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The strong spectral interference between Br‐ and Al‐induced X‐ray lines hampers the utilisation of electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) for measuring Br mass fractions in Al‐bearing minerals and glasses. Through measuring Br‐free Al‐bearing materials, we established an EPMA method to quantify the overlap from AlKα on BrLβ, which can be expressed as a linear function of the Al2O3 content. The count rate of the BrLβ peak signal was enhanced by high beam currents and long measurement times. Application of this EPMA method to Al‐ and Br‐bearing materials, such as sodalite and scapolite, and to five experimental glasses yielded Br mass fractions (in the range of 250–4000 μg g?1) that are consistent with those measured by microbeam synchrotron X‐ray fluorescence (μ‐SXRF) spectrometry. The EPMA method has an estimated detection limit of ~ 100–300 μg g?1. We propose that this method is useful for measuring Br mass fractions (hundreds to thousands of μg g?1) in Al‐bearing minerals and glasses, including those produced in Br‐doped experiments. In addition, the natural marialitic scapolite (ON70) from Mpwapwa (Tanzania) containing homogeneously distributed high mass fractions of Br (2058 ± 56 μg g?1) and Cl (1.98 ± 0.03% m/m) is an ideal reference material for future in situ analyses.  相似文献   
渤海油田中深层轻质油气流富集,原油密度小,气油比高,普遍处于气液同存的的交错相态。由于轻质油、气层荧光、气测等录井特征相似,加之部分井眼条件差,测井资料不完善,造成流体识别难度大。对目前常用的气测录井系统开展轻质油气藏流体性质评价研究发现,基于常规气测组分(C1—C5)的3H组合模型呈现一定的规律性,但与传统解释模型存在差异,结合星型图流体相分析法,可有效识别渤海油田PL7区块凝析气与轻质油,流体界面明显。对于FLAIR气测录井系统,针对测量组分(C1—C8)引入能够敏感反映油气丰度变化的气指数、油指数和水指数3个流体指数,依据这3个流体指数的纵向组合形态和变化趋势,可准确识别油气性质,对渤海油田轻质油气藏的流体评价优势明显。该研究促进了所在区块油气分布格局和储量的落实,在其他钻遇轻质油气流的区块具有较高的推广应用价值。  相似文献   
On the origin of oriented rutile needles in garnet from UHP eclogites   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Although oriented rutile needles in garnet have been reported from several ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) rocks and considered to be important UHP indicators, their crystallographic features including growth habit and lattice correspondences with garnet host have never been properly characterized. This paper presents a detailed analytical electron microscopic (AEM) study on evenly distributed oriented rutile needles in garnet of two eclogitic rocks from Sulu. Some garnet in one UHP diamondiferous quartzofeldspathic rock from the Saxonian Erzgebirge, and in one high‐pressure (HP) felsic granulite from Bohemia also contain a few unevenly distributed oriented rutile needles. They have also been studied for the purpose of comparison. Despite different distribution patterns, AEM revealed that all rutile needles are oriented along the 〈111〉 directions of garnet with their lateral sides surrounded by the {110} planes of garnet, and that the growth directions of most needles are close to the normal of the {101} planes of rutile. No other specific crystallographic orientation relationships between rutile and garnet host were observed, and there is no pyroxene associated with rutile, as necessitated by the precipitation reaction of rutile in garnet as previously proposed. A simple solid‐state precipitation scenario for the formation of the rutile needles in garnet in these two eclogitic rocks is not justified. Three alternative mechanisms are considered for the formation of oriented rutile needles: (i) the rutile needles may be inherited from precursor minerals; (ii) the rutile needles may be formed by a dissolution–reprecipitation mechanism; and (iii) the rutile needles may be formed by cleaving and healing of garnet with rutile deposition. None of these mechanisms can fully explain the observations, although the first one is less likely and the third one is preferred. This study presents an example where the presence of oriented/aligned inclusions in minerals does not necessarily imply a precipitation origin.  相似文献   
胡国元  艾勇  张虹 《极地研究》2011,23(4):264-268
对1999年4月8日南极中山站极光亚暴期间不同谱线的极光强度比值进行讨论,并据此讨论亚暴期间沉降粒子能量随时间变化的情况.得出I(557.7 nm)/I(427.8 nm)和I(630.0 nm)/I(427.8 nm)比值在平静时期分别在5-22和1-2.76之间变化,该变化不是由原子氧浓度空间分布变化所引起,而可能...  相似文献   
北京市春夏季大气气溶胶的单颗粒分析表征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采集了北京市2000年春夏季大气气溶胶样品5个,采用扫描电镜X射线能谱技术分析大气气溶胶单颗粒约2500个。研究结果表明,沙尘期间,矿物尘是最主要的颗粒物种类,非沙尘期间,北京市大气气溶胶中主要检出矿物尘和含硫颗粒物。夏季随着颗粒物污染的加重,含硫颗粒物的数目百分数增加。是北京市大气颗粒物污染的重要特征。重点讨论了Ca-S颗粒、K-S颗粒和Ca-K-S颗粒三类典型含硫颗粒物的化学组成和粒径分布特征。数目可观的Ca-K-S颗粒以及其他硫酸盐颗粒的生成与相对湿度和云量等气象条件相关,这些颗粒物可能是云中过程的产物。减少SO2排放,减少含硫颗粒物,对于控制北京市的大气颗粒物浓度水平具有重要意义。  相似文献   
李松林  陈成  边少锋  李厚朴  刘强 《测绘学报》2019,48(10):1331-1338
利用空间矢量方法推导出了椭球面上只与起止点地理坐标有关的大椭圆航线方程,代入4种常用海图投影的正解公式,得到不同投影平面上的大椭圆参数方程;利用上述参数方程进而推导出了不同投影面上大椭圆航线的曲率与曲率半径公式。选取伦敦到纽约的大椭圆航线为例,通过绘制不同投影面上的大椭圆航线并分析其曲率、曲率半径变化曲线可知,大椭圆航线在日晷投影上的表象为曲率处处为0的直线,而在其他投影面上的表象为曲率较小但不断变化的曲线。利用推导的曲率半径公式可以计算各类大椭圆航线上任意位置的“代曲直距”,方便在不同比例尺的海图上对大椭圆航线进行量测和绘制,提高作图效率。  相似文献   
孔君  王广河  房文  苏正军 《气象》2016,42(1):74-79
利用CAMS的1 m~3等温云室系统筛选出新型高效AgI焰剂WMC-IN-001和WMG-IN-002。检测结果表明,它们具有较高的成核率,在-15℃时达到10~(15)g~(-1)AgI量级,尤其在-7℃时WMC-IN-001的成核率仍可达到10~(14)g~(-1)AgI量级。同时给出对节银剂配方和2011年市场上主要的几种催化剂的检测结果进行对比。WMC-IN-001和WMC-IN-002的成冰速率较慢,在各检测温度的成冰速率差异较小,均在40~55 min。利用冷场发射扫描电镜和能谱仪对WMC-IN-001燃烧产生的气溶胶粒子作了物化特征分析,粒子分布在0.02~0.60μm,具有两个典型的模态:0.02~0.10μm的较小的粒子和0.20~0.55μm的较大的粒子,均立方直径为0.2472μm。WMC-IN-001气溶胶粒子明显偏大,小粒子相对较少,这可能是其成冰速率偏慢的原因之一。  相似文献   
Honeycomb weathering has been observed in a Carboniferous sandstone at a coastal location near Ballycastle on the north coast of Northern Ireland. Specimens of this sandstone have been analysed by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and energy dispersive spectrometry. Results reveal that calcium sulphate (gypsum) is the only salt present and is found only at and immediately below the rock surface. SEM observations suggest that crystallization of salts in pores could easily dislodge quartz grains to promote granular disintegration, whilst etching of quartz grain surfaces attests to chemical weathering activity within the rock However, the reason for the development of the honeycomb pattern is not known.  相似文献   
利用日本GPS网探测2011年Tohoku海啸引发的电离层扰动   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

海平面的海啸波会产生大气重力波进而引发电离层扰动.本文利用日本GPS总电子含量数据来探测2011年3月11日Tohoku海啸引发的电离层扰动.观测结果表明,在日本上空的电离层中存在两种重力波信号,分别由海平面的海啸波以及地震破裂过程产生.地震产生的电离层重力波分布在震中周围(包括海洋上空以及远离海洋的区域),而海啸引发的电离层重力波主要分布在海洋上空.地震产生的电离层重力波具有不同的水平速度,包括约210 m·s-1以及170 m·s-1,其频率为1.5 mHz;而海啸引发的电离层重力波水平速度快于前者,约为280 m·s-1,其频率为1.0 mHz.此外,海啸引发电离层重力波与海平面上的海啸波有相似的水平速度、方向、运行时间、波形以及频率等传播特征.本文的研究将电离层中的海啸信号与地震信号区分开来,进一步确认电离层对海啸波的敏感性.

在信息与通信技术(information and communications technology,ICT)时代,电子航海图(electronic navigational chart,ENC)的迅猛发展使得纸质海图的未来引起航海界的广泛讨论.借鉴地图四面体模型,从4个层面探讨了航海图领域实地、纸质海图、电子海图和用...  相似文献   
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