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丽江7.0级地震的余震震源参数研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
本从PDR-2数字化近源(6.2km≤△≤42km)台网记录的丽江余震中初选了74个地震,初定了震中位置,震中方位角。用相应的台网数据处理技术,研究了丽江地震序列的体波谱。对震级2.5≤M≤5.7、地震矩21.40≤longM0≤23.28的地震,得出了丽江地区地震系列的震源参数;以及P波、S波的logM0与Md的关系式分别为:logM0^p=0.62Md+19.93;logM0^s=0.59M  相似文献   
地震输入问题一直是工程结构抗震研究所关注的焦点.在对大跨度结构进行抗震设计时,需要考虑多点地震输入的影响已成为国内外学术界和工程界的共识.本文根据傅氏变换,运用精细传递矩阵法推导出了大跨结构在多点地震输入下的频域精细传递矩阵,并在频域内对大跨度结构进行了动力分析.这种方法公式简单,能够快速、高精度地进行结构的地震反应分析.算例显示了本文方法的有效性.  相似文献   
Based on the Gauss linear frequency-modulated wavelet transform, a new characteristic index is presented, namely time-frequency energy attenuation factor which can reflect the difference features of waveform in earthquake focus mechanism, wave traveling path and its attenuation characteristics in focal area or near field. In order to test its validity, we select the natural earthquakes and explosion or collapse events whose focus mechanisms vary obviously, and some natural earthquakes located at the same site or in a very small area. The study indicates that the time-frequency energy attenuation factors of the natural earthquakes are obviously different with that of explosion or collapse events, and the change of the time-frequency energy attenuation factors is relatively stable for the earthquakes under the normal seismicity background. Using the above-mentioned method, it is expected to offer a useful criterion for strong earthquake prediction by continuous earthquake observation.  相似文献   
In this study, a dynamic flood‐frequency analysis model considering the storm coverage effect is proposed and applied to six sub‐basins in the Pyungchang River basin, Korea. The model proposed is composed of the rectangular pulse Poisson process model for rainfall, the Soil Conservation Service curve number method for infiltration and the geomorphoclimatic instantaneous unit hydrograph for runoff estimation. Also, the model developed by Marco and Valdes is adopted for quantifying the storm‐coverage characteristics. By comparing the results from the same model with and without the storm‐coverage effect consideration, we could quantify the storm‐coverage effect on the flood‐frequency analysis. As a result of that, we found the storm‐coverage effect was so significant that overestimation of the design flood was unavoidable without its consideration. This also becomes more serious for larger basins where the probability of complete storm coverage is quite low. However, for smaller basins, the limited number of rain gauges is found to hamper the proper quantification of the storm‐coverage characteristics. Provided with a relationship curve between the basin size and the storm coverage (as in this study), this problem could be overcome with an acceptable accuracy level. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The estimation of debris‐?ow magnitude is an essential step in the assessment of debris‐?ow hazard. Although different methods have been developed for the assessment of debris‐?ow magnitude, this is still a dif?cult task because of the complexity of ?ow processes and the lack of data to test estimation procedures in many mountainous regions. Data on debris‐?ow magnitude from 127 basins in the Eastern Italian Alps have been collected from scienti?c and technical journals, technical reports, historical documents gathered from local archives, and ?eld surveys. These data were used to develop and test different predictive approaches, encompassing regression equations, geomorphological surveys and probabilistic analysis of time series. Regression techniques were used to correlate debris‐?ow magnitude to morphometric parameters and geological characteristics of the basins. Values of the channel debris yield rate (contribution per unit length of channel), proposed in the literature, were compared with data from the study area for identifying reference values for channel stretches of different morphological characteristics. Although limited to the few basins in which suf?cient data were available, the probabilistic analysis of time series of debris‐?ow magnitude provides indications about the relations between magnitude and frequency of debris ?ows. Some observations about the capability and drawbacks of considered methods are presented and the combined use of different approaches for the estimation of debris‐?ow magnitude is suggested. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
观测数据质量受到诸多因素影响,为判断更改测量频率是否会对数据质量造成影响,选取江苏省4个断层形变台站水准观测场地不同观测频率下短水准测量数据,采用几种常用数据质量评价方法进行分析,结果表明,更改测量频率不会对水准数据观测质量与映震效能产生实质性影响。  相似文献   
Estimation of seismic wave attenuation in the shallow crust in terms of coda wave Q structure previously investigated in the vicinity of Cairo Metropolitan Area was improved using seismograms of local earthquakes recorded by the Egyptian National Seismic Network. The seismic wave attenuation was measured from the time decay of coda wave amplitudes on narrow bandpass filtered seismograms based on the single scattering theory. The frequency bands of interest are from 1.5 to 18 Hz. In general, the values obtained for various events recorded at El-Fayoum and Wadi Hagul stations are very similar for all frequency bands. A regional attenuation law Q c = 85.66 f 0.79 was obtained.  相似文献   
区域短波通信台网选频的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
河南省地震局短波通信台网的工作频率被限制在短波的低频段,受干扰严重,中心台又位于市中心,环境噪声电平很高,加之,局网内可用的电台大部分发射功率小、抗干扰性能差。这些因素给通信台网的工作频率选择带来困难。为提高区域通信的质量,在对短波电离层信道传播特性进行分析的基础上,结合本地大气噪声和环境噪声的实际情况,对河南省地震局通信网的选频问题进行了研究,给出了选频的原则和方法,介绍了选频试验的结果和体会。  相似文献   
田广  赵岩 《地球物理学进展》2024,39(4):1553-1564
瞬时频率是一个重要的地震属性, 其有助于油气藏识别, 对储层预测工作具有重要意义.本文详实地回顾了多种常见的瞬时频率计算方法, 并利用解析正弦信号进行测试, 将各算法的瞬时频率计算结果与正弦信号的理论解析瞬时频率进行对比, 并通过计算与理论解析瞬时频率的互相关系数、误差及各算法运算时长进行综合分析, 对比各种瞬时频率计算方法.为了进一步测试各算法的性能, 将复杂信号应用到各瞬时频率计算方法中进行分析对比.解析信号和复杂信号的测试结果表明, 对于不同类型的数据各算法的性能表现也各有不同, 能够较准确地计算出简单解析信号的瞬时频率的方法在计算复杂信号的瞬时频率时会出现野值、\"负频率\"或计算结果不精确等情况.并且, 瞬时频率计算时出现的野值与\"负频率\"会将实际有效的瞬时频率信息淹没, 攻克野值与\"负频率\"问题还需要进一步的工作.  相似文献   
沉水植物是维持浅水湖泊清水稳态以及湖泊生态系统结构与功能的关键生物类群.近年来,气候变化和人类活动的双重作用造成湖泊水文情势的明显改变,对沉水植物的生长、繁殖和演替有着较大的影响.本文选取2个水位波动幅度与2个波动频率(逐渐改变水位),以恒定水位作为对照,研究湿地中具有重要生态功能的沉水植物刺苦草(Vallisneria spinulosa)的生物量及地上和地下营养器官形态结构对水位波动的响应.结果表明,相对于恒定水位,波动水位(低幅度低频率、低幅度高频率、高幅度低频率、高幅度高频率)对刺苦草的总生物量和获取限制资源相关器官有显著影响.相比于对照组,水位波动能够显著降低刺苦草分株数、叶片数、根数、根长、匍匐茎数、总匍匐茎长以及叶、根、地上和地下生物量,但会显著增加其株高和比叶面积.不同波动频率(低频率和高频率)和幅度(低幅度和高幅度)对光合器官的形态特征都没有显著影响,但叶和地上部分的生物量积累均受到波动幅度的显著影响.水位波动幅度显著改变了刺苦草的根数和根长,而波动频率的影响不显著.因此,对浅水湖泊受损刺苦草群落进行重建时,应避免较大幅度的水位波动,从而有利于增强植株快速恢复的能力.  相似文献   
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