods on piezometric head data collected over an irregular network.Acknowledgments. This work has been supported by grants from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (P42 ES05948-02), the Army Research Office (DAAG55-98-1-0289), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (60-00RFQ041). Some of the calculations conducted in support of this work were done on the SGI Origin 2400 at the North Carolina Supercomputing Center, RTP, NC.  相似文献   
This paper combines labour history and labour geography through an analysis of the making of labour demands in Glasgow during the early twentieth century. The paper asserts how revisiting histories such as Red Clydeside reveals complexities within labour movements and links to more recent debates within labour geography. Archival research provides a relational account of the place-based politics of Glasgow that emerged during the forty hours movement in 1919. This allows the paper to juxtapose the broader international linkages forged by Scottish workers alongside racialised hostilities within the city. In particular, the paper compares and contrasts the progressive internationalism of the strike newspaper with the Broomielaw race riot between local and foreign sailors during the same month as the strike. This comparison also raises the longer-term trajectories of labour grievances to foreground the ambivalent and contested nature of labour demands, identities and histories. In particular, the paper pays close attention to contrasting practices of labour internationalism emerging from the relevant archives. This historical approach makes a broader contribution to debates within labour geography by engaging with the complexities and tensions of labour organising and demand making.  相似文献   
反照率是控制地表能量收支的关键地球物理参数之一,海冰作为南北极地区重要的组成部分,海冰反照率的时空变化会对极地地区和全球范围的气候变化、物质平衡以及能量平衡等产生重要的影响.本文系统的总结了海冰反照率的影响因素、海冰反照率的参数化方法和遥感反演方法及产品的研究进展,阐明了各方法的基本原理、特点以及存在的问题等.海冰反照率的影响因素众多,主要受地表冰雪反射特性、太阳天顶角以及大气属性的影响;参数化方法提供了一种模拟海冰反照率的途径,主要通过取经验定值或建立温度、冰雪厚度以及光谱反照率等参数与海冰反照率的经验关系来进行,但是这种基于特定位置、特定时间以及特定的大气状态下的观测数据运用统计或经验方法建立的参数化方法,适用范围通常有限.遥感反演方法是高时空分辨率获取大范围及长时序海冰反照率的有力手段,主要分为传统的反演方法、直接反演方法以及基于非光学传感器的反演方法;但是遥感反演很容易受到云层的影响,仅能反演晴空下的海冰反照率,而且现有的方法基本都是针对单一传感器设计的,还没有能够联合多源传感器数据反演海冰反照率的方法.基于此,本文展望了未来海冰反照率的研究重点,即开展能够适用于云天空下的、高...  相似文献   
在多分量地震勘探资料中,水平和垂直分量都记录有P波和SV波。本文研究了P波和SV波波场分解的方法。当上行P波和S波分别入射时,通过研究它们引起的水平和垂直位移,把地震记录的水平和垂直分量进行分解,得到纵波和转换波;在已知海底介质中纵横波速度和介质密度的情况下,可以在τ-P域内实现波场分解,然后变换到时间域,得到时间域内的纵波和转换波剖面。把本文研究的波场分解方法应用于合成资料,能够有效地分解得到纵波波场和转换波波场。最后,海上多分量实际资料的实例应用表明,本文研究的波场分解方法是可行有效的。本方法也适用于自由表面的资料。  相似文献   
Aeromagnetic data of the Akonolinga-Mbama region are analyzed in order to elucidate the subsurface geology of the area. The available data in the form of a residual aeromagnetic map is interpreted as a vast magnetically quiet region, and complex zones which do not correlate with the surface geology of the region.Within the magnetically quiet zone, a high negative circular elongated anomaly zone seems to represent an intrusion of a plutonic rock into the metamorphic formations of the region. Spectral analysis and two-and-a-half dimensional (2½-D) modeling are used to estimate the depth of the causative bodies and determine the source rocks along three profiles crossing the suspected areas. Models from various zones of granitic intrusions are obtained, thereby proposing some shallow fault lines along zones of contact. This permits us to mark out the northern margin of the Congo Craton, thus enabling us to distinguish the cratonic formations from the Pan African fold belt. Part of the belt has been thrust over the northern portion of the Congo Craton in Cameroon.  相似文献   
大规模三维地震数据的直接体绘制,是一个计算和数据双重密集型问题.为了提高三维图像的重建效率,提出了一种基于立方体元的Shear- warp地震数据体绘制算法.该算法通过构建立方体元在相邻的体素点之间建立联系;然后根据地震数据的特征对体元进行分类,在绘制过程中通过二叉树索引,快速定位分类结果.通过索引结果,避免了对等值体...  相似文献   
We have developed a 2D isotropic continuous wavelet-like transform for a spherical surface. The transform is simply defined as the surface convolution between the original field and a kernel, based on the zeroth-order Bessel function with a spherical correction. This spherical correction violates the geometric similarity for the various scales of the kernels, which becomes more apparent at longer wavelengths. We found numerically that this transform is practically equivalent to a Gaussian bandpass filter in the spherical harmonic domain. We have applied this wavelet-like transform on the recently acquired Martian gravity and topography fields. Using a ratio constructed locally from these two fields, we have constructed a map describing the lateral variations of the localized admittance function on Mars.  相似文献   
分析了传统矿山压力观测方法的不足,提出了采场组合矿压观测方案。通过对组合观测理论、观测方法、实施方案的论述,提出了一套理论上可行、实践中可用的实用矿压观测方法。实践表明,该方案对监测矿山压力的变化规律具有较强的可靠性,对煤矿企业的矿压观测方案部署具有较强的借鉴价值。  相似文献   
 Basins within the African sector of Gondwana contain a Late Palaeozoic to Early Mesozoic Gondwana sequence unconformably overlying Precambrian basement in the interior and mid-Palaeozoic strata along the palaeo-Pacific margin. Small sea-board Pacific basins form an exception in having a Carboniferous to Early Permian fill overlying Devonian metasediments and intrusives. The Late Palaeozoic geographic and tectonic changes in the region followed four well-defined consecutive events which can also be traced outside the study area. During the Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous period (up to 330 Ma) accretion of microplates along the Patagonian margin of Gondwana resulted in the evolution of the Pacific basins. Thermal uplift of the Gondwana crust and extensive erosion causing a break in the stratigraphic record characterised the period between 300 and 330 Ma. At the end of this period the Gondwana Ice Sheet was well established over the uplands. The period 260–300 Ma evidenced the release of the Gondwana heat and thermal subsidence caused widespread basin formation. Late Carboniferous transpressive strike-slip basins (e.g. Sierra Australes/Colorado, Karoo-Falklands, Ellsworth-Central Transantarctic Mountains) in which thick glacial deposits accumulated, formed inboard of the palaeo-Pacific margin. In the continental interior the formation of Zambesi-type rift and extensional strike-slip basins were controlled by large mega-shear systems, whereas rare intracratonic thermal subsidence basins formed locally. In the Late Permian the tectonic regime changed to compressional largely due to northwest-directed subduction along the palaeo-Pacific margin. The orogenic cycle between 240 and 260 Ma resulted in the formation of the Gondwana fold belt and overall north–south crustal shortening with strike-slip motions and regional uplift within the interior. The Gondwana fold belt developed along a probable weak crustal zone wedged in between the cratons and an overthickened marginal crustal belt subject to dextral transpressive motions. Associated with the orogenic cycle was the formation of mega-shear systems one of which (Falklands-East Africa-Tethys shear) split the supercontinent in the Permo-Triassic into a West and an East Gondwana. By a slight clockwise rotation of East Gondwana a supradetachment basin formed along the Tethyan margin and northward displacement of Madagascar, West Falkland and the Gondwana fold belt occurred relative to a southward motion of Africa. Received: 2 October 1995 / Accepted: 28 May 1996  相似文献   
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