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Selected recent findings related to climate change in Hong Kong include: (1)The Hong Kong seafloor has yielded a ca0.5-million year record of climate and sealevel changes.(2)Greenhouse gases produced naturally from subaerially exposed continental shelves and oceanic islands were a probable forcing mechanism in triggering the abrupt termination of past ice ages. (3)An analysis of annual mean temperature records has revealed that the urban heat island effect has contributed ca75% of the warming. (4)Past volcanic eruptions are found to lower Hong Kongs temperature and to cause extremely dry and wet years. (5)No evidence can be found for an increase in frequency and intensity of typhoons based on the instrumental record since the end of the Second World War. (6)The observed rate of sealevel rise in the South China Sea is much slower than the predictions of the IPCC Fourth Assessment.
For the Earths management, population growth and the depletion of nonrenewable resources must be recognized as unsustainable. The human impact on the natural hydrological cycle is an important forcing mechanism in climate change. In order to delay the demise of the human race, management must include curbing population growth and much more waste recycling than at present.  相似文献   
随着经济社会的发展,济南市水生态系统出现了一系列问题,如泉水景观萎缩、水资源量收支失衡、水环境污染、用水配置不合理等,针对这些水生态环境问题,提出了济南市水生态管理的一系列有效措施: 以地下水作为居民饮用水,合理使用黄河客水与其它地表水;把南部山区— — 地下水补给区建成水源涵养生态功能保护区; 在强污染负荷条件下,利用生态工程技术恢复稳定健康的水生态系统等。   相似文献   
李文华 《矿产与地质》2003,17(1):106-107
从资本运营是现代企业经营的重要组成部分的观点出发,阐述了该院开展资本运营的具体步骤:(1)尽快实现该院的资本化、公司化和集团化,(2)积极规范开展以资本运作为先导的资产重组工作;(3)积极开展资本的直接运作。  相似文献   
新疆地质环境主要问题   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
苟新华  郑玉洁  张玲 《新疆地质》2003,21(3):344-348
新疆气候干旱,降水稀少,蒸发强烈,水资源相对短缺且时空分布不均.山区、沙漠盐碱地、戈壁占地面积大,分布广泛,植被稀疏,绿洲分布有限,生态地质环境脆弱,盆地及周围地质环境破坏严重.山前平原。人类活动集中,工程建设引发的水资源失调拮竭,水质恶化,植被消减,土地荒漠化煤层自燃等问题日益突出.这些问题威胁制约着区域生态环境的良性循环,本从原生地质环境和次生地质环境及地质灾害方面,论述区域地质环境状况,阐明地质环境中存在的主要问题及其灾害,提出综合防治措施。  相似文献   
地球化学样品分析质量管理系统   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
胡建平  郑存江 《岩矿测试》2003,22(3):211-216
利用VFP6.0强大的数据计算和管理功能,设计了对地质调查样品分析数据的实验室质量管理系统。该系统不仅可以同时管理多个图幅样品的数据,还可以自动实现样品编码、内检样品按指定比例随机生成、一级和二级标样质量汇总、内检合格率和报出率计算、二级标样质量监控图绘制以及按选定格式进行分析数据和内检数据的导入和导出,可以根据用户的需要输出美观的表格。该系统适用于不同比例尺化探数据的实验室质量管理。  相似文献   
Water resources are a key factor, particularly for the planning of the sustainable regional development of agriculture, as well as for socio-economic development in general. A hydrochemical investigation was conducted in the Friuli Venezia Giulia aquifer systems to identify groundwater evolution, recharge and extent of pollution. Temperature, pH, electric conductivity, total dissolved solids, alkalinity, total hardness, SAR, Ca2+, Na+, K+, Mg2+, Cl, SO4 2−, NO3 , HCO3 , water quality and type, saturation indexes and the environmental stable isotope δ18O were determined in 149 sampling stations. The pattern of geochemical and oxygen stable isotope variations suggests that the sub-surface groundwater (from phreatic and shallow confined aquifers) is being recharged by modern precipitations and local river infiltrations. Four hydrogeological provinces have been recognised and mapped in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Plain having similar geochemical signatures. These provinces have different degrees of vulnerability to contamination. The deep confined groundwater samples are significantly less impacted by surface activities; and it appears that these important water resources have very low recharge rates and would, therefore, be severely impacted by overabstraction.  相似文献   
We examined the anthropogenic and natural causes of flood risks in six representative cities in the Gangwon Province of Korea. Flood damage per capita is mostly explained by cumulative upper 5% summer precipitation amount and the year. The increasing flood damage is also associated with deforestation in upstream areas and intensive land use in lowlands. Human encroachment on floodplains made these urban communities more vulnerable to floods. Without changes in the current flood management systems of these cities, their vulnerability to flood risks will remain and may even increase under changing climate conditions.  相似文献   
位于湖北省东部黄石地区制图尺度的近东西向黄荆山向斜和桐梓堡背斜是在印支期造山作用时形成的,主要由古生代及三叠纪沉积岩层序列组成。其中的下、中三叠统包括页岩、泥灰岩、石灰岩、白云质灰岩和白云岩等层状岩系。从构造地质学的观点出发,由下而上可划分为3个力学分层单位或组合,相互间存在有不同的黏度比或相对强度。在大型褶皱翼部,发育一系列中小型褶皱(其振幅从几米至上百米),如屋顶和墙壁状构造、膝状褶皱、平卧褶皱、翻转及叠褶构造等,覆于层理面及低缓角度正断层面之上。详细的三维空间构造解析指出,这些复杂的中小型构造产状和组合样式,与通常的寄生牵引褶皱和大的褶皱关系是相反的,即上层的相对运动或流动指向向斜的槽部,显示重力导致的滑动构造特征。这种滑动构造只是一类继发性的独立构造现象,可以解释为是在重力不稳定性影响下,部分沉积岩层沿着先存的倾斜层理面或拆离剪切带向下坡有限滑动的结果。所发育的特征性构造取决于涉及的岩层及力学分层单位的能干性或相对强度。在大型褶皱翼部岩层向下滑动的尺度、速度及可行性,与层理面的倾斜度及拆离带的厚度、黏度等因素相关。类似的重力滑动构造在中上扬子地区的沉积岩层中常可观察到,同时,地表的滑坡、岩崩及山体垮塌...  相似文献   
城市非点源污染管理的制度、信息和决策支撑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
郑一  王学军  吴斌  韩峰 《水科学进展》2010,21(5):726-732
城市非点源污染对中国水环境的威胁日益加剧。制度不健全、信息基础薄弱和缺少决策支撑是当前城市非点源污染管理的主要制约因素。短期内,改善城市非点源污染管理的首要任务是夯实信息基础。从长远来看,制度的完善是落实城市非点源污染管理的根本保障。发达国家在信息基础建设和制度设计方面的成果和经验对于中国城市非点源污染管理工作有重要的参考价值。此外,先进的决策支撑技术是管理获得预期成效的重要保障。国际上决策支撑技术研究的最新发展动态值得国内相关领域借鉴。  相似文献   
卢文喜  罗建男  龚磊  辛欣 《地学前缘》2010,17(6):247-254
应用贝叶斯网络解决地下水环境管理中具有不确定性的多目标决策问题,通过对决策变量氮肥施用量以及灌溉模式的调控,减少水中的硝酸盐含量,达到既能有效改善水环境又不至使农民经济利益受到损害的目标。通过分析具体的地下水环境管理系统中变量间的相互关系,构建描述变量间不确定性关系的贝叶斯网络模型,其中包括表示其依赖关系的有向无环图和表示其具体概率依赖程度的条件概率表。并在多个水环境管理目标均达到最优的前提下进行概率推理,得到决策变量氮肥施用量以及灌溉模式取不同值时目标变量的概率分布情况。最终确定出能使所有目标均达到最优的合理的水环境管理决策:(1)使用喷灌,将氮肥施用量控制在0.01~0.03 kg/m2;(2)使用漫灌,将氮肥施用量控制在0.01~0.02 kg/m2。  相似文献   
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