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汶川MS 8.0强震发生6年来,震区暴发了数量众多、类型多样的泥石流灾害,其中一类可总结为"狭陡型泥石流",其特征指标及防治对策与震前常规泥石流存在显著差异,给灾后重建和灾害防治技术提出了新的命题。在对(极)重灾区泥石流活跃的五大片区(汶川、都江堰、绵竹、北川、安县)进行大量现场调查和资料分析的基础上,提出了强震区狭陡型泥石流的概念并给出定义,提炼了其在形成、活动及危害等方面的典型特征;通过工程实践,分析了其独特的治理难点及相应的防治对策,介绍了几项极具适应性和有效性的防治新技术,可为强震扰动区泥石流治理研究和工程设计提供一类新的思路和借鉴。  相似文献   
露天开采是我国煤矿开采的两大方式之一。与地下开采煤矿类似,露天煤矿在开采过程中同样面临防治水问题,由于我国露天煤矿水害类型相对单一,国内学者鲜有对露天煤矿的水害特征和防治水技术进行深入研究。以我国露天煤矿分布范围为出发点,从充水水源、充水通道、充水强度3方面分析露天煤矿水害特征,得出大气降水、地表水和浅层地下水是主要充水水源;人为开挖形成的直通式通道、强渗透含水层或透水层、垂向导水钻孔、滑坡形成的地表裂缝等是主要充水通道;季节性变化明显、疏排水周期长、排水量大是露天煤矿疏排水主要水害特征的结论。归纳目前我国露天煤矿常用的7种防治水技术,提出露天煤矿由远及近、由上而下、由面至点的立体防治水技术体系。从地下水资源保护和生态环保角度出发,为实现露天煤矿绿色开采和可持续发展,提出以切断补给通道、减小矿坑疏排水量为目的的帷幕截流技术是今后露天煤矿防治水的主要技术方法。  相似文献   
数字高程模型在流域水文模型应用中的若干问题   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
孔凡哲  芮孝芳 《水文》2002,22(5):1-4
数字高程模型(DEM)在流域水文模型中得到了广泛应用,主要是因为DEM能够自动提取流域水文模型所需要的确定流域排水结构的水文信息。回顾并讨论了DEM在流域水文模型应用中的几个问题,主要包括河网自动提取的方法、DEM中排水方向的确定以及封闭洼地的处理,同时还包括在流域水文模型中应用时DEM的结构类型及尺度问题。由于由DEM生成的模拟河网与流域实际河网间存在一定的差别,最后还讨论了如何对模拟河网进行矫正的问题。  相似文献   
The Sonoran Desert portion of the Basin and Range physiographic province contains a number of streams that now flow across once-closed basins. We explore here the research questions of if and how granitic rock pediments respond to the transition from rimming endorheic basins to bordering through-flowing streams. Granitic rock pediments of the northern Usery and eastern McDowell Mountains once graded to the closed Miocene–Pliocene Pemberton basin that occupied the present-day location of the confluence of the Salt and Verde Rivers. The process of lake overflow, which integrated these rivers, first aggraded fill terraces that, in turn, caused aggradation of a mantle of transported grus on bedrock pediments. Subsequent episodic incision of the Salt and Verde rivers lowered the base level; this led to the development of erosional features such as rolling topography of a degrading pediment mantle; exposure of the former piedmont angle and its associated zones of enhanced bedrock decay and regolith carbonate; and exposure of spheroidally weathered bedrock and emerging tors, some of which experienced 20th century erosion. The granitic pediments of the former Pemberton Basin, which now transport grus to the Salt and Verde rivers, have actively adjusted to aggradational and degradational events associated with drainage integration and do not appear to be inherited from an ancient wet climatic interval.  相似文献   
河北平原水系密度与隐伏活动构造的关系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以1926年出版的比例尺为1:5万的顺直地形图作为基础图件,用地理信息系统技术对河北平原作水系密度计量分析,揭示隐伏在第四纪巨厚的沉积物之下活动构造的信息,研究结果证实水系线密度统计图与使用其它地球科学方法获得的成果,例如基底活动断块图,地貌类型图和第四纪厚度图都有很好的对应,特别与布格重力图对应更好,研究结果发现水系密度图与布格重力异常图在总体一致性较好的前提下,多处反向异常区均为近代强震发生的区域,提出这种地表水系密度统计研究的成果不仅可以揭示深部隐伏的活动构造,而且具有较明确的时间含义。  相似文献   
为明确鄂尔多斯盆地东缘渭北区块H矿区煤层气井腐蚀影响因素,以抽油杆为研究对象,通过对实际开采过程中产出气、采出水、抽油杆表面腐蚀产物成分和抽油杆质量损失检测分析,总结了抽油杆腐蚀类型和腐蚀强度,并对比分析了不同排采阶段、开发层系和采出液矿化度对抽油杆腐蚀的影响。研究结果表明:渭北区块煤层气井抽油杆主要受到CO2和H2S的腐蚀,其来源主要为5号煤和11号煤。在初期排水阶段抽油杆腐蚀程度低,主要是由少量CO2溶解气引起;憋套压和产气之后,抽油杆受到产出的酸性气体CO2和H2S的共同腐蚀作用,且腐蚀不断增强;同时地层水矿化程度对抽油杆腐蚀有明显的促进作用。由于腐蚀影响因素复杂且强度不断变化,因此,对抽油杆表面进行包覆或涂上防腐层是直接有效的防腐手段。  相似文献   
一个地区的水资源量,相对来说无论是地表水资源还是地下水资源均处于相对动态平衡之中。天然状态下,水资源总量等于地表水径流量与地下水天然排泄量之和,再减去地下水枯月天然排泄量(即地下水恒转化为河川基流量的部分)。  相似文献   
宣东二号矿布设施工的大口径瓦斯抽放井以小口径导向钻进,后逐级扩孔成井。总结了该孔施工过程中的主要技术经验,如导向孔粗径钻具组合、钻压控制、钻井液使用以及下管和固井等,提出了其中存在的问题以及下一步改进的建议。  相似文献   
Strike-slip faults and normal faults are dominant active tectonics in the interior of Tibetan plateau and control a series of basins and lakes showing extension since the Late Cenozoic, by contrast with the thrust faulting along the orogenic belts bordering the plateau. The late Neotectonic movement of those faults is key information to understand the deformation mechanism for Tibetan plateau. The Gyaring Co Fault is a major active right-lateral strike-slip fault striking~300° for a distance of~240km in central Tibet, in south of Bangong-Nujiang suture zone. The Gyaring Co Fault merges with the north-trending Xainza-Dinggye rift near the southern shore of Gyaring Co. From NW to SE, Dongguo Co, Gemang Co-Zhangnai Co, Zigui Co-Gyaring Co form the Gyaring Co fault zonal drainage basin. Some scholars have noticed that the formation of lakes and basins may be related to strike-slip faults and rift, but there is no analysis on the Gyaring Co fault zonal drainage basin and its response to regional tectonics. In recent years, a variety of quantitative geomorphic parameters have been widely used in the neotectonic systems to analyze the characteristics of the basin and its response mechanism to the tectonic movement. In this paper, we applied ASTER GDEM data on the ArcGIS platform, extracted the Gyaring Co fault zonal drainage basin based on Google Earth images (Landsat and GeoEye) and field work. We acquired basic geomorphic parameters of 153 sub-basin (such as grade, relief, average slope, area) and Hypsometric Index (HI) value and curve. Statistical results have indicated significant differences in scale(area and river network grade)in north and south sides of the fault. Southern drainage basins' relief, slope, HI value are higher than the northern basins, and the overall shape of hypsometric curve of northern basins are convex compared with southern concavity. Along the strike of the Gyaring Co Fault, average slope, and HI value are showing generally increasing trending and hypsometric curve become convex from west to east. By comparing and analyzing the lithology and rainfall conditions, we found that they have little influence on the basic parameters and HI value of drainage basins. Therefore, the changes of basin topographic differences between northern and southern side of fault and profile reveal the Gyaring Co Fault has experienced differential uplift since the late Cenozoic, southern side has greater uplift compared to the north side, and the uplift increased from NW to SE, thus indicate that normal faulting of the Gyaring Co Fault may enhanced by the Xainza-Dinggye rift. The early uplift of the Gangdise-Nyainqentanglha Mountain in late Cenozoic might provide northward inclined pre-existing geomorphic surfaces and the later further rapid uplift on the Gangdise-Nyaingentanglha Mountain and Xainza-Dinggye rift might contribute to the asymmetrical development of the Gyaring Co fault zonal drainage basin.  相似文献   
黄河流域水循环研究的进展和展望   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:7  
总结了黄河流域水循环研究的进展,指出缺乏立足于水循环整体的机理过程的探讨及缺乏较成熟的流域水文模型是已有研究的不足。为能更好地模拟水文过程对各种作用力的响应,今后研究的方向将是建立既考虑垂向水分和能量传输(如降水,蒸发,感热),又考虑水平向的地表水分运动(汇流)和地下水基流过程的黄河流域的分布式水文模型。模型将结合遥感信息与地面资料,建立与区域大气环流模式(GCM)的接口,辅之以野外生态试验小区、径流试验场和室内试验的资料,以深入探索黄河流域水循环动力学机制  相似文献   
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