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The National Survey and Cadastre - Denmark (KMS) has for several years produced gravity anomaly maps over the oceans derived from satellite altimetry. During the last four years, KMS has also conducted airborne gravity surveys along the coast of Greenland dedicated to complement the existing onshore gravity coverage and fill in new data in the very-near coastal area, where altimetry data may contain gross errors. The airborne surveys extend from the coastline to approximately 100 km offshore, along 6000 km of coastline. An adequate merging of these different data sources is important for the use of gravity data especially, when computing geoid models in coastal regions.The presence of reliable marine gravity data for independent control offers an opportunity to study procedures for the merging of airborne and satellite data around Greenland. Two different merging techniques, both based on collocation, are investigated in this paper. Collocation offers a way of combining the individual airborne gravity observation with either the residual geoid observations derived from satellite altimetry or with gravity derived from these data using the inverse Stokes method implemented by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).  相似文献   
从航空重力看郯庐断裂系(渤海)及其围区构造几何学特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文以我国首次试验的渤海西、南部海陆结合带航空重力测量资料为依据,探讨了郯庐断裂在渤海西、南部海域的空间展布及其围区的构造几何学特征.研究表明,(1)渤海南部和西部两个明显的NNE向重力异常梯级带属于区域不同重力场的分界线,分别是郯庐断裂带东支断裂(主干断裂)和西支断裂的反映;(2)郯庐主断裂东侧主要发育NE-NNE向重力异常梯级带,西侧呈现NW向、NE-NNE向、近EW向重力异常梯级带相互交错的面貌,反映了东、西两侧不同的断裂构造格局;(3)重力异常小区与异常梯级带的不同组合,反映了拉张、压缩、扭动三类构造样式;(4)不同的重力异常区、亚区、小区,反映了不同的沉积构造特征,分别对应不同的构造单元.  相似文献   
Estimates of postglacial rebound in central North America from Laurentide deglaciation to the present time are uncertain as a result of lack of data from the continental interior. A more precise knowledge of postglacial tilt history will assist studies of the evolution of the major lakes in Manitoba and will facilitate the engineering and environmental management of the present-day hydrological system. This paper explores the benefits of combining geomorphological data with high-precision, real-time geodetic data (GPS positioning and absolute gravity) and lake-gauge tilt data now being collected for postglacial rebound studies in Manitoba and adjacent regions in the US. Presently-available data sets representing these data types are (1) tilting of the 9.5 kyr B.P. Campbell strand line south and west of Lake Winnipeg, (2) the rate of decrease in absolute gravity values measured from 1987 to 1995 at Churchill, Manitoba, and (3) the present-day regional tilt rate derived from water-level gauges in southern Manitoba lakes. These data are compared to theoretical predictions based on the published ICE-3G loading history and on a model of Earth rheology characterized by a 1066B density and elastic structure, an upper-mantle viscosity of 10 21Pa s, a lower-mantle viscosity of 2 × 10 21Pa s, and a lithosphere thickness of 120 km (Tushingham & Peltier, 1991). All three data types show disagreement in Manitoba with ICE-3G and the standard Earth model. ICE-4G does better but could not be investigated in any detail. The constraints on model parameters provided by the different data types were investigated by varying, one at a time, three key parameters, (1) the thickness of the lithosphere in excess of 120 km, (2) the lower mantle viscosity, and (3) the thickness of Laurentide ice over the Prairies, to obtain better fits to the data. The present data do not appear to constrain lithosphere thickness in excess of 120 km very well. While both the Campbell strand line data and the Churchill absolute gravity data are consistent with an increase in lower-mantle viscosity, the present-day, lake-gauge data are not. All three data types are consistent with a thinning of the Laurentide ice-sheet over the Prairies relative to the ICE-3G model. Simultaneous adjustment of model parameters with the advantage of anticipated new data in Manitoba and adjacent regions in the US will lead to better understanding of the trade-offs between Earth rheology and ice sheet history and hence to an improved Laurentide postglacial rebound model.  相似文献   
The airborne gravimetry was an important leap and innovation in the world’s history of geophysical exploration. China's first test of the airborne gravity geological survey in the onshore-offshore transitional area of the western and southern part of the Bohai Sea was successful and effective in geology. Based on the airborne gravity data, and combining previous ground gravity, seismic and drilling data etc., we carried out the geological interpretation by forward and inverse methods. The result shows that the airborne Bouguer gravity anomaly was clear, the fracture interpretation was reliable, and the inversion depth of the main geological interfaces was relatively accurate. This airborne gravity geological survey not only filled the exploring gaps in the onshore-offshore transitional area, and realized the geological and tectonic junction between the sea and the land, but also discovered four local gravity anomalies, 11 fractures and three sags or subsags, and so on. The good geological effect of airborne gravimetry not restricted by terrain condition shows that it can be served as a new geophysical method in the exploration of complex terrain physiognomy area such as mountain, jungle, desert, marsh, onshore-offshore transitional area and so on, and has an extensive application prospect in China in the future.  相似文献   
Global change in land water storage and its effect on sea level is estimated over a 7-year time span (August 2002 to July 2009) using space gravimetry data from GRACE. The 33 World largest river basins are considered. We focus on the year-to-year variability and construct a total land water storage time series that we further express in equivalent sea level time series. The short-term trend in total water storage adjusted over this 7-year time span is positive and amounts to 80.6 ± 15.7 km3/yr (net water storage excess). Most of the positive contribution arises from the Amazon and Siberian basins (Lena and Yenisei), followed by the Zambezi, Orinoco and Ob basins. The largest negative contributions (water deficit) come from the Mississippi, Ganges, Brahmaputra, Aral, Euphrates, Indus and Parana. Expressed in terms of equivalent sea level, total water volume change over 2002–2009 leads to a small negative contribution to sea level of –0.22 ± 0.05 mm/yr. The time series for each basin clearly show that year-to-year variability dominates so that the value estimated in this study cannot be considered as representative of a long-term trend. We also compare the interannual variability of total land water storage (removing the mean trend over the studied time span) with interannual variability in sea level (corrected for thermal expansion). A correlation of ∼0.6 is found. Phasing, in particular, is correct. Thus, at least part of the interannual variability of the global mean sea level can be attributed to land water storage fluctuations.  相似文献   
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利用泊松积分法和点质量法对澳大利亚West Arnhem Land区域的航空重力测量数据进行了精度评估,两种方法得到精度结果基本一致,评估结果表明GT-1A测量系统2′分辨率数据的测量精度优于3×10-5 m/s2,5′分辨率数据的测量精度优于2×10-5 m/s2。利用交叉点平差和泊松积分法、点质量法对渤海区域的航空重力测量进行了内部交叉点平差和外部精度评估,结果表明,内部评估精度与外部评估精度存在一定的差异,以外部评估为准则,CHAGS测量系统在渤海区域5′分辨率的航空重力数据精度优于3.5×10-5 m/s2。综合国内外试验情况分析得到,在近海区域,航空重力数据的分辨率和精度受测量仪器的性能而不同,整体上对于5′分辨率数据而言,可以达到或优于3×10-5 m/s2的精度。  相似文献   
通过分析昌邑-新河测段1991~2019年LCR-G型与CG-5型相对重力仪的相对重力观测数据和测点附近水文资料发现:1)2009~2018年相对重力观测值持续增大的主要原因为昌邑市地下水位下降,水位降低的最大影响可达132 μGal;2)2014-05~2016-03相对重力累计下降72 μGal,并在2016-03~2018-05快速回升,这一现象是否与动力学原因有关尚不明确。  相似文献   
基于窗函数法和切比雪夫逼近法设计了两类适用于航空矢量重力测量的有限冲激响应(FIR)低通数字滤波器。先采用模拟高度数据验证了滤波器的性能,然后对实测静态GPS数据进行了低通滤波处理,并详细分析了滤波器的相位延迟和边界效应等影响。结果表明:①在相同的设计指标下,依照切比雪夫逼近法所设计的滤波器比采用窗函数法设计的滤波器具有更好的低通滤波效果;②对于静态GPS测量数据,依照切比雪夫逼近法所设计的滤波器能以±(1~2)mGal(1mGal=10-5 m/s2)的精度确定垂直加速度,以优于±1mGal的精度确定水平加速度  相似文献   
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