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望江山层状岩体位于扬子地块北缘新元古代汉南杂岩带中,岩体从底部到顶部由超镁铁质岩过渡为中性岩:底部主要由辉石岩和橄长岩组成;中部为辉长苏长岩和辉长岩;上部为辉长岩和闪长岩。研究以中部岩相带橄榄辉长苏长岩、辉长苏长岩和辉长岩为对象,通过主要矿物的主微量元素和全岩主微量元素的分析,查明望江山岩体来源于尖晶石二辉橄榄岩组成的大陆下岩石圈地幔,并且地幔源区受到了来自俯冲板片流体的交代,岩体中部带的母岩浆为拉斑玄武质岩浆。钛铁矿—磁铁矿矿物对成分计算表明,母岩浆在形成时具有较高氧逸度。通过单斜辉石压力计得到岩体的侵位深度约为12.9~18 km。对岩体母岩浆橄榄石分离结晶过程的模拟计算表明,中部带橄榄石为母岩浆经过~28%分离结晶的产物。此外,铂族元素(PGE)组成暗示岩体并未经历过大规模的硫化物熔离,可能与缺乏地壳物质混染有关。岩体中单斜辉石与岛弧环境堆晶岩中单斜辉石成分相似,不同于裂谷环境中堆晶单斜辉石的成分;同时,全岩Th/Yb和Nb/Yb比值也与岛弧玄武岩比值相似,因此矿物和全岩成分均说明望江山层状岩体应形成于岛弧环境。研究认为扬子北缘在新元古代长期的俯冲过程中,大洋板片断离导致软流圈上涌,提供热源使交代大陆下岩石圈地幔部分熔融形成具有岛弧特征的镁铁质岩浆,在局部伸展环境中上升侵位形成汉南杂岩带中镁铁—超镁铁质层状岩体。   相似文献   
内蒙古巴尔哲矿床不仅是超大型的REE-Zr-Nb-Ta-Be多金属矿床,同时也是大型的U-Th矿床。通过野外地质观察、地面伽玛能谱测量、岩矿鉴定和室内数据处理等,发现铀、钍主要以类质同像的形式存在于矿石矿物中;铍和稀土元素的独立矿物以羟硅铍钇铈矿和独居石为主;铌、钽、锆主要赋存在铌铁矿、烧绿石和锆石中。另外,从构造、岩性及蚀变特征三方面,对巴尔哲矿床的控矿因素进行了详细解剖,研究表明,巴尔哲矿床的铀钍矿化与稀有稀土矿化密切共生,均赋存于强蚀变钠闪石花岗岩中,蚀变主要为钠长石化和硅化。该矿床主要受构造和碱性花岗岩体的控制,是构造和碱性花岗质岩浆演化的耦合产物。   相似文献   
This paper is intended to be a constructive discussion of Fiket et al. (2017, Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research , 41 , 123–135), who dealt with the determination of major, trace and rare earth elements in several sediment and soil certified reference materials. In the present author's view, the paper by Fiket et al. (2017) suffers from a lack of reference to several publications in which somewhat similar results had already been reported. The present contribution therefore provides a comparison of previously published results with those of Fiket et al. for the CRMs soil NCS DC 77302 (GBW 07410), stream sediment NCS DC 73309 (GBW 07311), marine sediments MESS‐3 and NCS DC 75301 (GBW 07314) and estuarine sediment IAEA‐405. It is argued that this fuller consideration (a) allows critical evaluation of the quality of the results presented by Fiket et al. and (b) highlights the advantages of their work. Finally, attention is drawn to the (possible or real) problems that can arise during simultaneous determination of multiple trace elements.  相似文献   
A 3D elasto-plastic rate-dependent model for rock mechanics is formulated and implemented into a Finite Element (FE) numerical code. The model is based on the approach proposed by Vermeer and Neher (A soft soil model that accounts for creep. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium “Beyond 2000 in Computational Geotechnics,” pages 249-261, 1999). An original strain-driven algorithm with an Inexact Newton iterative scheme is used to compute the state variables for a given strain increment.The model is validated against laboratory measurements, checked on a simplified test case, and used to simulate land subsidence due to groundwater and hydrocarbon production. The numerical results prove computationally effective and robust, thus allowing for the use of the model on real complex geological settings.  相似文献   

More than 10 years have passed since the coining of the term volunteered geographic information (VGI) in 2007. This article presents the results of a review of the literature concerning VGI. A total of 346 articles published in 24 international refereed journals in GIScience between 2007 and 2017 have been reviewed. The review has uncovered varying levels of popularity of VGI research over space and time, and varying interests in various sources of VGI (e.g. OpenStreetMap) and VGI-related terms (e.g. user-generated content) that point to the multi-perspective nature of VGI. Content-wise, using latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), this study has extracted 50 specific research topics pertinent to VGI. The 50 topics have been subsequently clustered into 13 intermediate topics and three overarching themes to allow a hierarchical topic review. The overarching VGI research themes include (1) VGI contributions and contributors, (2) main fields applying VGI, and (3) conceptions and envisions. The review of the articles under the three themes has revealed the progress and the points that demand attention regarding the individual topics. This article also discusses the areas that the existing research has not yet adequately explored and proposes an agenda for potential future research endeavors.  相似文献   
Embankment slopes composed of spatially variable soils have a variety of different failure modes that are affected by the correlation distances of the material properties and the geometry and total length of the slope. This paper examines the reliability of soil slopes for embankments of different length and uses parallel computing to analyse very long embankments (up to 100 times the embankment height) for a clay soil characterised by a spatially varying undrained shear strength. Based on a series of analyses using the 3D random finite element method (RFEM), it is first shown that the reliability of slopes of various length can be efficiently computed by combining simple probability theory with a detailed 3D RFEM analysis of a representative shorter slope of length 10 times the slope height. RFEM predictions of reliability indices for longer slopes are then compared with results obtained using Vanmarcke's (1977a) simplified 3D method and Calle's (1985) extended 2D approach. It is shown that these methods can give significantly different results, depending on the horizontal scale of fluctuation relative to the slope length, with RFEM predicting a lower slope reliability than the Vanmarcke and Calle solutions in all cases. The differences in the solutions are evaluated and attributed to differences in the assumed and computed failure surface geometries.  相似文献   
The rise of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies has been producing powerful tools for spatial data processing, management, analysis, modeling, and visualization. While supporting many tasks, GIS technologies have evoked new thinking and advanced intellectual inquiries in geography. Technological advances in other fields often stimulate new research questions and lead to revolutionary discoveries. The Hubble telescope revolutionizes our understanding of the universe, and 3D digital microscopes transform our knowledge of the coordination among biological, neurological, and physiological systems in living organisms. Can GIS claim similar revolutionary effects on geography? The answer is much up for debate. With GIS technologies, geographic studies can explore a broader extent across multiple scales in space and time and tackle problems through increasingly complex spatial statistics, visual analytics, computation, simulation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Both the Hubble telescope and 3D digital microscope were built based on scientific research that subserves the technological advances for inquiries into space and life systems. Likewise, GIScience research innovates GIS methods that enable novel geographic investigations and therefore contribute to geographic knowledge production. For the sake of simplicity, the term GIS used here represents both GIScience and GIS technologies. This essay attempts to clarify the intellectual contributions of GIS to geography on the following two questions: (1) What novel geographic thinking is driven by GIS? (2) How may GIS provoke new geographic inquiries and knowledge? Building on Nystuen's notion of four tensions that trigger geographic questions, the essay discusses how GIS innovations mediate historical tension, space‐time tension, dimensional tension and scale tensions.  相似文献   
邵亚婷  王卷乐  严欣荣 《地理研究》2021,40(11):3029-3043
蒙古高原是中国重要的北方生态屏障。在全球气候变化的背景下,研究蒙古国植被物候变化特征对于认识蒙古国草地生态系统对气候变化的响应和促进区域畜牧业可持续发展具有重要意义。本研究利用非对称高斯拟合法对蒙古国2001—2019年MOD13Q1产品中的归一化植被指数(Normalized Differential Vegetation Index,NDVI)数据拟合,得到较为平滑的NDVI时间序列数据;基于TIMESAT平台,采用动态阈值法分析获得蒙古国连续19a植被物候数据。研究分析了蒙古国植被物候的空间分布及年际变化趋势,发现蒙古国植被返青期(Start of growing season,SOS)主要集中在110~150d,总体呈微弱推迟趋势,植被枯黄期(End of growing season,EOS)主要集中在270~310d,总体呈提前趋势,从而导致蒙古国生长季长度(Length of growing season,LOS)呈缩短趋势,且缩短时间最长可达2d以上。采用偏相关分析方法分析了植被物候对地形、降水、地表温度等地理要素的响应,表明蒙古国植被物候具有明显的空间异质性和海拔依赖性,不同植被物候对降水、地表温度(Land Surface Temperature,LST)的响应不同,SOS与日间LST呈显著正相关,EOS与夜间LST呈显著正相关,而LOS与年均降水呈显著负相关关系。  相似文献   
采用2018年敦煌莫高窟第16窟窟内与窟区PM10浓度及气象数据,分析PM10时空分布特征及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)两处监测点PM10浓度主要分布在50 μg·m-3以下,受重污染天气影响较小;春、冬、秋、夏季依次降低,窟区PM10浓度在春、冬季高于窟内,夏、秋季反之。(2)PM10浓度3月最高,9月最低,5—9月窟内月均值高于窟区。PM10污染日数窟内5月最多,而窟区3、5月较多。(3)PM10浓度日变化曲线在春季和秋季呈“双峰”型,夏季和冬季呈“单峰”型。(4)在半封闭环境的洞窟内,沙尘暴发生前后,PM10浓度达到极值及恢复至原来水平的时间均滞后于窟区。(5)在不同季节PM10浓度与气温、风速和降水呈负相关。除秋季外,PM10浓度与相对湿度、气压呈正相关。(6)窟区全年主风向为ESE,在冬春两季,此风向PM10浓度最高,PM10主要来自三危山前的戈壁滩、干涸的大泉河河道以及窟前裸露的地表积尘。  相似文献   
因台风风暴潮的突发性、情景演变时间的连续性和路径的不确定性,导致应急决策者在应急救援中难以做出正确决策,针对这一现状,将“情景—应对”应用在台风风暴潮应急决策中。本文在分析台风风暴潮情景、情景要素的概念模型基础上,首先通过资料搜集、属性识别等方法提取关键情景要素,采用框架表示法构建情景;然后分析台风风暴潮情景演变规律及演变路径;其次通过动态贝叶斯网络法构建台风风暴潮动态情景网络;最后利用先验概率与条件概率计算情景状态概率,实现了台风风暴潮的关键情景推演。本文以2018年9月16日11时至17时山竹台风对广东省沿海城市影响为例,演示了台风风暴潮的情景推演流程及关键技术。实证分析结果表明,溃堤、海水倒灌、洪水、滑坡发生的概率分别为85%、81%、74%、54%,验证了情景推演在风暴潮中应用的合理性。  相似文献   
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