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文章讨论了单频GPS接收机快速静态定位方法 ,并就其在公路勘测、矿区控制网建立等应用领域如何快速建立IV等控制网作了有效的探讨。  相似文献   
根据台网布局和实际使用参数,运用反推方法,对大同数字遥测地震台网和模拟遥测地震台网的监控能力进行了计算分析,粗定了数字台网速报表任区的范围,并对数字台网的大震响应能力进行了讨论,结果表明,大同数字台网的监控能力较模拟台网有了较大的提高,整个网内及网缘地震的监控能力为2.0级,网内大部分区域及东部网缘区域可达1.5级;数字台网对网内最大的测定能力为5.0级,网内南部区域可达5.5级;对于网内更大震级的地震,记录将全部限幅,测定震级困难,对山西北部5.5级以上地震要靠山西台网中北部台站来控制。  相似文献   
珠江口河流输沙、河口沉积与粒度信息之间的联系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
河口三角洲地区泥沙供应充分,是现代沉积速率较高的区域。快速沉积的泥沙包含高分辨率的环境信息。采用放射性同位素测年方法研究了珠江口伶仃洋大铲湾海域6个柱样的现代沉积速率,以2mm的间隔分析了其中2个柱样上部的粒度,并对其平均粒径和珠江流域的年输沙量进行了快速傅里叶变换,以期获取河流泥沙供应、河口沉积速率和沉积物垂向粒度变化的对应关系。结果表明,大铲湾海域的沉积速率为1~3cm/a,受动力条件和泥沙供应条件的影响显著。2个柱样的平均粒径的最显著重现周期与珠江年输沙量的周期性有较好的对应关系,并可能反映了季节的、年的和多年的沉积速率信息。对于每年沉积厚度在厘米级的环境,以毫米级的高分辨率进行粒度分析,有可能揭示出沉积物供应的季节变化和年际变化。本研究亦可为其他河口的相关工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   
图像匹配作为三维重建至关重要的环节,其精度直接影响了平差优化、正射校正等模块的精度。对于城镇、农场等特征密集型区域,特征距离小,相似性强,易于匹配图像;而针对草地、沙漠等特征不明显区域,特征距离大,如果使用特征点匹配的方法,严格阈值下难以获得足够数量的匹配对,放宽阈值又将引入较多误匹配对,这也是导致稀疏点云不够均匀的原因之一。在此场景下,本文提出了基于动态极坐标参数化的无人机正视影像匹配算法,首先对图像做极坐标参数变化,采用动态策略解决极轴方向采样不均匀的问题,使用最小二乘法对得到的极坐标影像对做位移方向上的匹配,匹配后得到的旋转量和平移量,将该结果和SIFT算法的结果做比较。本文设计了2组实验,即参数已知的解算实验和参数未知的解算实验,且每组实验进行3次。在同等配置的计算机上,对两张7360像素×5400像素,32位的影像,本文方法的位姿解算时间相比SIFT的时间减少约57%,二者求得的位姿差通常小于1%。结论表明二者的结果在精度上表现相当,在时间上明显优于SIFT算法,具有实际的应用价值。  相似文献   
Based on the field data acquired in the program of fast ice observation off Zhongshan Station, Prydz Bay, East Antarctica during the austral summer 2005/ 2006, physical properties evolution of fast ice during the ice ablation season is analyzed in detail. Results show that the annual maximum ice thickness in 2005 occurred in later November, and then ice started to reek, and the ablation duration was 62 days; sea water under the ice became warmer synchronously; corresponding to the warming sea ice temperature, a "relative cold mid-layer" appeared in sea ice; the fast ice marginal line recoiled back to the shore observably, and the recoil distance was 20.9 km from 18 December 2005 through 14 January 2006. In addition, based on the data of sea ice thickness survey along the investigation course of MV Xuelong on December 18 of 2005, the ice thickness distribution paten in the marginal ice zone have been described : sea ice thickness increased, but the diversity of floe ice thick-ness decreased from open water to fast ice zone distinctly.  相似文献   

Experimental investigations of the surface discharge of two-dimensional heated saline jets into surroundings with stable, constant salt gradients were carried out. The discharge conditions were parameterized with the densimetric Froude number, and the Reynolds number. The evolution of the discharge was monitored by flow visualization methods, and by the measurements of temperature and salinity distributions. For comparison, experiments of the surface discharge of heated water into homogeneous surroundings at the corresponding discharge conditions were also conducted. The results clearly showed that while in the former case, the region away from the vicinity of the discharge manifold was marked by the presence of salt-finger convection, in the latter case this region exhibited stable thermal stratification. Furthermore the occurrence of salt-finger convection considerably retarded the motion of the jet, and increased the penetration depth of temperature and salinity fields.  相似文献   
大量震例表明通常情况下地震的微、宏观震中有很大的偏离,如何在震后快速正确估计微、宏观震中偏离的程度,是目前迫切需要解决的重要问题。以新疆地区为例,详细研究了新疆地区M s≥6.5级的历史地震微、宏观震中偏离与发震构造的空间分布关系。新疆地区主要的发震断层类型包括逆断层、逆冲走滑断层及走滑断层3种。针对不同的发震断层类型初步提出了根据发震构造快速估计6.5级以上强震微、宏观震中偏离的模型和方法。微、宏观震中偏离的理想方向取决于破裂的性质(如单侧破裂、双侧破裂),很难确定理想宏观震中在发震断层的确切位置,具有一定的随机性,但是地震微、宏观震中的偏离方向与新疆整体构造应力方向具有一致性,宏观震中位置一般位于发震断层上或其附近,在实际应用过程中可以认为宏观震中就在断层上。  相似文献   
Current methods of estimation of the univariate spectral density are reviewed and some improvements are made. It is suggested that spectral analysis may perhaps be best thought of as another exploratory data analysis (EDA) tool which complements, rather than competes with, the popular ARMA model building approach. A new diagnostic check for ARMA model adequacy based on the nonparametric spectral density is introduced. Additionally, two new algorithms for fast computation of the autoregressive spectral density function are presented. For improving interpretation of results, a new style of plotting the spectral density function is suggested. Exploratory spectral analyses of a number of hydrological time series are performed and some interesting periodicities are suggested for further investigation. The application of spectral analysis to determine the possible existence of long memory in natural time series is discussed with respect to long riverflow, treering and mud varve series. Moreover, a comparison of the estimated spectral densities suggests the ARMA models fitted previously to these datasets adequately describe the low frequency component. Finally, the software and data used in this paper are available by anonymous ftp from fisher.stats.uwo.ca.  相似文献   
“新型玻璃”是最近软玉批发市场上出现频繁的一种冒仿软玉的产品,其特点是外观很像软玉,而且其红外图谱谱形极像软玉的,个别峰位基本吻合,这给软玉的快速鉴定带来了一定的迷惑性和风险。选取一批典型的“新型玻璃”进行常规宝石学测试和红外光谱测试等一系列宝石学研究。测试结果表明,虽然“新型玻璃”的红外图谱谱形极像软玉的,但是两者之间的性质还是有着明显的差别,依据现行国家标准,其鉴定名称可直接命名为“玻璃”;同时,对“新型玻璃”的快速鉴定提出了一些参考建议。  相似文献   
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