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Big landslides are one of the main natural hazards in Kyrgyzstan, which are concentrated in the foothills of the high mountain ranges along the Eastern rim of the Fergana Basin. Because of the high number of landslides and their occurrence over large areas there is a strong need for effective and objective landslide hazard assessment at a regional scale. In Kyrgyzstan satellite remote sensing data represent the only source of multitemporal information about surface conditions covering large areas. Against this background the goal is the development of a satellite remote sensing and GIS-based system for quantitatively oriented and spatially differentiated hazard assessment. During the presented pilot investigations in the area of the Upper Maili Suu river basin a methodological framework has been developed incorporating remote sensing and GIS techniques for various levels of information extraction. So far, methodological investigations have been focused on the potential of satellite remote sensing data from different optical (Landsat-(E)TM, ASTER, MOMS-2P) and radar (ERS-1/2) systems for the creation of an improved knowledge basis for hazard assessment. This includes landslide identification, generation of topographic information and characterization of the geological setting. The derived primary information have been analyzed in a GIS environment to gain an improved process understanding as a main prerequisite for successful hazard assessment. The results show that currently available satellite remote sensing data are suitable for landslide investigation in Kyrgyzstan. Full exploitation of their information potential requires combined analysis with other thematic information based on methods of interactive and automated information extraction.  相似文献   
本文通过遥感解译和实地核查,查明了临武县主要的矿山地质环境问题,并对矿山地质环境问题和地质环境背景条件进行分析研究,建立矿山地质环境综合评价指标体系,应用"专家打分-层次分析法"确定评价指标权重,根据相关规范确定评价指标等级,建立评价模型。基于ArcGIS平台,对各指标进行信息提取、赋值和叠加运算,再根据综合评价分级标准,得到矿山地质环境综合评价分区图。评价结果与实际调查情况相符,说明建立的评价指标体系较合理。研究成果对临武县矿山地质环境保护与生态文明建设具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   
MODFLOW is a groundwater modeling program. It can be compiled and remedied according to the practical applications. Because of its structure and fixed data format, MODFLOW can be integrated with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology for water resource management. The North China Plain (NCP), which is the politic, economic and cultural center of China, is facing with water resources shortage and water pollution. Groundwater is the main water resource for industrial, agricultural and domestic usage. It is necessary to evaluate the groundwater resources of the NCP as an entire aquifer system. With the development of computer and internet information technology it is also necessary to integrate the groundwater model with the GIS technology. Because the geological and hydrogeological data in the NCP was mainly in MAPGIS format, the powerful function of GIS of disposing of and analyzing spatial data and computer languages such as Visual C and Visual Basic were used to define the relationship between the original data and model data. After analyzing the geological and hydrogeological conditions of the NCP, the groundwater flow numerical simulation modeling was constructed with MODFLOW. On the basis of GIS, a dynamic evaluation system for groundwater resources under the internet circumstance was completed. During the process of constructing the groundwater model, a water budget was analyzed, which showed a negative budget in the NCP. The simulation period was from 1 January 2002 to 31 December 2003. During this period, the total recharge of the groundwater system was 49,374 × 10m3 and the total discharge was 56,530 × 10m3 the budget deficit was −7,156 × 10m3. In this integrated system, the original data including graphs and attribution data could be stored in the database. When the process of evaluating and predicting groundwater flow was started, these data were transformed into files that the core program of MODFLOW could read. The calculated water level and drawdown could be displayed and reviewed online.  相似文献   
矿井构造是影响煤矿安全生产的主要因素,对瓦斯突出、矿井突水有着明显的控制作用。矿井构造具有空间性和非线性等特点,使矿井构造复杂程度评价的难度较大,据此利用MapObjects的空间分析功能和非线性人工神经网络(ANN)耦合技术,对矿井构造复杂程度进行评价。根据前人的研究成果,将突水系数、底板倾角变异系数、底板标高变异系数、断层强度指数、断层密度等5项指标引入评价体系,经过空间分析统计和模型识别,建立了矿井构造复杂程度评价模型。在开滦矿区东欢矿8煤层构造复杂程度的评价中,共训练及评价了研究区的226个评价单元.评价结果表明研究区西部及西北部构造复杂,中部及东南部构造相对简单。  相似文献   
Map sheets have been often used as a basic spatial unit for managing spatial data produced from paper maps. This often results in incompatibility between adjacent map sheets, because spatial objects do not cross the boundaries smoothly and even the boundaries themselves do not match their neighbors exactly. To solve the problem this paper proposes a computational procedure for joining separate map sheets to obtain seamless spatial data. Line objects digitized separately in different map sheets are considered, which are frequently used to represent road networks, gas pipelines, and boundaries of polygon objects. The procedure consists of three steps: (1) extraction of end nodes, (2) detection of matching nodes, and (3) transformation of the map sheet. Each step goes interactively so that unexpected errors can be avoided by human observation. To test the validity of the procedure, map sheets are combined containing the road network data of Tokyo 23-ku area, Japan. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
基于DEM与实测河网的流域编码方法   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
借助于GIS技术对大流域进行划分与编码.修正实测河道上部分栅格单元的高程,以避免大面积“伪洼地”的出现,从修正后的栅格型数字高程模型(DEM)提取出与实测河网比较一致的模拟河网.提取出模拟河网后,再进行河网的编码,以及流域的划分与编码.提出了一种对Pfafstetter规则的改进方法,并且按照改进后的Pfafstetter规则来对河网与流域进行编码.所有编码工作是由本次研究中专门编制的程序来自动完成.将提出的方法应用于黄河流域,将整个黄河流域划分为8 255个子流域并赋予了Pfafstetter编码.  相似文献   
基于组件式GIS的唐山市区环境地质评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐山市区地质环境条件复杂,构造发育,多种地质灾害频繁发生。因此,进行唐山市区环境地质评价具有重要现实意义。本文在综合分析唐山市区地质环境状况的基础上,基于组件式GIS工具MO,利用模糊综合评判方法,对唐山市区进行了环境地质评价,将评价结果划分为质量不同的4类区域,为城市的发展及规划提供依据。  相似文献   
GIS的未来之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对当前地理信息系统的发展动态进行了分析,提出了未来GIS的发展呈现出的新特点、云计算GIS的发展趋势以及GIS和人们的生活密切相关.  相似文献   
环境模拟和GIS集成的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
李硕  曾志远  张运生 《冰川冻土》2002,24(2):134-141
GIS与环境模拟在技术、研究内容、方法上的进一步集成,具有广泛的应用前景.以开展的流域土壤和水资源研究模型的集成和系统化及其应用项目的实际工作,说明了环境模拟和GIS技术集成的必然性;从GIS技术的发展,环境模拟模型的改进与完善,数据的初始化与管理等方面系统地论述了环境模拟模型和GIS集成的必要性.通过现有集成模式的分析,对二者集成的概念框架以及不同的集成方式进行了概念性的描述,结合研究项目给出了集成示例.  相似文献   
以云南元江地区铜矿GIS预测为例,介绍了线型异常和面型异常的找矿有利度分析方法,并给出断裂、物化探异常和地层找矿有利度分析的结果.给出了计算空间相关性的公式,并研究了不同元素化探异常的空间相关性.研究了相关元素的组合异常,论证了在矿产资源预测中应用组合异常的必要性.  相似文献   
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