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What does it mean to reflect upon space in connection to telecommunications? If we start with a conception of urban space as being fully integrated, including on an equal footing both information and communication technologies (ICT) and mobility techniques, as well as the founding notion of copresence that we find at the heart of all urban organization, we might then be able to examine the notion of the ‘digital divide’ in a new light. This clearly experimental approach is conducted by a research group called ‘Urbatic’, which is composed of geographers who, for the last three years, have been conducting theoretical research whose objective is to take into account two fields of social science: the theory of urbanity and the theory of telecommunication. Surveys conducted in this perspective focus on the analysis of the choices people make between the different means they can use to cope with distances (copresence, mobility and telecommunication) with a view to constructing their own space. The analysis of these choices leads us to propose a new theorized interpretation of the ‘digital divide’.  相似文献   
Evidence collated from different parts of the Eastern Ghats belt north of the Godavari rift (barring the “Western Charnockite Zone” ) indicates that this sector evolved through a series of compressive structures (F1 to F3), with prolific migmatization in quartzofeldspathic and metapelitic gneisses synchronous with F1 shortening, as was the syn-F1 emplacement of profuse megacrystic K-feldspar-bearing granitoid bodies. Thereafter, melt productivity of the rocks (synchronous withF 2– F3 folding) sharply decreased. Mineral parageneses stable in the S1, S2 and S3 fabrics indicate persistence of granulite facies conditions. P-T estimates on orthopyroxene + garnet + plagioclase + quartz assemblages anchored to recrystallized mosaic that overgrow all penetrative fabric elements in mafic granulites, granitoids and quartzofeldspathic gneisses are in the range of 900‡-950‡C and P≅ 8–9 kbar. This estimate is comparable to those retrieved from sapphirine-bearing paragenesis in Mg-Al metapelites that appear to be diachronous in relation to the fabric elements, and arguably disrupt the granoblastic mosaic. These facets in the northern sector of the orogenic belt are compatible with either a single cycle of tectonic events (i.e., F1, F2 and F3 in continuum), or temporally-separate thermo-tectonic events, with the peak of earlier metamorphism (pre- to syn-F1) at lower temperature (in the granulite facies) in comparison to the record of high post-F3-Tmax values. It is suggested on the basis of the above evidence that the late Proterozoic/Pan-African granulites in the Eastern Ghats belt north of the Godavari rift, are unlikely to be reworked equivalents of any older granulitic crust, such as the ∼1.6 Ga granulites south of the rift. Instead, the temporally disparate sectors may represent different crustal segments with unconnected pre-amalgamation tectonic history. However, if the ∼ 1.6 Ga granulites of the Western Charnockite Zone continue northwards across the rift, as suggested by recent isotope data, there are serious doubts as to the validity of a north-south division within the Eastern Ghats belt.  相似文献   
Ineffective public participation in land-use planning contributes to the lack of communication and understanding between the public and experts, acting as a barrier to successful planning outcomes. In this study, we assess whether Participatory GIS (PGIS) is a suitable method to bridge the communication gap between the public and expert knowledge for planning in the developing country context of Malaysia. Through a mixed methods approach, we investigate whether expert knowledge converges or diverges with the public's perceived knowledge obtained through a PGIS process and assess the potential benefits of PGIS from public and expert planning perspectives. The results indicate more convergence than divergence in knowledge and perspective, indicating that a PGIS process can communicate local knowledge to planning authorities to inform land use and development planning in Malaysia. Both the public and planning experts recognize the potential benefits of PGIS, but successful implementation will require major changes in traditional Malaysian public participation processes.  相似文献   
由地下水补给、径流和排泄过程构成的地下水循环运动,是水文循环的重要组成部分,也是水文地质学的基本研究对象。地下水循环在空间上表现为不同结构单元的组合,存在以含水层特性为依据的介质结构和以渗流场为依据的动力结构2种划分方法。地下水流系统是动力结构意义上的地下水循环单元。近10年来,区域地下水流系统理论取得了显著进展,更加全面深入地揭示了地下水循环结构的动力学特性。通过对河间地块地下水流系统的研究,发现潜水面最高点并非地下水分水岭的准确位置。在盆地尺度上,系统研究了沟谷地貌、降水入渗强度、渗透性随埋深变化和盆地厚度等因素对潜水面波形与地下水循环动力结构的影响,初步发现了动力结构的周期性或趋势性演化特征。通过大规模流线路径的精细识别或驻留时间的统计分析,提出了三维地下水循环单元的划分方法。在水文地质效应方面,发现地下水循环的动力结构对地下水年龄的分布有重要影响。地下水循环的动力结构反映了不同补给区和排泄区之间的水力联系,在盆地尺度地球化学过程、流域尺度生态水文过程中发挥着关键作用,未来的研究重点是三维地下水循环的动力特性和演变规律。  相似文献   
一种生成Delaunay三角网的合成算法   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
结过20多年的研究,自动生成Delaunay三角网的算法已趋于成熟。它们基本上可分为分治算法、逐点插入法、三角网生长法等3类。其中前两类较第3类在应用上更加广泛。但即使这两类算法也分别存在着时间和空间效率站的缺陷,使它们的应用受到了一定的限制。提出了一个融以上两类算法优点于一体,兼顾空间与时间性能的合成算法。经测试,它的运算效率大大高于逐点插入法,在大多数情况下,也高于分治算法,在分割阈值约为总数  相似文献   
云南省旅游地质资源及可持续利用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
因云南所处的特殊地理位置,使云南省境内发育多种旅游地质景观,根据这些资源的类型和地域分布把云南省具有代表性的旅游地质资源的开发和保护现状作初步评价;提出旅游地质资源合理开发、实现旅游业可持续发展的主要问题。  相似文献   
根据秦岭中段分水岭地区秦岭落叶松树轮宽度指标,建立了该地区1814-2003年的树轮标准化年表。分析表明,该地标准化年表与当年1-7月平均气温显著相关。在此基础上设计转换方程,利用多元回归技术重建了秦岭中段分水岭地区的1-7月平均气温,重建序列的方差解释量为41.2% (F=15.062, p<0.0001),重建序列显示在过去190 a中气温较低的时段主要有1814-1850年和1876-1889年;偏暖期主要有1851-1875年和1890-1933年;而1934-1990年这一时期气温变化幅度较小,气温相对比较稳定;1990年之后升温明显。  相似文献   
中国互联网用户增长的省际差异及其收敛性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪明峰  邱娟 《地理科学》2011,31(1):42-48
进入21世纪以来,中国的互联网事业得到了飞速发展;但同时互联网发展的区域差异仍表现得十分明显。采用σ-收敛、β-收敛和俱乐部收敛3种分析方法,对1997~2008年期间中国(港澳台地区除外)互联网用户增长的收敛性进行了探析,并对影响互联网普及率的关键因素进行了条件β-收敛的检验。结果发现,中国互联网用户增长的省际差异变动存在着较为明显的σ-收敛和β-收敛。控制人均GDP、城镇化水平、基础设施水平、受教育程度、对外开放度、地理位置等变量后,地区间存在条件β-收敛。东、中、西三大区域存在着较为显著的俱乐部收敛趋势,收敛速度则表现为东部慢于中部,中部慢于西部。  相似文献   
李建华 《城市地质》1996,8(1):19-24
根据卫星图像研究滇西滇中地区的断裂活动性,并结合水系分析,揭示东西赂主流水系与南北向、南东向非水流水系的分水岭以及金沙江、珠江水系的分水岭是重要的构造活动带。该区10次7级以上地震,有8次发生在这些分水岭附近的活动断裂上。  相似文献   
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