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华北聚煤盆地南缘淮南煤田晚石炭世-早二叠世太原组含煤岩系普遍沉积铝质泥岩,然而,对于多层铝质泥岩的形成条件及其地球化学特征尚未开展深入研究。在本次研究中,系统采集了淮南煤田张集煤矿补Y1钻孔岩心样品,采用XRF和ICP-OES、ICP-MS分别测试了主量元素和微量元素,对铝质泥岩地球化学特征及其地质成因进行分析。结果表明:不同层位的铝质泥岩来源于同一源区,铝土质泥岩可能受到了更强烈的红土化作用导致其明显偏离SiO2/Al2O3和Fe2O3/Al2O3趋势线;Sr/Ba的结果表明铝质泥岩是在不稳定的海陆交互沉积环境下形成的,V/Cr和V/(V+Ni)的结果表明铝质泥岩是在贫氧到厌氧的沉积环境中形成的;综合主量元素和微量元素的结果,表明了不同层位铝质泥岩的母岩可能是附近古陆的中酸性火成岩,母岩风化产物经迁移至淮南地区沉积成岩。  相似文献   
线性地质统计学的发展与地质工作逐渐由定性向定量、由人工劳动逐渐被计算机取代的过程密切相关的。对样品品位赋予一定的权值进行滑动加权平均,来估计中心块段平均品位的方法,使地质问题的计算能在计算机上实现开辟了新的途径。  相似文献   
新疆塔里木盆地白垩—第三纪沉积相及储集体分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据沉积特征、岩石矿物特征、生物特征及地球化学特征的综合分析,将塔里木盆地白垩-第三系划分为3个沉积相组、12个沉积相、20个沉积亚相和若干个沉积微相,并首次在塔北发现海相沉积,塔里木盆地白垩-第三纪储集体包括碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩两种,东北坳陷区储层主要为碎屑岩,特别是下白垩统卡普沙良群亚格列木组是沙雅隆起上的重要储层,上白垩统巴什基奇克组是库车前陆盆地的重要储层,西南坳陷区储层包括碎屑岩储层和碳酸盐岩储层两种岩性,如下白垩统上部乌鲁克恰特组滨岸海滩硝砾岩及上白垩统依格孜牙组生物丘灰岩等也构成较好的储集层。  相似文献   
从山羊寨哺乳动物化石看柳江盆地洞穴堆积的时代与环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
山羊寨洞穴堆积是河北省秦皇岛“柳江盆地地质遗迹自然保护区”众多溶洞的洞穴堆积之一,其中含有大量的哺乳动物化石。经发掘整理与鉴定,采用生物地层学和哺乳动物生活习性对比分析方法,确定其时代为Qp^2.3,晚于辽宁营口“金牛山下组动物群”,早于河北“迁安爪村动物群”和内蒙古“萨拉乌苏动物群”,其特征反映了中国华北与东北过渡地带中更新世晚期至晚更新世早期的哺乳动物面貌,并反映出当时区内森林、森林草原、草原和水域条件等生态环境的多次时空变化。如此众多哺乳动物化石的发现增加了保护区遗迹资源的多样性和保护价值;为该区洞穴堆积的时代与沉积环境研究提供了依据;改变了区内洞穴堆积仅为中更新世地层的认识。  相似文献   
层次化网络SCADA通讯模型及其应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为在大型网络分布式SCADA(Super Control and Data Acquisition)应用系统中解决诸如电力、通信、石油、化工、制造业等行业或领域,在过程、流程、状态方面的数据监视、数据控制、数据采集与数据管理的高效、实时问题,解决各级子系统之间人工逐级汇接的问题,提高应用系统的稳定性、可维护性,这里提出了一种层次化网络SCADA通讯模型。该模型是通过在层次化网络SCADA模型中,引入基于TCP/IP协议的客户机/服务器查询方式数据通讯技术和点对点主动数据传递技术而建立的。根据该模型所设计的产品,经过生产实践证明,应用该模型可以较方便地构造分布在不同区域计算机上的SCADA系统,进行高效的实时通信。该模型为具有多层结构的大型分布式网络化集中SCADA系统的设计、开发,探索出了一条十分有效的新路径。  相似文献   
Recently, the application of active control to seismic‐excited buildings has attracted international attention. To demonstrate the practical applicability of active control, we have conducted experimental tests using a full‐scale three‐storey building equipped with active bracing systems on the shake table at the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE), Taiwan. Experimental results indicate that the control–structure interaction (CSI) effect is significant. A state‐space analytical model of this actively controlled building taking into account the CSI effect is established in this paper using a system identification technique based on curve‐fitting of transfer functions. To verify the accuracy of the analytical model for simulating the controlled response, four sets of linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) controllers using acceleration feedback are designed and further experimental tests are conducted for comparison. It is demonstrated that the correlations between the simulation and experimental results are remarkable. The construction of an accurate analytical model is important for active control, and such an analytical model can be used for future benchmark studies of different control algorithms based on numerical simulations. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
扩频通信技术是基于信息容量和信息传输差错概率理论而建立的先进的无线通讯方式、多次野外实地证实它具有抗干扰性强、可实现码分多址等优点。通过分析传输试验数据,我们有理由相信扩频通信技术在遥测地震台风中具有较高的应用和广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   
地震地表破裂带调查表明,昆仑山口西 8. 1级地震的破裂长度为 426km,最大水平位移6m左右,地震破裂位移的分布明显地受断层活动段控制。该次地震的破裂长度远大于统计值,文中应用地壳极限线应变的概念,通过比较中国大陆内部几次走滑型强震的地震破裂最大位移与破裂长度的关系,论述了昆仑山口西 8. 1级地震中各次级段破裂的相对独立特征,认为该次强震不是一次整体性破裂事件,而是由连续触发的几次地震组成  相似文献   
There is an increased demand for the accurate prediction of fog events in the Sichuan Basin (SCB) using numerical methods. A dense fog event that occurred over the SCB on 22 December 2016 was investigated. The results show that this dense fog event was influenced by the southwest of a low pressure with a weak horizontal pressure gradient and high relative humidity. This fog event showed typical diurnal variations. The fog began to form at 1800 UTC on 21 December 2016 (0200 local standard time on 22 December 2016) and dissipated at 0600 UTC on 22 December 2016 (1400 local standard time on 22 December 2016). The Weather Research and Forecasting model was able to partially reproduce the main features of this fog event and the diurnal variation in the local mountain to basin winds. The simulated horizontal visibility and liquid water content were used to characterize the fog. The mountain to basin winds had an important role in the diurnal variation of the fog event. The positive feedback mechanism between the fog and mountain to basin winds was good for the formation and maintain of the fog during the night. During the day, the mountain to basin wind displayed a transition from downslope flows to upslope flows. Water vapor evaporated easily from the warm, strong upslope winds, which resulted in the dissipation of fog during the day. The topography surrounding the SCB favored the lifting and condensation of air parcels in the lower troposphere as a result of the low height of the lifting condensation level.  相似文献   
本文从系统观点出发,分析了矿区岩溶水供排结合的水文地质条件,提出了以供代排,合理的规划蔚县矿区地下水资源的供排结合方案。应用有限元数值模拟与最优化技术建立供排结合水量规划的教学模型,求出了蔚县矿区最佳水源地位置和最佳的供水开采量与疏干量,实现了较好的经济效益。  相似文献   
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