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A theoretically-based erosion criterion is developed for gravel-bed rivers which incorporates the effect of both grain geometry and turbulent velocity fluctuations. It is derived from a balance of instantaneous drag, lift, and gravity forces operating on individual grains and is calculated for spherical grains arranged in three distinct geometries. To accommodate the temporal variation in bed shear stress, the model includes a stochastic element based on the characteristics of turbulence derived from the flume evidence of McQuivey (1973a, b). In terms of the Shields parameter, results show reasonable agreement with the range of observations quoted from the field and with the experimental data of Fenton and Abbott (1977). Finally, the argument is generalized to cover applications in the wider context of field conditions including a range of grain sizes and flow conditions.  相似文献   
随机情况下的量子理论有着更广泛的实际应用,所以利用数学期望将量子理论中的一个重要定理在随栅隋况下作了推广,证得这个定理对随机自相似集也成立,这对进一步研究随机自相似集的量子维数和量子误差提供了理论依据,丰富了量子理论.  相似文献   
阐述了在构造地质学定量研究中引入微分几何学的必要性,并讨论了在地质构造定量研究中的具体应用及相关的数值计算方法.微分几何为定量描述地质构造形态、建立精确的数学解析模型提供了基础,是深入定量研究地质构造形态及其变化的重要数学工具.在前人工作基础上,为更方便地与其他先进的技术和方法相结合,总结了地质构造的数学建模与重构、计算机自动分析计算、三维可视化与运动仿真.具体可以应用于裂缝预测、构造面形变分析、褶皱形态分类、隐藏断层探测,以及矿床和油气藏的预测研究等方面.  相似文献   
Riverbank erosion, associated sedimentation and land loss hazards are a land management problem of global significance and many attempts to predict the onset of riverbank instability have been made. Recently, Osman and Thorne (1988) have presented a Culmann-type analysis of the stability of steep, cohesive riverbanks; this has the potential to be a considerable improvement over previous bank stability theories, which do not account for bank geometry changes due to toe scour and lateral erosion. However, in this paper it is shown that the existing Osman-Thorne model does not properly incorporate the influence of tension cracking on bank stability since the location of the tension crack on the floodplain is indirectly determined via calculation or arbitrary specification of the tension crack depth. Furthermore, accurate determination of tension crack location is essential to the calculation of the geometry of riverbank failure blocks and hence prediction of land loss and bank sediment yield associated with riverbank instability and channel widening. In this paper, a rational, physically based method to predict the location of tension cracks on the floodplain behind the eroding bank face is presented and tested. A case study is used to illustrate the computational procedure required to apply the model. Improved estimates of failure block geometry using the new method may potentially be applied to improve predictions of bank retreat and floodplain land loss along river channels destabilized as a result of environmental change.  相似文献   
Walker Creek in Marin County, California is a coastal stream draining to Tomales Bay, which lies in the San Andreas Rift Zone. Its valley contains an alluvial fill with a basal gravel dated at 5000 years BP. In upstream parts of the watershed, channels are incised arroyo-like in the fill leaving the valley floor standing as a high terrace averaging 5·5 m (18 ft) high. Below this terrace is an inner terrace of historic age that stands 2·4 m (8 ft) above the streambed. The stratigraphy and morphology of this valley are seen in others nearby, and indicate that in the last half of Holocene time in this region a single episode of valley alluviation was followed by two episodes of valley cutting. The second episode of valley cutting is occurring in the present time. During the last 60 years the flow has become seasonal, the stream has incised 1·5 m (5 ft) below the inner terrace in upstream reaches, aggraded 1·2 m (4 ft) in downstream reaches, and extended its estuary. Incision upstream has begun to re-expose the bedrock valley floor and is associated with aggradation downstream that has caused the flood plain to overtop both terraces. This has decreased the stream's gradient. Using a stream that is currently effecting major changes in its valley and channel morphology, two aspects of hydraulic adjustment in fluvial systems are examined. The changes in the average slope of the longitudinal profile are small but measureable. Profile concavity has not changed measurably. The various profiles that have existed in Holocene time show that stream gradient can be, but is not necessarily, slightly adjusted during valley filling and cutting. Flow measurements at a high discharge show that the channel has begun to assume the hydraulic geometry of an ephemeral channel. Adjustments of depth, velocity, and roughness appear to be hydraulic adjustments in response to changing watershed conditions.  相似文献   
浙江省临安市上侏罗统劳村组火山凝灰岩露头中发育了很多与挠曲相关的裂缝, 地层构造简单、露头良好, 为研究与挠曲相关裂缝提供了良好的条件.通过对两处野外露头的精细测量, 发现裂缝面平直、且未被充填, 均为构造裂缝, 在剖面上裂缝的组合呈扇形.裂缝面与岩层层面夹角为44°~80°, 裂缝密度随着地层厚度的增加而增加.根据裂缝面与层面的交切关系, 将两组裂缝分别命名为: 锐夹角指示邻层相对运动方向的D裂缝和锐夹角指示本层相对运动方向的D’裂缝.通过对地层挠曲变形的几何分析, 发现两组裂缝的形成是为了调节核部地层在变形过程中产生缩短量和剩余剪切, 地层厚度与地层中产生剩余剪切成正比.结果表明, 地层厚度越大, 形成的裂缝也越多.   相似文献   
The paper presents a new approach to calculating the erosion and deposition values of floodplain lake basins, the erosion–deposition index (EDI). The EDI is a sum of the basin geometry indices (BGIs), which can be calculated for a separate cross section of the lake. The distribution of processes within the basin was investigated in two selected floodplain lakes with the use of BGIs. Field research was carried out in the Bug River valley from 1 November 2006 to 31 October 2011. The highest erosion was observed in the lakes located close to the parent river. Deposition processes were observed in lakes with high inflow of groundwater. The results showed that EDI values of 48 out of the 71 floodplain lakes ranged from ?0.2 to 0.2. Spatial distribution of erosion and deposition processes within the lake basins resulted from a velocity of water inflowing or flowing through the basin. This was observed especially in contrafluent–confluent lake. Inflow of rivers water via upstream crevasse occurred later than via downstream one, but energy of flowing water was higher, which favoured erosion of this part of the lake basin. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Recent studies in Amazonian tropical evergreen forests using the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) and the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) have highlighted the importance of considering the view-illumination geometry in satellite data analysis. However, contrary to the observed for evergreen forests, bidirectional effects have not been evaluated in Brazilian subtropical deciduous forests. In this study, we used MISR data to characterize the reflectance and vegetation index anisotropies in subtropical deciduous forest from south Brazil under large seasonal solar zenith angle (SZA) variation and decreasing leaf area index (LAI) from the summer to winter. MODIS data were used to observe seasonal changes in the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and enhanced vegetation index (EVI). Topographic effects on their determination were inspected by dividing data from the summer to winter and projecting results over a digital elevation model (DEM). By using the PROSAIL, we investigated the relative contribution of LAI and SZA to vegetation indices (VI) of deciduous forest. We also simulated and compared the MISR NDVI and EVI response of subtropical deciduous and tropical evergreen forests as a function of the large seasonal SZA amplitude of 33°. Results showed that the MODIS-MISR NDVI and EVI presented higher values in the summer and lower ones in the winter with decreasing LAI and increasing SZA or greater amounts of canopy shadows viewed by the sensors. In the winter, NDVI reduced local topographic effects due to the red-near infrared (NIR) band normalization. However, the contrary was observed for the three-band EVI that enhanced local variations in shaded and sunlit surfaces due to its strong dependence on the NIR band response. The reflectance anisotropy of the MISR bands increased from the summer to winter and was stronger in the backscattering direction at large view zenith angles (VZA). EVI was much more anisotropic than NDVI and the anisotropy increased from the summer to winter. It also increased from the forward scatter to the backscattering direction with the predominance of sunlit canopy components viewed by MISR, especially at large VZA. Modeling PROSAIL results confirmed the stronger anisotropy of EVI than NDVI for the subtropical deciduous and tropical evergreen forests. PROSAIL showed that LAI and SZA are coupled factors to decrease seasonally the VIs of deciduous forest with the first one having greater importance than the latter. However, PROSAIL seasonal variations in VIs were much smaller than those observed with MODIS data probably because the effects of shadows in heterogeneous canopy structures or/and cast by emergent trees and from local topography were not modeled.  相似文献   
隐伏矿体、缺乏产状标志的矿体,在地质勘查中难以用通常方法确定矿体产状和真厚度。笔者从解析几何的角度,介绍了一种直观地解决此类问题的几何方法,及其在以往勘查中得到的相关技术应用。  相似文献   
土壤大孔隙流研究中分形几何的应用进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
土壤中普遍存在的大孔隙使水及溶质快速穿过土壤,污染地下水,确定土壤大孔隙流性质需要大量的野外和室内实验。本文在对分形几何概念进行简要阐述的基础上,介绍了分形几何在土壤大孔隙流研究中所取得的成果,结果表明应用分形几何确定土壤大孔隙流性质是一种省时、省力和具有广泛代表性的方法,最后对分形几何在土壤大孔隙流研究中应用前景作了展望。  相似文献   
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