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井冈山森林火灾与气象条件的相关分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据江西井冈山森林火灾资料,利用一元回归和逐步回归分析方法,对井冈山1991—2000年森林火灾发生期间的连旱日数、降水量、相对湿度、气温、风速5个主要气象指标进行分析,将各指标分别与火灾发生次数、森林受害面积进行回归计算,建立了利用连旱日数和降水量预测森林火灾受灾面积及发生次数的数学模型。模式运算结果表明,当火灾发生前15 d连旱日数增加时,火灾次数增加;当火灾发生前15 d连旱日数增加、降水量减少时,火灾面积增加。  相似文献   
In Death Valley, California, an area of high aridity and great salinity, alluvial fans de scend into the zone of salt accumulation. When the rounded fan gravels come into contact with salt, some of which is sodium sulfate, they are rapidly shattered and reduced in size. Silt and clay are formed by this salt weathering process and this fine material may be subject to deflation processes.  相似文献   
The headwaters of mountainous, discontinuous permafrost regions in north‐eastern Mongolia are important water resources for the semi‐arid country, but little is known about hydrological processes there. Run‐off generation on south‐facing slopes, which are devoid of permafrost, has so far been neglected and is totally unknown for areas that have been affected by recent forest fires. To fill this knowledge gap, the present study applied artificial tracers on a steppe‐vegetated south‐facing and on two north‐facing slopes, burned and unburned. Combined sprinkling and dye tracer experiments were used to visualize processes of infiltration and water fluxes in the unsaturated zone. On the unburned north‐facing slope, rapid and widespread infiltration through a wet organic layer was observed down to the permafrost. On the burned profile, rapid infiltration occurred through a combusted organic and underlying mineral layer. Stained water seeped out at the bottom of both profiles suggesting a general tendency to subsurface stormflow (SSF). Ongoing SSF could directly be studied 24 h after a high‐intensity rainfall event on a 55‐m hillslope section in the burned forest. Measurements of water temperature proved the role of the permafrost layer as a base horizon for SSF. Repeated tracer injections allowed direct insights into SSF dynamics: A first injection suggested rather slow dispersive subsurface flow paths; whereas 18 h later, a second injection traced a more preferential flow system with 20 times quicker flow velocities. We speculate that these pronounced SSF dynamics are limited to burned slopes where a thermally insulating organic layer is absent. On three south‐facing soil profiles, the applied tracer remained in the uppermost 5 cm of a silt‐rich mineral soil horizon. No signs of preferential infiltration could be found, which suggested reduced biological activity under a harsh, dry and cold climate. Instead, direct observations, distributed tracers and charcoal samples provided evidence for the occurrence of overland flow. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The efficiency of public investments and services has been of interest to geographic researchers for several decades. While in the private sector inefficiency often leads to higher prices, loss of competitiveness, and loss of business, in the public sector inefficiency in service provision does not necessarily lead to immediate changes. In many cases, it is not an entirely easy task to analyze a particular service as appropriate data may be difficult to obtain and hidden in detailed budgets. In this paper, we develop an integrative approach that uses cyber search, Geographic Information System (GIS), and spatial optimization to estimate the spatial efficiency of fire protection services in Los Angeles (LA) County. We develop a cyber-search process to identify current deployment patterns of fire stations across the major urban region of LA County. We compare the results of our search to existing databases. Using spatial optimization, we estimate the level of deployment that is needed to meet desired coverage levels based upon the location of an ideal fire station pattern, and then compare this ideal level of deployment to the existing system as a means of estimating spatial efficiency. GIS is adopted throughout the paper to simulate the demand locations, to conduct location-based spatial analysis, to visualize fire station data, and to map model simulation results. Finally, we show that the existing system in LA County has considerable room for improvement. The methodology presented in this paper is both novel and groundbreaking, and the automated assessments are readily transferable to other counties and jurisdictions.  相似文献   
利用神经网络和粗糙集处理不确定性问题的优势,提出一种粗糙集结合神经网络进行森林火灾预测模型。通过与传统预测模型相比较,证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
A 1600 year paleoecological record of environmental change is developed from a small lake in the Nothofagus forest of southern Chile (45.5°S, 72°W). High resolution fossil pollen, charcoal, sedimentological, and chrysophycean stomatocyst analyses are used to investigate the impacts of natural and anthropogenic disturbances on terrestrial and lacustrine environments. Chronological control is based on a combination of 210Pb and 14C dating. Temporal resolution during the past 150–200 yr is ca. 8 yr/sample. The macroscopic charcoal record correlates very closely with historical and dendroecological records of 20th century anthropogenic burning in this region. The chrysophyte stratigraphy indicates that this burning had immediate impacts on the lake itself, while the pollen record provides evidence for a succession of vegetation changes lagging slightly behind the disturbance. These palynological changes are very similar to the pollen signal of European disturbance in northeastern North America. Pre-European shifts in chrysophyte assemblages may be due to the influence of earthquake activity on the lake, though there is no corroborative evidence in the pollen or charcoal records. This study demonstrates that high resolution paleoecological methods can be used to help bridge the temporal gap between traditional ecological and paleoecological studies of environmental change in the temperate forests of southern South America.  相似文献   
??This article discusses the integration of two models, namely, the Physical Forest Fire Spread (PhFFS) and the High Definition Wind Model (HDWM), into a Geographical Information System-based interface. The resulting tool automates data acquisition, preprocesses spatial data, launches the aforementioned models and displays the corresponding results in a unique environment. Our implementation uses the Python language and Esri’s ArcPy library to extend the functionality of ArcMap 10.4. The PhFFS is a simplified 2D physical wildland fire spread model based on conservation equations, with convection and radiation as heat transfer mechanisms. It also includes some 3D effects. The HDWM arises from an asymptotic approximation of the Navier–Stokes equations, and provides a 3D wind velocity field in an air layer above the terrain surface. Both models can be run in standalone or coupled mode. Finally, the simulation of a real fire in Galicia (Spain) confirms that the tool developed is efficient and fully operational.  相似文献   
为了揭示城市暴雨内涝灾害对应急响应服务功能的影响,论文基于高精度城市洪涝模型(FloodMap)和增强型两步移动搜寻法(E2SFCA),对暴雨内涝灾害影响下上海市中心城区消防服务可达性进行精细化评估。研究结果表明:① 百年一遇暴雨内涝情景下,内涝最严重时积水深度超过50 cm的淹没范围整体呈现“西高东低”分布态势,淹没总面积约1.5 km2,可导致471条路段(约占路网全长5.11%)通行受阻。② 上海市中心城区消防服务可达性的空间差异比较显著,大体呈现出由黄浦江两岸向西北和东南方向递减态势,但在一天中的不同时段,可达性空间格局变化并不明显。③ 与正常天气条件相比,暴雨内涝情景下不可达单元(250 m×250 m)数量显著增多,夜间低峰、早高峰、白天平峰和晚高峰时段分别增加36.32%、35.89%、39.07%和32.01%;从暴雨内涝的过程(全程120 min)上看,在雨峰后半段((30, 45] min)不可达单元数量最多,消防服务可达性的空间差异程度最大。④ 消防服务可达性表现出一定程度的空间集聚特征,其中高值聚集区(“高—高”型)主要位于黄浦江两岸以及浦西边缘地区,低值聚集区(“低—低”型)主要位于西北和西南区域,这2类聚集区呈“团块状”分布,而“高—低”型和“低—高”型集聚均不显著。⑤ 研究区内消防服务可达性与需求的空间失配现象(“低需求—高可达”或“高需求—低可达”)较为明显,而暴雨内涝会加剧空间失配问题。研究结果可为提升城市洪涝灾害管理与应急响应服务的精细化水平提供科学依据。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to provide baseline data on floodplain forest structure, composition, and function that would be needed to predict and monitor the consequences of a proposed stream restoration project. This project would involve the “dechannelization” of Stokes Creek, a stream in western Tennessee that was channelized and leveed in the first half of the 1900s. To this end, we collected data on surface hydrology, soil redox potential (Eh), and the structure and composition of the floodplain vegetation of Stokes Creek. To place our findings into a regional context, we also collected comparable vegetation data from plots located along a nonchannelized stream reach of the Wolf River near Moscow, Tennessee. While hydrologic fluctuations of floodplain sites were synchronous with river dynamics for the Wolf River, the hydrology of floodplain sites at Stokes Creek was constrained by the influence of beaver dams, backflooding, and ponding of overland flow behind levees. Consequently, composition of the forest overstory, understory, and herbaceous strata was significantly different between the two sites. For example, Stokes Creek had a noticeable lack of cypress and tupelo sites, and a greater abundance of red maple. Analyses of size-class structure and woody debris quantity reinforced the existing differences between the more natural and human-impacted systems. While the current hydrology apparently has a negative affect on bottomland hardwoods, scattered regeneration stems and soil redox measurements indicate that a dechannelization effort that yielded lower water tables in the Stokes Creek floodplain potentially could increase bottomland hardwood establishment. [Key words: channelization, western Tennessee, bottomland hardwoods, hydrology.]  相似文献   
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