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The Dempster-Shafer theory has been successfully applied to mineral resource potential mapping in GIS environmental. In this applied form, basic probability assignment and combined basic probability assignment are applied to measuring map pattem and map pattem combination, respectively; and the environment composed of the only two singleton sets (deposit set and non-deposit set), is used for expressing the entire map area. For a subarea in which the certain map pattern combination exists, the combined basic probability assignment corresponding to the map pattern combination existing in this subarea, expresses the belief of inferring the subarea belonging to the deposit set from the evidence that the corresponding map pattern combination existing in the subarea. Thus, it may be served as a statistical index measuring the relative mineral resource potentials of the subarea. And it may be determined like 1) dividing the map area into a series of small equal-sized grid cells and then select the training sample set composed of the well-known grid cells or the entire grid cells; 2) estimating the basic probability assignments corresponding to each map pattern fromthe training sample set; 3) determining the map pattern combination existing in each cell, and then appling the Dempster's Rule of Combination to integrating the all basic probability assignments corresponding to the map patterns existing in the cell into the combined basic probability assignment. Mineral resource potential mapping with the Dempster-Shafer theory is demonstrated on a case study to select mineral resource targets. The experimental results manifest that the model can be compared with the weights of evidence model in the effectiveness of mineral resource target selection.  相似文献   
Self-potential anomalies due to two-dimensional inclined sheet of finite depth extent are analysed from their horizontal and vertical derivatives via the Hilbert transform. The depths to the top and bottom of the sheet and the inclination are obtained by means of simple mathematical expressions. The method is applied to a theoretical example and to a field S.P. anomaly over a sulphide deposit in the Kalava fault zone of Cuddapah basin, India. The presence of random noise is analysed for various levels and its effect is discussed. This interpretation process can be automated for all practical purposes by simple programming.  相似文献   
Meissel-Stokes核函数应用于区域大地水准面分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高区域大地水准面计算精度,基于EGM2008地球重力场位系数模型分析Meissel-Stokes核函数、截断误差系数以及截断误差。选取实验区,采用移去-恢复法评价Meissel-Stokes核函数计算大地水准面的精度。结果表明:Meissel-Stokes核函数及其截断误差系数收敛速度快;截断误差小且稳定。在积分半径不易扩展的情况下,应用Meissel-Stokes核函数计算区域大地水准面,比标准Stokes计算大地水准面精度略高。  相似文献   
首先介绍了北斗系统的区域星座特点,然后从相对定位几何精度因子(relative dilution of precision,RDOP)和定位误差两方面进行精度分析,初步得出了北斗相对定位精度与区域星座的关系。理论分析和实验结果都表明,在我国范围内采用北斗卫星导航系统进行短基线相对定位时,其东西方向定位精度优于南北、高程方向;南北方向与高程方向的定位误差呈负相关;北斗相对定位精度随纬度增加而降低;与GPS相比,北斗相对定位在南北方向精度略差;载波相位相对定位精度受北斗区域星座的影响略大于单频伪距差分。  相似文献   
线元点位误差带的“纺锤形”模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对当前GIS界流行的以点位误差描述线元位置不确定性的误差带理论提出相反的观点。最早提出的线元误差带理论为"ε-带"模型,后来又提出了"E-带"模型和在其基础上发展的"G-带"模型。后两者均认为以控制点点位误差描述的线元的误差带的基本形状呈"哑铃"形,即认为线元上端点的位置不确定性大于端点之间的点的位置不确定性。笔者的看法与此相反,笔者认为线元上两控制点之间的点的位置不确定性应大于控制点的位置不确定性,且在两控制点的中间达到最大,即线元误差带的基本形状应为"纺锤形"而不是"哑铃形"。  相似文献   
GMRES方法在大型离岸结构水弹性分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
使用GMRES方法求解了大型离岸结构水弹性分析所获得的复系数线性方程组,并按照向后误差分析的方法,给出了它的终止准则。数值试验表明对于所考虑的问题,GMRES方法优于直接方法。  相似文献   
本文报告极轨气象卫星探测数据对B-模式的海平面气压场预报和500hPa高度预报的系统性误差的影响.主要结果是:(1)B-模式预报海平面气压的强度偏弱,即高压系统太低,低压太高;(2)500hPa高度预报的系统性误差情况不如海平面气压场误差情况明显.但也能发现槽区的高度预报不够低,而脊区的高度预报不够高;(3)应用卫星数据对B-模式分析预报系统的预报有正作用,对海洋上的地面低压和500hPa槽区附近的系统性误差有明显减小,但对其它地区天气系统预报的正负影响参差不齐,其作用难下结论。  相似文献   
提出一种基于序贯预测误差方法(SPE)的多层神经网络(MNN)的学习算法。经模拟计算,它比传统的基于最陡下降方法的误差反传(SDBEP)算法具有更好的收敛性能。并对这两种算法进行了模拟计算的比较.  相似文献   
本文利用RANSAC-PSO算法研究在反演断层滑动参数时所用大地测量数据包含粗差的问题。在模拟实验中对理论观测值加入1%、5%、10%粗差,分别采用粒子群算法、选权迭代算法和RANSAC-PSO算法反演断层滑动参数。结果表明,当观测值中包含粗差率达10%时,PSO算法反演的滑动参数与理论值相差23.2 cm,选权迭代法反演的滑动参数与理论值相差26.2 cm,而RANSAC-PSO反演的滑动参数与理论值相差小于1 cm。芦山地震具有以逆冲为主兼具少量左旋走滑性质,采用芦山地震同震GPS位移数据分别以PSO算法和RANSAC-PSO算法反演断层滑动参数,RANSAC-PSO算法反演的走滑量为0.051 8 m,倾滑量为0.828 9 m,均大于PSO的反演结果;释放能量1.000 9×1019 N·m(MW6.63),与GCMT 的1.060 0×1019 N·m更加吻合。分别用RANSAC-PSO算法与PSO算法反演的滑动参数计算地表水平位移,并与GPS观测进行对比,发现二者在计算距断层的远场点时,计算的水平位移基本一致;而在计算距断层的近场点时,RANSAC-PSO算法表现更为优秀,尤其体现在LS07点上,其计算值与GPS观测值完全重合。  相似文献   
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