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西安南郊丰水年秋季土壤水分研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李艳花  赵景波 《中国沙漠》2006,26(1):113-116
 通过对西安南郊丰水年秋季土壤含水量的测定,研究了地下0~6 m之间土壤含水量的变化与土壤干层的恢复问题。研究结果表明,丰水年西安南郊人工林下2~3 m的土壤含水量在20%左右,远远高于正常年份的土壤含水量,而且大于表层和深层的土壤含水量。分析得出,土壤干层发育较弱的地区在降水丰富的年份可以得到一定程度的恢复;西安地区基本适合进行人工造林;通过人工措施,增强降水入渗和土壤含水量,对树木成活和长期的生长应当具有明显的作用。  相似文献   
Evidence for the functioning of macropores and the presence of preferential flow in forest soils is equivocal. This is partly because many workers use only one diagnostic technique to indicate whether or not macropore flow occurs. In this paper three lines of evidence are used to suggest that preferential flow does not occur in the percolating waters of a coniferous forest soil under the range of hydrological conditions that prevail in the field. To simulate field conditions, realistic rainfall intensities were used in conservative solute transport experiments on four undisturbed soil columns. A method is described in which breakthrough data can be used to calculate the percentage of antecedent water displaced from a soil column during frontal-type breakthrough experiments. Calculations based on this method using the experimental data show that as little as five percent of the antecedent water was immobile. The simple form of the functional advection–dispersion equation, based on a single value for linear velocity and the dispersion coefficient was fitted to two of the breakthrough curves with reasonable accuracy, further suggesting that preferential flow did not occur in the experiments. Finally, soil moisture characteristic curves were determined for replicate soil samples from the forest soil. The operational water contents of the columns during the breakthrough experiments were compared with the soil moisture characteristics and it was found that pores exerting pressure heads greater than −0·5 kPa did not appear to contribute to flow through the columns, again suggesting an absence of preferential flow. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
城市大气气溶胶的物理化学特性及其对人体健康的影响   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:28  
根据在北京、重庆、上海等城市大气气溶胶的观测结果和气溶胶中有机化学成分的有关资料,分析城市地区大气气溶胶的浓度、尺度谱分布、日变化规律及其化学成分的谱分布特征,并与干净地区的结果作比较,进而探讨了大气气溶胶对人体健康的影响。  相似文献   
In this study, the relationship between fluorine in drinking water and that in urine of urban residents in China is assessed. Fluorine concentrations in tap water and those in urine show a good correlation with a linear regression coefficient of 0. 9798, indicating that the fluorine concentrations in big cities under investigation are extremely low, and the main source of fluorine is tap water. The weather effect on the intake amount of fluorine is also discussed. When air temperature is above 15℃, people would intake more fluorine through drinking water with the rise of air temperature. When temperature is below 15℃, no remarkable relationship is observed between air temperature and the intake amount of fluorine. This phenomenon indicates that the main source of fluorine in China is tap water instead of foodstuff.  相似文献   
以皖北矿区为例,分析测试了不同含水层(松散、煤系、太灰、奥灰)中的6种重金属元素(Cd、Cr、Cu、Zn、Pb、Ni),对其含量特征及健康风险评价进行了研究。结果表明,6种重金属在不同含水层含量大小次序各不一样,从整体来看,研究区地下水中所测重金属含量依次为NiZnPbCuCdCr,与太灰水一致;整体地下水中Cr、Cu和Zn均未超过(GB/T14848—93)中Ⅲ类水质标准,Cd、Pb和Ni有部分水样超过标准限值。化学致癌物Cd和Cr在各含水层所致健康危害风险值数量级在10-6~10-4 a-1,Cr健康风险值在各含水层中均大于Cd,Cr在煤系含水层危害风险值(1.29×10-4 a-1)已超过美国环境保护局(USEPA)最大可接受风险(1×10-4 a-1),为研究区首要的环境健康风险管理控制指标。化学非致癌物Cu、Zn、Pb、Ni四种重金属健康危害风险值较小,数量级在10–11~10-8 a-1,Pb和Ni健康危害风险值相对较高,也应引起重视。各含水层总的健康风险值大小次序为:煤系太灰奥灰松散,前三者已超过国际辐射防护委员会(ICRP)推荐的(5×10-5 a-1)最大可接受风险,其中煤系含水层总的健康风险值为1.46×10-4 a-1,已超过USEPA(1×10-4 a-1)推荐的最大可接受风险。对矿区深层地下水开展重金属含量分析和健康风险评价,可为地下水水资源的开采利用和保护提供参考。  相似文献   
河南森林旅游发展对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林旅游的发展已成为社会经济发展的新亮点.河南森林旅游尚处于初期阶段,加快河南森林旅游发展已成为当务之急.在分析了河南森林旅游发展的现状、存在问题以及优势和机遇的基础上,提出了加快河南森林旅游发展的对策.主要对策是:坚持可持续发展原则,正确处理森林旅游开发和森林资源保护的关系;着力推进5个转变;整合资源,推出旅游精品线路;加大开发建设力度,加强基础设施建设;强化管理,提升服务水平;创新用人机制,加快旅游人才的引进和培养;大力进行宣传推介,提高河南森林旅游的知名度和品牌效应.  相似文献   
随机森林算法在全球干旱评估中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
干旱是发生频率最高,造成社会、经济损失和生态破坏最严重、最广泛的自然灾害之一,因此对干旱进行可靠、有效的评估十分重要.本文以月平均降水、月平均温度、月最高温度、月最低温度、土壤湿度、蒸散发、NDVI、叶绿素荧光等作为解释变量,以基于SPI的干旱等级作为目标变量,采用随机森林算法,以2007-2012年的数据作为训练数据...  相似文献   
基于各附件I缔约方2011年提交的年度国家温室气体排放清单、《京都议定书》第一承诺期森林管理活动的温室气体源/汇数据,以及森林管理活动的基准线数据,分析了森林管理活动在第一承诺期履约中的贡献,以及按各方提交的基准线,预计森林管理活动在未来承诺期履约中的作用。结果表明,《京都议定书》第一承诺期的最初两年(2008—2009年),附件I缔约方可从合格的森林管理活动中获得年均2.46亿t CO2当量(CO2-eq)的信用额,相当于相应缔约方基准年(1990年)源排放的2.3%,对减限排目标的贡献率达53%,不合理的规则使一些缔约方在履约中可过度地利用森林管理的汇清除。各附件I缔约方提交的2013—2020年森林管理活动的基准线(约2.52亿t CO2-eq/a的净汇清除)远低于目前和过去的水平,使其可从中获得的用于抵消减排目标的信用额约为第一承诺期的4倍,对未来承诺期履约的贡献率将更大,一些缔约方提交的减排目标中的大部分可通过森林管理活动的信用额来抵消。因此,本文建议在未来的谈判中,要严格控制可用的森林管理活动的信用额,避免森林管理活动被滥用。  相似文献   
谭敏  刘凯  柳林  朱远辉  王大山 《地理科学进展》2017,36(10):1304-1312
人口空间化是实现人口统计数据与其他环境资源空间数据融合分析的有效途径。本文选取夜间灯光数据、道路网数据、水域分布数据、建成区数据、数字高程模型和地形坡度数据作为影响珠江三角洲人口分布的变量因子,利用随机森林模型对珠江三角洲2010年人口数据进行了30 m格网空间化,并将模拟结果与三个公开数据集作精度对比,最后基于随机森林模型的变量因子重要性分析珠江三角洲人口空间分布的影响因素。结果表明:本文模拟整体精度达到82.32%,均优于WorldPop数据集以及中国公里网格人口数据集,接近GPW数据集,而且在人口密度中等区域模拟精度最高;通过对变量因子重要性进行度量,发现夜间灯光强度是珠江三角洲人口分布的最重要指示性指标,到水域的距离、到建成区的距离和路网密度对珠江三角洲人口分布均具有重要作用。利用随机森林模型结合多源信息能够实现高空间分辨率的人口空间化,可为精细化城市管理提供重要数据源,也可为相关政策决策制定提供支持。  相似文献   
Desertification in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The problem of land degradation in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia is not a new phenomenon, but during the last decade it has grown to be a serious threat to the delicate desert ecosystems, and also to the urban and industrial areas, due to an increase in sand movement. The area under investigation is situated on the Gulf coast north of Jubail and is approximately 20 km in width centered along the coastline. The total area is almost 1000 km2. Eight vegetation types were classified according to the dominant and co-dominant species. A comparative study of the vegetation in a fenced, non-grazed area and in an open grazed area showed that the impact of grazing and recreational activities have largely reduced the value of the rangelands. The reduction in species diversity and density leads to an increase in wind and sand dynamics. Exposed roots, giant ripples, changes in the extension of inland sabkhas and new active dunes could be observed in many parts of the study area. It could be proved that most inland sabkhas in the area are pure deflational features with considerable dynamic due to the reduction in vegetation cover during the recent years. The monitoring of vegetation density was carried out during helicopter flights with the help of GPS and a video camera. Image processing on a personal computer allowed accurate calculations of vegetation density. Observations on active dune fields in the area showed that the size of the dune fields almost doubled in 15 months. Tests in small enclosures showed that there is a potential for natural recovery even in severely damaged areas. In just one year without grazing and with average precipitation there is a significant difference in vegetation cover. Strict grazing management and camping regulations are required to prevent further degradation and allow the recovery of damaged ecosystems. Community involvement and education is necessary for the development of an understanding of regulations and the need for preservation.  相似文献   
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