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As sea level is projected to rise throughout the twenty-first century due to climate change, there is a need to ensure that sea level rise (SLR) models accurately and defensibly represent future flood inundation levels to allow for effective coastal zone management. Digital elevation models (DEMs) are integral to SLR modelling, but are subject to error, including in their vertical resolution. Error in DEMs leads to uncertainty in the output of SLR inundation models, which if not considered, may result in poor coastal management decisions. However, DEM error is not usually described in detail by DEM suppliers; commonly only the RMSE is reported. This research explores the impact of stated vertical error in delineating zones of inundation in two locations along the Devon, United Kingdom, coastline (Exe and Otter Estuaries). We explore the consequences of needing to make assumptions about the distribution of error in the absence of detailed error data using a 1 m, publically available composite DEM with a maximum RMSE of 0.15 m, typical of recent LiDAR-derived DEMs. We compare uncertainty using two methods (i) the NOAA inundation uncertainty mapping method which assumes a normal distribution of error and (ii) a hydrologically correct bathtub method where the DEM is uniformly perturbed between the upper and lower bounds of a 95% linear error in 500 Monte Carlo Simulations (HBM+MCS). The NOAA method produced a broader zone of uncertainty (an increase of 134.9% on the HBM+MCS method), which is particularly evident in the flatter topography of the upper estuaries. The HBM+MCS method generates a narrower band of uncertainty for these flatter areas, but very similar extents where shorelines are steeper. The differences in inundation extents produced by the methods relate to a number of underpinning assumptions, and particularly, how the stated RMSE is interpreted and used to represent error in a practical sense. Unlike the NOAA method, the HBM+MCS model is computationally intensive, depending on the areas under consideration and the number of iterations. We therefore used the HBM+ MCS method to derive a regression relationship between elevation and inundation probability for the Exe Estuary. We then apply this to the adjacent Otter Estuary and show that it can defensibly reproduce zones of inundation uncertainty, avoiding the computationally intensive step of the HBM+MCS. The equation-derived zone of uncertainty was 112.1% larger than the HBM+MCS method, compared to the NOAA method which produced an uncertain area 423.9% larger. Each approach has advantages and disadvantages and requires value judgements to be made. Their use underscores the need for transparency in assumptions and communications of outputs. We urge DEM publishers to move beyond provision of a generalised RMSE and provide more detailed estimates of spatial error and complete metadata, including locations of ground control points and associated land cover.  相似文献   
针对姚华桢等人提出的射频识别认证协议易遭受读写器ID揭露,中间人攻击和假冒攻击等安全脆弱性,提出一种基于NTRU公钥密码算法的改进双向认证协议,并用GNY逻辑进行了形式化分析.协议不仅具有一次一密的特点,而且在实现双向认证的同时也完成了会话密钥的交换,并将主要的计算放在读写器上,有效降低了服务器的压力;解决了当前协议中存在的位置跟踪,前向安全性等隐私泄漏问题.分析结果表明,该协议不仅能够可抵抗重传,假冒,拒绝服务等多种恶意攻击,而且具有计算复杂度低,通信量小,效率高等特点,适合在低成本标签实现.  相似文献   
动水条件下承压水的注浆止水及加固问题,是暗挖隧道地下水控制的重要难题,在浆液配比、注浆参数等方面的设计施工经验较少。以某地铁区间联络通道的地下水控制工程为背景,结合该通道地质条件复杂、承压水头高、突涌水量大等施工现状,基于注浆-降压联合的地下水控制思路,探索了高承压水头条件下的WSS双液注浆止水施工技术,并通过现场探测和地面沉降监测研究其止水加固效果。结果表明,采用注浆-降压联合的地下水控制及加固方案,在显著承压性的地下水含水层注浆止水加固中取得了良好的效果,既能够保证地下通道的注浆过程顺利进行,又能确保地下水治理效果,并遏制围岩的变形发展,各部位变形均满足控制指标。  相似文献   
随着塔里木河流域进入大规模开发时期,区域开发活动对该流域生态环境的演变产生了重大的影响,虽然绿洲内部产出大幅度增加,但整体生态环境趋向恶化,制约了区域社会经济的可持续发展。以塔里木河中下游尉犁县为例,从分析区域开发活动入手,总结了区域开发对区域生态环境影响的有利与不利方面,进而,讨论了区域生态环境恢复与重建的对策。  相似文献   
基于DEM的数字流域特征提取研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
数字高程模型(DEM)是地表形态高程属性的数字化表达,利用流域DEM数据构建数字水系模型并提取流域水文特征,是分布式水文过程模拟的重要基础。DEM中闭合洼地和平坦区域的处理、流向的确定以及DEM分辨率的大小都直接影响着流域水系特征提取的质量与效率。针对当前基于DEM提取河网与流域特征的诸多问题,阐述了DEM数据提取流域水系特征的原理,回顾了数字水系模型与流域特征提取方法,评述了洼地和平地的处理方法及水流方向的确定方法的研究进展,介绍了当前基于不同DEM数据类型的提取方法研究,探讨了DEM尺度和分辨率对提取流域特征的影响,总结了平缓区域数字水系和河网提取的研究进展。  相似文献   
目前地质市场由计划经济转化为市场经济,市场的竞争究其本质是人才竞争。因此应该采取科学合理的技术人才资源管理方法和管理体制,以整体和局部、近期和长远为目标进行有计划、有步骤的技术队伍建设,注重从才培养,激励地质技术人员专业技能的提高,采用倾斜政策留住人才、招纳人才,只有这样贵州煤田地质局才能在不久的将来拥有一支精干、高效的地质专业技术队伍,确保全局乃至二级单位适应煤田地质市场的需要,保证全局科学、和谐健康有序的发展。  相似文献   
回顾了体系地震动力分析的历史过程,并对地震动力分析的传统理论方法、近似方法和现代计算技术从新的角度加以阐述,同时给出体系地震动力分析的应用前景,以促进经典的传统理论方法、近似方法和现代计算技术的综合和在实际工程中的应用,形成系统而完整的地震动力分析体系。  相似文献   
自组织双重空间聚类算法的城市扩张结构分析应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
双重空间聚类是能顾及空间连续性和属性相似性的空间数据分析,而常规空间聚类算法难以同时顾及2方面的约束条件。本文采用自组织双重空间聚类算法,对城市扩张结构分析进行了研究。通过改造自组织特征映射的最佳匹配神经元搜索的算法机制,在空间域和属性域进行迭代聚类搜索,实现了自组织双重空间聚类。以武汉市扩张斑块的位置信息和扩张程度指数为输入数据,使用自组织双重空间聚类算法,实现了城市扩张动态结构的识别。自组织双重空间聚类算法使得聚类结果,既在空间域上连续,又在属性域上相近,算法过程具有自组织性,减少了人为影响。  相似文献   
The identification and analysis of natural channel networks from digital elevation models are discussed from the point of view of their environmental applications. An interactive, graphical software package that implements some of the most widely used techniques for the automatic recognition of channel networks and for the computation of some useful geomorphologic indices and functions is presented.  相似文献   
GIS应用项目可行性研究初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结GIS应用项目可行性研究的基本理念、主要内容和工作步骤,认为全面的GIS项目可行性研究是在战略层次上分析组织环境,在战术层次上全面评估技术、财务、组织与实施方面的可行性,并撰写研究报告、论证报告建议。技术可行性分析包括产品的成熟程度评估、系统集成方案复杂程度评估和招聘技术人员的难易程度评估;财务可行性分析是识别项目成本和收益的类别和细目、估算成本并预期收益、计算财务指标;组织与实施可行性分析是组织对组织变革的适应性、接受程度做出判断。建议采用案例研究的方法,总结国内可行性研究的经验与教训,编制更实用的研究指南。  相似文献   
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