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We applied an image correlation method to Japanese Earth Resources Satellite-1 (JERS-1) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data obtained from 1996 to 1998 to examine flow velocity within Shirase Glacier, Antarctica. From the grounding line to the downstream region of the glacier, the obtained ice-flow velocity was systematically higher on the western streamline than the eastern. The differences between the two streamlines were 0.31 km/a in 1996 and 0.37 km/a in 1998, significantly larger than the error estimate of 0.03 km/a. The direction of ice flow was about 312° at the grounding line and changed to 327° at 10 km, 346° at 20 km and 2° at 30 km downstream from the grounding line. The total accumulated deflection is 50° to the east. Under the assumption of the conservation of ice mass across the glacier, the observed eastward change in flow direction can be explained by an asymmetric deepening of bedrock topography, that is, across the 8 km width of the glacier, the eastern side is 50 m (10%) deeper than the western side. This eastward turning of flow direction appears to be accelerated by tributary inlets, that flow to the north and northeast at 60–75% of the velocity of inlets on the western streamline.  相似文献   
An algorithm for retrieving polarimetric variables from numerical model fields is developed. By using this technique, radar reflectivity at horizontal polarization~ differential reflectivity, specific differential phase shift and correlation coefficients between the horizontal and vertical polarization signals at zero lag can be derived from rain, snow and hail contents of numerical model outputs. Effects of environmental temperature and the melting process on polarimetric variables are considered in the algorithm. The algorithm is applied to the Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS) model simulation results for a hail storm. The spatial distributions of the derived parameters are reasonable when compared with observational knowledge. This work provides a forward model for assimilation of dual linear polarization radar data into a mesoscale model.  相似文献   
针对锦屏二级水电站深埋长大隧洞围岩在开挖过程中呈现明显的流变劣化特征,基于分数阶微积分理论,用Abel黏壶替换西原模型中的牛顿黏壶,推导出基于分数阶导数的蠕变本构方程,同时考虑岩石在蠕变过程中,尤其是所受应力超过其长期强度时,蠕变参数是非定常的特征,把蠕变参数的非定常性引入本构方程中,建立了基于分数阶导数的非定常蠕变本构模型。结合锦屏二级水电站引水隧洞主要围岩之一的大理岩的室内剪切蠕变试验的结果,对模型中的参数进行反演,结果表明,基于分数阶导数的非定常蠕变本构模型能够在蠕变初期和拐点处与试验结果很好地吻合,并且可以克服西原模型不能反映蠕变第3阶段的不足。通过对模型中参数的敏感性进行分析,得出分数阶阶数、非定常参数对岩石蠕变的影响规律。研究结果表明,提出的基于分数阶导数的非定常蠕变模型能够很好地反映大理岩的蠕变全过程。  相似文献   
Stratigraphic grade is the similarity of the morphology of successive slope-to-basin profiles in a genetically related depositional system. In this article we use data collected from regional cross-sections of six depositional systems, stratal architecture derived from outcrops of the Lewis Shale (Wyoming, USA), and the Ross Sandstone (Ireland), and supplementary outcrop and subsurface data from other depositional systems to determine how stratigraphic grade relates to stratal (reservoir) architecture in deepwater systems.Four methods are developed that collectively define stratigraphic grade: (1) regional stacking patterns of fourth-order stratigraphic surfaces, (2) the relationship between the trajectory of the shelf edge (Tse) and the trajectory of the depocenter (Td) for fourth-order stratigraphic units, (3) morphology of the slope-to-basin profiles of fourth-order stratigraphic surfaces, and (4) the similarity of the morphologies of slope-to-basin profiles of fourth-order surfaces in a system (σs, σr). Several characteristics of stratigraphic (reservoir) architecture of fourth-order stratigraphic cycles are related to stratigraphic grade: (1) longitudinal distribution of sandstone in fourth-order cycles, (2) location of maximum sandstone relative to the depocenter of fourth-order cycles, (3) lengths of fourth-order submarine fans, and (4) longitudinal and vertical distribution of architectural elements. Stratigraphic grade is thus a predictor of reservoir architecture and can thereby be used to reduce the uncertainty in the interpretation of subsurface data.The concept of stratigraphic grade is useful in understanding the stratigraphic evolution of deepwater systems. Most deepwater systems analyzed in this study initiated as out-of-grade and temporally evolved to graded systems over a time span of millions of years. Systems rarely evolve from graded to out-of-grade. First-order controls on stratigraphic grade are determined to be angle of slope, tectonically forced changes in angle of slope during deposition, and sediment supply.  相似文献   
云南富宁地区铜镍矿成矿地质条件分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铜镍是富宁地区主要矿种。成矿母岩为"安定型"基性岩。岩体具有明显的分异现象,自边缘至中心可分成致密状辉绿岩相、中细粒橄榄辉长苏长岩相、中粒辉长苏长岩相、中粒闪长岩相四个相带。铜镍矿主要产于中细粒橄榄辉长苏长岩相中,其次产于中粒辉长苏长岩相中。对富宁地区铜镍矿成矿地质条件进行分析。  相似文献   
舒锋敏  林良勋 《海洋预报》2007,24(4):102-108
本文利用NCEP/NCAR再分析格点资料,着重对8903号"BRENDA"和0601号"珍珠"两个同源地进入南海后不同路径的典型热带气旋的大尺度环境场进行对比分析。结果表明:西风槽的强弱和东移的快慢、西太平洋副高的形状变化和东退西进、冷空气的强弱和南下路径及热带气旋内部的不对称结构是造成二者移动路经差异的主要原因。另,印缅槽的变化也对其路径差异有一定的作用。  相似文献   
云南省祥(云)-临(沧)公路红土坡隧道,在施工过程中变形严重,洞内数次冒顶、产生地面陷落,并诱发滑坡,严重影响了施工进度并造成较大经济损失。文章根据现场勘查及变形监控量测资料,详细论述了隧道变形特点,从地层岩性、构造、地应力条件、地下水作用、施工工艺、滑坡影响等方面综合分析了隧道变形原因。红土坡隧道变形是软弱的地层岩性、地应力条件改变、地下水作用、施工工艺以及滑坡偏压等各种因素共同作用的结果。且隧道变形诱发滑坡,滑坡又促使隧道进一步变形。基于此,文章提出了首先对滑坡进行支挡,再对隧道围岩进行加固的整治思路,并提出具体工程方案。整治工程实施后,红土坡隧道变形已得到完全控制,取得良好的治理效果。  相似文献   
Evaluation of density in layer compaction using SASW method   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SASW test, which is non-intrusive and rapid in the field application, was used to evaluate the layer density in the roller compaction without performing the complicated inversion process. The concept of normalized shear wave velocity was introduced to minimize the effect of confinement in the density evaluation. SASW test was performed to determine the shear wave velocity of the layer, and the free–free resonant column (FF–RC) test was adopted to determine the correlation between the normalized shear wave velocity and density of the site, which is almost unique independent of confinement. Testing and data reduction procedures of both tests were briefly discussed and an evaluation procedure of the field density was proposed by effectively combining in-situ shear wave velocity determined by the SASW test with the correlation between the normalized shear wave velocity and the density determined by the FF–RC test. Finally, the feasibility of the proposed method was verified by performing a field case study at Hoengsung road construction site. Field densities determined by the proposed method matched well with those determined by sand cone tests, showing the potential of applying the proposed method in the field density evaluation.  相似文献   
We consider the possibility of particles being injected at the interior of a reconnecting current sheet (RCS), and study their orbits by dynamical systems methods. As an example we consider orbits in a 3D Harris type RCS. We find that, despite the presence of a strong electric field, a 'mirror' trapping effect persists, to a certain extent, for orbits with appropriate initial conditions within the sheet. The mirror effect is stronger for electrons than for protons. In summary, three types of orbits are distinguished: (i) chaotic orbits leading to escape by stochastic acceleration, (ii) regular orbits leading to escape along the field lines of the reconnecting magnetic component, and (iii) mirror-type regular orbits that are trapped in the sheet, making mirror oscillations. Dynamically, the latter orbits lie on a set of invariant KAM tori that occupy a considerable amount of the phase space of the motion of the particles. We also observe the phenomenon of 'stickiness', namely chaotic orbits that remain trapped in the sheet for a considerable time. A trapping domain, related to the boundary of mirror motions in velocity space, is calculated analytically. Analytical formulae are derived for the kinetic energy gain in regular or chaotic escaping orbits. The analytical results are compared with numerical simulations.  相似文献   
通过对南海东部 149 站深海柱状剖面的孢粉、藻类研究,根据孢粉成分的变化将该孔沉积层从下至上划分为 4 个孢粉组合带.1 带:Pinus-Quercus(常绿)-Umbellferae-Gramineae-Pteris 孢粉带(407~270cm);2 带:Dacrydium-Quercus-Cyathea-Pinus-Polypodiaceae 孢粉带(270~105 cm);3 带:Pinus-Polypodiaceae-Quercus(常绿)-Pteridium 孢粉带(105~30 cm);4 带:Gleditsia-Cyathea-Pinus-Polypodiaceae 孢粉带(30~0 cm).并相应恢复了南海东部 7.5 万 a 以来 4 个植被、气候、古环境演替阶段:热带北缘半常绿季雨林、热带季雨林、热带北缘半常绿季雨林和热带季雨林.结合氧同位素测年资料,对 149 站柱状地层时代作了划分.  相似文献   
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