This paper presents an integrated measurement technique based on DC methods (vertical electrical sounding, electrical resistivity tomography) which was used to identify faults and determine their geoelectric parameters in the western part of the Chuya basin. New information on the structure of the Chagan River valley located in the zone of the disastrous 27 September 2003 Chuya earthquake has been obtained from the results of these methods. Geoelectric cross-sections of the sedimentary sequence and the upper part of the basement were obtained from VES data, showing the block structure of the study area. Electrical resistivity tomography sections confirm the presence of a major fault between basement blocks of different heights and indicate the presence of faults bounding the valley on its right side and in the southwestern part. 相似文献
Diaspora engagement is a growing trend and many governments, international organisations and policy makers are increasingly focusing on the role of diaspora in development strategies for the homelands. Such policies are predominantly critical to island-dense regions such as the Caribbean and Pacific that have suffered high rates of outmigration during the postcolonial period. One such Pacific island is Pitcairn, a British Overseas Territory, and is the focus of this article. But while most of the literature focuses on the positive benefits of diaspora engagement, this paper examines the dynamics of diaspora (dis)engagement and (dis)affection. Each diaspora has a unique set of needs and capabilities based on its historical experience and the present realities of its countries of origin and destination. While much has been written celebrating the role of diasporas in development, diaspora have also shown themselves to have dual natures, with sometimes conflicting identities and allegiances. Based on analysis of a recent Pitcairn Diaspora Survey and ethnographic data, discussion in this paper reveals that the best intentions of engaging diaspora for development can be impeded by several factors including: (1) the complex nature of identity, place and politics; (2) difficult negotiations between past, present and future intentions of movers; and (3) shifting ‘roots/routes’ and boundaries of identification. Consequently, the paper aims to highlight the realities of settlement and relationships of diaspora space and subjectivity with the homeland. 相似文献
Based on teleseismic broadband data, mainly recorded from stationsof the Incorporated Research Institute for Seismology (IRIS) and theGräfenberg (GRF) array in Germany, the focal mechanism and thefocal depth of the largest earthquakes in northeastern Siberia in thetime interval 1976–1996 were determined. For 9 events the relativeanelastic attenuation of the shear wave with respect to the compressionalwave along the travel paths could be calculated. Using the slip vectorsfrom the best constrained focal mechanisms and additional slip vectorsfrom Jemsek et al. (1986) and Parfenov et al. (1988), we obtained the North American–Eurasian pole of rotation west of the Cherskii mountainsat 67.1° N, 132.3° E.The investigation shows that the extension of the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridgeinto the continental shelf acts as a continental graben structure.Actually, the crustal extension is concentrated on the eastern LaptevSea area and the seismicity of the western part of the Laptev Sea canbe explained by the assumption of a separate microplate. In the continentsoutheast of the Laptev Sea a series of northwest trending depressions,known as the Moma `Rift', are observed. Although in this region elevatedheat flow, recent volcanism and a low crustal thickness were found (i.e.Duchkov and Sokolova, 1985; Devyatkin, 1985), there is only a poorcorrelation between the seismicity and the rift valleys. So the Momastructures seem to be related to an aborted rift structure. 相似文献