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Simulation of multigaussian stochastic fields can be made after a Karhunen-Loéve expansion of a given covariance function. This method is also called simulation by Empirical Orthogonal Functions. The simulations are made by drawing stochastic coefficients from a random generator. These numbers are multiplied with eigenfunctions and eigenvalues derived from the predefined covariance model. The number of eigenfunctions necessary to reproduce the stochastic process within a predefined variance error, turns out to be a cardinal question. Some ordinary analytical covariance functions are used to evaluate how quickly the series of eigenfunctions can be truncated. This analysis demonstrates extremely quick convergence to 99.5% of total variance for the 2nd order exponential (‘gaussian’) covariance function, while the opposite is true for the 1st order exponential covariance function. Due to these convergence characteristics, the Karhunen-Loéve method is most suitable for simulating smooth fields with ‘gaussian’ shaped covariance functions. Practical applications of Karhunen-Loéve simulations can be improved by spatial interpolation of the eigenfunctions. In this paper, we suggest interpolation by kriging and limits for reproduction of the predefined covariance functions are evaluated.  相似文献   
塔河油田地质情况复杂,岩性差异大,地层压力变化大,局部区域有高压盐水层和膏盐层,开孔尺寸受限,给钻井工程带来诸多技术难题。针对这些难题,提出了坐封斜向器开窗侧钻、定向随钻扩眼、膨胀管和小井眼水平井钻井技术。 TK7-640CH井的钻井实践表明,以上技术在塔河油田奥陶系饱177.8 mm套管开窗侧钻水平井的应用具有可行性,能够封隔复杂地层和异常压力系统。就侧钻井技术难点和技术方案的可行性进行了探讨和分析,总结该井实钻所取得的成功经验,为塔河油田老井的恢复及再生提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   
探究城镇空间扩张的方向性及其时间变化特征,能够反映都市圈发展过程中核心城市与边缘地区空间关联的动态过程,为制定都市圈发展的相关政策提供科学依据。本文从都市圈的核心城市与边缘地区相互关联的视角,借鉴物理学中力的分解原理,构建了同时兼顾扩张强度和方向性的向心扩张指数CEI,并以郑州都市圈为对象,采用2000—2018年30 m分辨率的全球人造不透水面数据产品GAIA,分析了建设用地扩张的总体数量和占比变化、动态度及强度变化、以及空间方向性变化等特征,进一步应用多元逻辑回归模型,揭示了影响城镇空间扩张向心性的关键因素。结果表明:(1)向心扩张指数CEI为揭示都市圈核心城市对边缘地区的辐射带动作用提供方法支撑,能够定量刻画边缘地区朝向核心城市的发展趋势;(2)在郑州都市圈近20年的快速扩张过程中,尽管各区县市的DEI指数和CEI指数随时间而增减波动,但郑州都市圈总体呈现“核心—边缘”发展模式,除个别地级市中心城区及其下辖县以外,多数区县市的向心性显著且随时间增强,郑州市中心城区对于边缘地区具有显著的辐射带动作用;(3)核心城市与边缘地区的人均GDP差异及城镇化率差异是影响边缘地区向心扩张的重要...  相似文献   
城市元胞自动机扩展邻域效应的测量与校准研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
城市元胞模型由于在定量分析与预测城市动态的潜力而受到众多研究者的持续关注.邻域规则是主导城市元胞模型模拟过程的关键组件.研究表明,不同土地利用组合间存在显著的邻域效应,且邻域效应具有惯性、排斥和吸引等影响.然而,传统城市元胞模型主要考虑的是特定分辨率下较小窗口的邻域范围.本文尝试刻画更大窗口的邻域效应及其对元胞模型的影响.基于测量的扩展邻域因子,应用粒子群优化算法校准大窗口邻域规则,并创建了考虑扩展邻域效应的城市元胞模型.为验证模型有效性,将其应用于模拟厦门市1995-2010年期间的城市扩张动态.与3×3摩尔邻域的逻辑回归模型相比较,1995-2010年期间的建设用地模拟精度从80.7%提高到83.9%,总体精度从87.8%提高到89.6%,Kappa系数从70.0%提高到74.5%,表明考虑扩展邻域效应的城市模型取得了更好的模拟效果.  相似文献   
膨胀土边坡受降雨影响产生膨胀变形,是典型的非饱和土多场耦合问题。为探究降雨入渗对其渐进性破坏的失稳过程,基于饱和-非饱和渗流理论、膨胀土弹塑性本构关系和应变软化理论,利用应变软化模型、FLAC3D二次开发平台和内置FISH语言,提出了一种综合考虑非饱和渗流、膨胀变形和应变软化的多场耦合数值分析法。结合工程实例,通过该方法探讨了降雨入渗条件下膨胀土边坡非饱和渗流、位移响应及渐进性破坏的变化规律。结果表明:膨胀变形和应变软化受控于非饱和渗流的时空分布,对边坡位移响应过程影响显著,也易导致饱和-非饱和分界带形成剪应力集中区。膨胀土边坡渐进性破坏由局部破坏转变为整体性失稳,其塑性破坏区首先随悬挂型暂态饱和区的变化向坡内扩展,雨后逐渐形成第二条由坡脚向坡顶扩展的滑动带,呈现出多重滑动性和后退牵引式的破坏特征。  相似文献   
随着城市化进程的加快,如何及时、精确地对城市环境的变化做出评价,进而制定出合理的发展方案,对城市可持续发展至关重要。本文综合利用卫星遥感获取的PM2.5浓度数据、地表温度数据(Land Surface Temperature,LST)、植被指数数据(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI)及城市用地辅助信息数据,基于综合评价指标,分析海上丝绸之路沿线12个超大城市地区2000-2013年环境质量的动态变化。研究结果表明,2000-2013年,海上丝绸之路沿线约75%的超大城市呈现出不同程度的环境恶化现象。12个超大城市用地环境恶化及逐步恶化面积占研究区域总面积的31.33%(4732.39 km2)。2000-2013年,城市扩张用地恶化和逐步恶化面积约占总扩张用地的29.48%(3765.83 km2)。平均地表温度的上升、植被覆盖度的急剧下降及PM2.5浓度的增加均对海上丝绸之路沿线超大城市环境质量变化产生影响。其中,空气中PM2.5浓度的大幅度增加是2000-2013年海上丝绸之路沿线超大城市扩张用地环境退化的主要原因。  相似文献   
基于改进Markov-CA模型的黄土高原土地利用多情景模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土地利用/覆被的时空变化研究能为区域生态环境恢复和生态系统集成管理提供科学支持.集成Logistic回归模型、改进的Markov与FLUS模型模拟黄土高原2020-2050年3种典型情景土地利用变化.发现各情景土地利用面积变化及空间置换转移主要集中在农用地、草地和城镇用地;历史趋势延续情景下农用地减少15 205 km...  相似文献   
为使RZB型钻孔应变仪在千米深井水压的作用下能够正常工作,设计了以陶瓷马达为核心、RS485总线为基础的远程控制机构,用以补偿传感元件的初始位移,从而实现RZB型钻孔应变仪量程的扩展,并在实验室开展了10 MPa水压的模拟实验。结果显示,装有量程扩展系统的传感器在5 MPa处超量程,经量程调节后,在10 MPa处仍能正常工作。  相似文献   
Understanding the processes that deposit till below modern glaciers provides fundamental information for interpreting ancient subglacial deposits. A process‐deposit‐landform model is developed for the till bed of Saskatchewan Glacier in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. The glacier is predominantly hard bedded in its upper reaches and flows through a deep valley carved into resistant Palaeozoic carbonates but the ice margin rests on a thick (<6 m) soft bed of silt‐rich deformation till that has been exposed as the glacier retreats from its Little Ice Age limit reached in 1854. In situ tree stumps rooted in a palaeosol under the till are dated between ca 2900 and 2700 yr bp and record initial glacier expansion during the Neoglacial. Sedimentological and stratigraphic observations underscore the importance of subglacial deformation of glaciofluvial outwash deposited in front of the advancing glacier and mixing with glaciolacustrine carbonate‐rich silt to form a soft bed. The exposed till plain has a rolling drumlinoid topography inherited from overridden end moraines and is corrugated by more than 400 longitudinal flute ridges which record deformation of the soft bed and fall into three genetically related types: those developed in propagating incipient cavities in the lee of large subglacial boulders embedded in deformation till, and those lacking any originating boulder and formed by pressing of wet till up into radial crevasses under stagnant ice. A third type consists of U‐shaped flutes akin to barchan dunes; these wrap around large boulders at the downglacier ends of longitudinal scours formed by the bulldozing of boulders by the ice front during brief winter readvances across soft till. Pervasive subglacial deformation during glacier expansion was probably facilitated by large boulders rotating within the soft bed (‘glacioturbation’).  相似文献   
Hyun-Sik Kim  Yong-Ku Shin   《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(8-9):1080-1088
Generally, the underwater flight vehicle (UFV) depth control system operates with the following problems: it is a multi-input multi-output (MIMO) system, it requires robustness, a continuous control input, and further, it has the speed dependency of controller parameters. To solve these problems, an expanded adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller (EAFSMC), which is based on the decomposition method designed by using an expert knowledge and the decoupled sub-controllers and composition method designed by using the fuzzy basis function expansions (FBFEs), is proposed. To verify the performance of the EAFSMC, the depth control of UFV in various operating conditions is performed. Simulation results show that the EAFSMC solves all problems experienced in the UFV depth control system online.  相似文献   
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