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“中国生态大讲堂”(China Ecological Forum, CEF)是一个中国生态学领域的综合学术论坛;它以“传播新知识,交流新思想,展示新成果”为宗旨,举办系列学术讲座、春冬季专题研讨会、高级研讨班以及焦点论坛等学术交流活动。自2005年创办以来,“中国生态大讲堂”已经组织了100期主题演讲和12次大型学术研讨会、6次专题研讨会、2次高级研讨班,成为广大科研人员进行学术交流的重要平台。迄今,已有300人次的知名科学家、中青年学者在大讲堂作了学术讲演,其中150人次是来自国外研究机构的知名学者。从近年来演讲的主题来看,“气候变化与生态系统适应性”、“生态系统评估和管理”和“生态系统服务”等是生态学研究的热点问题。自2009年以来,根据“中国生态大讲堂”研讨会整理出版的《中国生态大讲堂系列丛书》已经出版了5本,涵盖了当前生态学研究的主要领域及其关键科学问题,反映了当代生态学研究的科学前沿。本文通过对“中国生态大讲堂”讲座和研讨会主题的梳理,探讨了近年来生态学研究前沿领域和热点问题,希望能为中国生态系统研究者提供参考。  相似文献   
Book Reviewed in this article: Marine Resources of Kuwait: Their Role in the Development of Non-oil Resources . Fatimah H. Y. al -Abdul -Razzak Recollections of a Revolution: Geography as Spatial Science . Mark Billinge , Derek Gregory and Ron Martin Entre l'Eden et l'Utopie . Luc Bureau Developments in Political Geography . M. A. Busteed The Elements of Graphing Data . William S. Cleveland Rural Resource Management . Paul J. Cloke and Chris C. Park Third World Atlas . Ben Crow and Alan Thomas Exploitation, Conservation, Preservation: A Geographic Perspective on Natural Resource Use . Susan L. Cutter , Hilary Lambert Renwick, and William H. Renwick . Wine Regions of the Southern Hemisphere . Harm Jan de Blij Regional Development: Problems and Policies in Eastern and Western Europe . George Demko The Geographer at Work . Peter R. Gould Change in the Amazon Basin . John Hemming Geography Since the Second World War . R. J. Johnston and P. Claval Urbanization in China: Town and Countryside in a Developing Economy 1949–2000 A.D. , R. J. R. Kirkby Transport and Communications for Pacific Microstates: Issues in Organisation and Management . Christopher C. Kissling Fluvial Forms and Processes . David Knighton The Urban Millennium . Josef W. Konvitz Technological Transition in Cartography . Mark Stephen Monmonier Field Guide to Soils and the Environment: Applications of Soil Surveys . Gerald W. Olson Northern Australia: The Arenas of Life and Ecosystems on Half a Continent . Don Parkes A Killing Rain: The Global Threat of Acid Rain . Thomas Pawlick From the Family Farm to Agribusiness: The Irrigation Crusade in California and the West, 1850–1931 . Donald J. Pisani Hybrid Maize Diffusion in Kenya . Franz -Michael Rundquist Warning and Response to the Mount St. Helens Eruption . Thomas F. Saarinen and James L. Sell Coastal Geomorphology in Australia . B. G. Thom Tropical Rain Forests of the Far East , 2nd ed . T. C. Whitmore The Dark Side of the Earth . Robert Muir Wood Categorical Data Analysis for Geographers and Environmental Scientists , Neil Wrigley  相似文献   
Deer–vehicle collisions (DVCs) are a constant problem in North America that cost millions of dollars of damage and loss of human life. This study investigated the spatial relationship of DVCs for a county in western Indiana using nearest neighbor analysis, chi-square test of independence, and a landscape metric: the percentage of like adjacencies. The study was able to show that DVCs are not randomly located, and that habitat type and structure may play an important role in the location of DVCs.  相似文献   
根据毕节地区自然条件和开采的施工工艺及施工组织条件,分析煤矿开采过程中的生态环境破坏情况,提出了植被恢复是生态重建的最重要途径之一;并根据生态学上的“适地适树”原则、“生物多样性”原则、“生态位”等原则,筛选出了目前在煤矿工业场地区、生活管理区、排矸场区等主要区域生长良好的具有功能性的乡土树种,指出了选择树种时需要注意的问题,力争为创建毕节地区生态煤矿探索一种模式并实现矿区生态环境的良性循环。  相似文献   
Jamaica's tourism industry has grown rapidly in recent decades, with significant implications for national development. However, the distribution of the benefits from this growth sector has been socially and spatially uneven. Drawing on substantial data sets collected through a variety of participatory research practices, this paper assesses the socioeconomic and environmental challenges facing the residents of Montego Bay and Falmouth on Jamaica's north coast, the main site for tourism development in the country. The research involved training community residents as researchers, and used traditional quantitative methods alongside techniques borrowed from participatory rapid appraisal.
The local society and economy are clearly shown to be affected by processes of globalization and mobility. However, existing patterns of national economic development – including the expansion of the tourism industry – have failed to alleviate the social and environmental problems faced by relatively powerless members of the Jamaican society. In contrast, the most effective responses to this situation have involved stakeholder groups negotiating and breaking down entrenched scaled relationships through the mobilization of particular forms of social networks.  相似文献   
转型期上海社会空间分异研究   总被引:61,自引:14,他引:61  
李志刚  吴缚龙 《地理学报》2006,61(2):199-211
采用2000年第五次全国人口普查数据库中居民委员会尺度的数据,对转型期上海城市空间重构与分异展开研究。存在6类社会区:计划经济时代建设的工人居住区、外来人口集中居住区、白领集中居住区、农民居住区、新建普通住宅居住区、离退休人员集中居住区。通过计算分异指数,发现当前上海存在严重的住房分异;但并不存在明显的以社会经济属性为基础的社会空间分异。造成这一现象的原因在于计划经济时代的历史以及仍然存在的大型企事业单位对住房的影响。中国城市目前的社会空间分异在程度上与西方城市还有根本的差异。  相似文献   
王鹏飞 《地理研究》2005,24(3):453-463
运用政治生态学(politicalecology)的基本观点,以北京市农村地区为对象,在对平原、丘陵、山区4个不同类型村庄多年实地调查基础上,分析了在政治体制改革、市场经济影响下北京郊区农村的组织形态、产业结构、土地利用、耕地质量、生态环境的变化过程。研究揭示,1979以来北京农村政治改革与生态环境的关系与其他的农村地区不同,国家与地方政府的政策变化使北京农村生态环境在不同时期呈现出恶化-改善的波动性过程;根据长期研究,政体改革、政策变化在总体上起到了抑制生态恶化、改善农村环境的作用。  相似文献   
汕头市土地利用空间格局的景观生态学分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王娟  陈绍愿  林建平 《热带地理》2006,26(3):223-228
根据不同利用类型土地生态效应的异同,对汕头市2003年1∶1万比例尺土地更新调查数据的土地分类系统进行调整,将全部土地景观划分为耕地、林地、园地、草地、居民点及工矿、交通、裸土地和水域等8类.在GIS的支持下,提取各类型土地景观斑块的数目、面积和周长等信息,据此对斑块景观的数量、面积和形状等特征,以及区域景观的多样性、均匀度和优势度,集中性和区际意义等进行分析,从而总结出全市范围及六区一县土地利用空间格局的景观生态学特征.  相似文献   
区域产业布局优化及理论依据分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
目前关于产业布局的理论多强调其经济效益,在一定程度上忽视了环境效益和社会效益。从经济、社会与环境协调发展的角度对产业布局优化的内涵进行阐释,并论述实现区域产业布局优化的经济学、环境学及生态学理论依据。  相似文献   
Geographically or sociologically defined resource management units, such as buffer zones or community resource management territories, seek to harmonize local land–use practices with protected–area management objectives. The geographically restricted nature of these models often results in simplistic representations of society–nature relations over time and space. Conservation areas are misrepresented as ecologically and socially homogeneous, as well as politically neutral. This study examines the limits of a spatially defined conservation and development project designed around the physical geographical unit of the watershed at Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya. It argues that politically motivated violence that has plagued the area since the early 1990s has severely undermined the suitability of such narrowly defined conservation territories. Specifically, the case study points to the permeability of the Lake Nakuru watershed to national and regional political forces that ultimately constrain participation in conservation activities. The spaces of conservation and development must be enlarged to include these extralocal arenas and processes if environmental problems are to be effectively addressed.  相似文献   
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