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李永祺  王蔚 《海洋与湖沼》2019,50(5):931-936
海洋生态学是生态学与海洋(生物)学交叉的一门学科。生态学是当今发展迅速的一门科学,许多学者从不同角度提出了生态学的定义,大致可归为经典(传统)和非传统(扩张)两大类。海洋生态学的定义源于生态学,由于海洋环境与陆地有很大的不同,科学与准确地给海洋生态学下定义,将有助于学科的研究、应用和发展。本文对国内外一些学者提出的生态学和海洋生态学的定义做了介绍和探讨,期望有助于海洋生态学的发展。  相似文献   
Trophic studies are fundamental to understanding the dynamics of assemblages and functional roles of species within ecosystems, contributing to the identification of factors responsible for the organization and structure of communities. This study aimed to analyse the trophic organization of tidepool fish assemblages in the tropical Southwestern Atlantic, based on the underlying idea that food resources are not limiting and that trophic guild formation is not driven by food competition. Diets were based on feeding index values of food categories for 12 representative species collected in six tidepools (20º49′ S, 40º36′ W) at quarterly intervals (2005 to 2007). The main food categories were small crustaceans, polychaetes and macroalgae. Multivariate techniques evidenced two multispecific trophic guilds: small‐prey carnivores, including Bathygobius soporator, Bathygobius geminatus, Malacoctenus delalandii and Halichoeres poeyi, and herbivores, including Sparisoma axillare and Acanthurus bahianus. Other species presented significantly different diets and were classified into the following guilds: omnivores feeding on filamentous algae and copepods (Abudefduf saxatilis); large‐prey carnivores (Labrisomus nuchipinnis); omnivores feeding on polychaetes and filamentous algae (Stegastes fuscus); and polychaete feeders (Ahlia egmontis). Gymnothorax funebris and Gymnothorax moringa were classified as carcinophagores and piscivores, respectively. Trophic organization appears related to species convergence toward the use of abundant food resources, driven by a combination of factors allowing some resource partitioning through inter‐specific differences in consumer size, microhabitat, behavior, and trophic specialization.  相似文献   
樊超  桂峰  赵晟 《海洋通报》2019,38(4):447-454
本文以舟山本岛为研究对象,通过7景Landsat系列遥感影像,获取了1985-2015年7个时期内的5种地物信息。在此基础上,引入4个空间分析指标,分析了城镇扩展方位特征、城镇扩展强度及扩展速度特征、景观格局变化特征,并对影响城镇扩展的自然环境因素进行空间分析,对社会经济因素进行相关性分析。结果表明:(1)舟山本岛城镇扩展在空间方位上呈现"串珠状"的非典型蔓延特征,且在本岛第四象限扩展最显著;(2)城镇空间扩展可划分为三个阶段:城镇雏形阶段(1985-1995年)、城镇生长阶段(1995-2010年)及城镇成熟阶段(2010-2015年);(3)城镇雏形阶段,城镇"向中部绿心"扩展,岛陆森林面积减少了10.34 km2;城镇生长阶段,城镇"向海"扩展,25.10 km2周边海域经围垦转变为耕地及建设用地;城镇成熟阶段,城镇扩展"向海"与"向中部绿心"并存,对海岛生态系统陆海两侧均造成压力;(4)城镇空间扩展的空间指向主要位于海拔20 m以下,坡度10°以下的山谷、沿岸平原及围垦区。本岛人口数、房地产投入、GDP总量及路网总长等因素与城镇扩展相关性最显著。  相似文献   
南海大鹏湾夜光藻种群生态及其赤潮成因分析   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
分析了1990年3月--1992年6月南海大鹏湾夜光藻种妲民环境因子之间的动态关系。研究发现,夜光藻的生存水温的高限可达28.6℃左右,但其最适不温范围为20-22℃而适温范围可扩到16-25℃。所以,每年夏季高温季节,大鹏湾的夜光藻因无法忍受高温(30℃)而自然死亡,秋季再由外洋海流将其营养细胞带回。夜光藻的最适盐度应在29-33之间,但盐度线般与夜光藻的咱群变动没有明显的相关关系,不过暴雨或梅  相似文献   
赤潮藻对桡足类摄食、产卵及孵化影响的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对近年来有关赤潮藻对桡足类摄食、产卵及孵化的影响研究动态进行了综述。一般认为,海洋桡足类对赤潮藻存在着潜在的调控作用,但近年来的研究发现,某些赤潮藻反过来对桡足类的生长、发育、产卵等生理状态也存在着负面影响。文中提出在今后赤潮研究中,应加强对有毒赤潮藻和桡足类相互作用和特异性的研究。  相似文献   
浮游植物薄层是指位于水体次表层、厚度从几厘米到几米的高丰度浮游植物分布层。与大洋相比,在河口、海湾和近海的浮游植物薄层往往分布浅、强度大,具有明显的时空变化。浮游植物薄层的形成和维持不仅受到层化、楔入、剪切等物理过程的调控,也与浮游植物的生长、聚集及浮游动物的差异化捕食等生物生态学过程有关,目前围绕浮游植物薄层的形成机制已提出了趋旋俘获等假说。浮游植物薄层对其生长、繁殖、防御等具有重要意义,有的浮游植物薄层聚集了大量的有毒有害藻,与有害藻华的发生关系密切。深入研究浮游植物薄层的成因,将为阐明有害藻华的发生机制和有效监测提供重要依据。  相似文献   
杨浩  史宝  牛化欣  张代强  李静 《海洋科学》2020,44(6):152-158
星康吉鳗(Conger myriaster)具有较高的营养价值和经济价值,是中国和日本重要捕捞对象之一,在中国海鳗类加工出口中占有重要的地位,关于其研究越来越受到关注。星康吉鳗具有较高的产业化养殖潜力和广阔的养殖前景,亟待开展人工增养殖以满足国内外市场需求。作者总结了星康吉鳗生物学方面的形态特征、食性特点、繁殖习性、栖息、洄游、种质遗传特征,生态学方面的温度、盐度、光照、溶氧适应以及捕捞、人工养殖方式等方面的研究成果,并在此基础上对未来星康吉鳗的研究方向进行了展望,以期为星康吉鳗的资源保护和增养殖产业可持续发展提供理论参考。  相似文献   
Azolla filiculoides Lam. is a tiny aquatic fern growing as free floating mats covering the stagnant water of the irrigation and drainage canals of Damietta district, Egypt. Ecological characteristics and distribution of the fern were investigated and results were discussed.Vegetation analysis of Azolla indicate that the most common associated species with Azolla are: Phragmites australis [presence (P) = 93.3%], Echinochloa stagnina (P = 70%), Eichhornia crassipes (P = 57%), Pluchea dioscoridis (P = 56.7%), Persicaria salicifolia (P = 26.7%), Phylla nodiflora (P = 13.3%) and Ludwigia stolonifera (P = 10%). Submerged species, e.g. Ceratophyllum spp. and Potamogeton spp. are completely absent in the stands dominated with solid mats of Azolla. This could be explained by that these mats prevent light penetration and oxygen which are required to submerged plants which in turn are decayed.The pH of the water where Azolla was recorded ranged from 7.1 to 9.0 (mean = 7.8), total dissolved salts ranged from 280 to 2600 mg/l (mean = 880 mg/l). The total phosphorus showed the range from 0.01 to 0.82 mg/l (mean = 0.22 mg/l). The ammonia-N is relatively high, varying from 2 to 18 mg/l (mean = 7.0 mg/l), however, the nitrate-N varied from 2.1 to 54.1 mg/l with a mean value of 20.5 mg/l.The fresh biomass of Azolla ranged from 114 to 4280 g/m2 in irrigation canals and from 506 to 2760 g/m2 in drainage canals. The dry biomass varied from 16 to 23 g/m2 in irrigation canals. The range from 26 to 320 g/m2 was obtained for drainage canals.  相似文献   
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