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粉喷桩具有低污染、低噪音、有效实用、施工简便快捷、施工工期短、技术效果好和费用底等特点而受到普遍关注,但其也存在一定的不足。本文分析了粉喷桩在工程中应用的研究现状,介绍了粉喷桩与其他工程措施相结合的实例,并对以后的研究方向提出了看法。  相似文献   
郭云嫣  刘全海  冉慧敏 《测绘科学》2016,41(10):100-105
针对智慧城市时空信息云平台中海量时空数据的管理和可视化问题,该文提出了一种时空索引建立及时空数据可视化方法。时空索引机制将时间、空间与专题属性作为同等重要的维度,兼顾了三者的查询效率,实现对时空数据的快速有效提取。时空数据可视化表达方法提出了时间轴动画、多时态对比、对象状态回溯等可视化方式,实现时空数据的动态交互式表达。该方法在"智慧常州时空信息云平台"项目中进行了实现,证明这种时空数据组织管理方法可较高效地实现数据的检索调度,且具有较强的可操作性;基于此的时空数据可视化方法亦具备较佳的时空对象动态表达效果。  相似文献   
Summary This paper presents a digital image based approach for three-dimensional (3-D) numerical simulation and failure analysis of rocks by taking into account the actual 3-D heterogeneity. Digital image techniques are adopted to extract two-dimensional (2-D) material heterogeneity from material surface images. The 2-D image mesostructures are further extrapolated to 3-D cuboid mesostructures by assuming the material surface as a representation of the inner material heterogeneity within a very small depth. The iterative milling and scanning system is set up to generate the 3-D rock mesostructures. A Hong Kong granite specimen is used as an example to demonstrate the procedure of 3-D mesostructure establishment. The mechanical responses and failure process under the conventional Brazilian tensile test condition are examined through numerical analyses. The stress distribution, crack propagation process and failure model of heterogeneous material cases are simulated with a finite difference software. The numerical results indicate that material heterogeneity plays an important role in determining the failure behavior of rocks under external loading.  相似文献   
Virtual Cities From Digital Imagery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Increasing interest is being expressed in the use of virtual cities for many fields of application, ranging from planning and simulation to business, advertising and the games industry. Currently, the extraction of buildings from imagery is costly. However, recent developments in digital photogrammetry aim to produce more rapid and efficient methods of modelling three dimensional objects in urban environments. This paper presents a semi-automatic system for the extraction of buildings from digital aerial imagery with the aid of volumetric primitives. The user is supported by automated tools, for example matching tools, in order to reach the necessary efficiency. With an extraction time of about 20 s per building primitive, this method is competitive in terms of the performance of classical photogrammetric procedures, and also offers additional features for analysis, texture mapping and Internet applications.  相似文献   
从目前的研究来看,二阶垂直导数(X和Y两个方向)的求解方法较简单,它采用的五个因子的数字滤波的最小二乘法来优化数据。但是在较小区域面积时(对工程和环境应用中的重力数据),重力异常很容易放大和被区域重力场掩盖,我们认为产生的缘由是表示重力场的x和y方向上的二次多项式引起的。因此,为了逼近重力水平方向的偏导可以设计一个好的滤波器来拟合在xy平面的重力场值,再得出想要的重力垂直方向偏导,文中最后对提出的方法在前人经典模型上和野外实践进行了验证。  相似文献   
设计了一种平三角形修正算法来修正TIN模型中可能出现的平三角形区域。该算法通过对由平三角形组成的区域进行分类,并针对不同的平区域采用交换边、增加点甚至不处理的修正方法,同时对由于等高线数据错误产生的一些特殊情况进行了分析处理。实验结果表明,该算法能够去除约束型狄洛尼三角网中所有应修正的平三角形,并生成对地形描述更为精确的三角网。  相似文献   
Game-based Web sites and applications are changing the ways in which students learn the world map. In this study, a Web map-based digital learning tool was used as a study aid for a university-level geography course in order to examine the way in which global scale cognitive maps are constructed. A network analysis revealed that clicks were negatively correlated with familiarity, but were positively correlated with area. More significantly, well-known countries did not act as central nodes within network-based mental models, but served a more complex mediating role in structuring the space between subregions.  相似文献   
根据三斜距确定点的三维坐标及精度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李全信 《四川测绘》1999,22(4):171-175
本文绘出一种根据三斜距解算点的三维坐标的直接方法,无需初值、迭代及多值判断,非常适合计算机编程;给出的实用精度估算式能方便地实现根据三斜里估算待定点三维点位精度之目的;对其应用条件的讨论,提出了应用中的具体倾角限值,对指导实际工作具有重要意义。  相似文献   
坡麓相斜坡软土特性及其地质灾害防治研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结合工程实例.提出“坡麓相斜坡软土”的概念,论述西南煤系地层地区斜坡软土的形成机理、分布规律、物理力学特征及其工程特性,研究斜坡软土对工程的危害及其地质灾害防治对策,最后列举三个典型斜坡软土工程整治实例,对指导工程实践具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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