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Auger electron spectroscopy has been used to study K-feldspar that has been reacted with both aqueous 10% HF and a 50% mixture of a 10% HF/0.1 N H2SO4 solution. In the feldspar/HF system, the resulting feldspar surface was shown to have been fluorinated; depth profiling, using argon ion sputtering, showed the fluorination to have occurred substantially into the mineral bulk. In the feldspar/ HFH2SO4 system, the resulting surface contained both fluorine and sulfur. The fluorination had again penetrated into the bulk, but the sulfur could be removed with mild argon ion sputtering. The AlF signal ratio was much lower on the feldspar surface treated with the 10% HF/0.1 N H2SO4 solution than the feldspar surface treated with the weaker 10% HF acid solution.  相似文献   
Mineralogic study of black inclusions in the Cumberland Falls enstatite achondrite revealed that they constitute a highly unequilibrated chondritic suite distinct from other chondrite groups. This highly shocked suite, the forsterite (F) chondrites, exhibits mineralogic trends apparently produced during primary nebular condensation and accretion over a broad redox range. We analyzed these samples and possibly related meteorites for Ag, As, Au, Bi, Cd, Co, Cs, Ga, In, Rb, Sb, Se, Te, Tl, U and Zn, trace elements known to yield important genetic information. The results demonstrate the compositional coherence and distinctiveness of the F chondrite suite relative to other chondrites. The Antarctic aubrite, ALH A78113, may include more F chondrite material. Trace element contents do not vary with mineral compositions hence do not reflect redox variations during formation of F chondrite parental matter. Trace element mobilization—during secondary heating episodes in the F chondrite parent or during its disruptive collision with the enstatite meteorite parent body—is not detectable. Chemical trends in F chondrites apparently reflect primary nebular processes. Cosmochemical fractionation of lithophiles from siderophiles and chalcophiles occurred at moderately high temperatures, certainly higher than those existing during formation of primitive carbonaceous, enstatite and ordinary chondrites of petrologic type ≤3.  相似文献   
An operationally defined carboxyl content of humic substances extracted from rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, and groundwaters throughout the United States and Canada is reported. Despite the diversity of the samples, only small variations were observed in this humic carboxyl content. The dissociation behavior of two combined fulvic/humic acid extracts was studied and it was found that the dissociation of the humics varied in a predictable manner with pH. Using a carboxyl content of 10 μeq/ mg humic organic carbon, and mass action quotient calculated from sample pH, the ionic balances of three highly colored Nova Scotia rivers were estimated.  相似文献   
本文依据C.M.Criss和J.W.Cobble的“离子熵对应原理”,对1978年D.Langmuir给出的铀物种形成常温热力学数据进行了高温值的处理,得出了一套较全面而系统的高温热力学参数,以供参考使用。  相似文献   
Monosaccharides were determined in waters and sediment pore waters from a wide variety of environments and locations. Desalting was performed by electrodialysis and concentrated extracts were analyzed by two forms of liquid chromatography. At least 12 sugars were identified. Glucose and fructose were the dominant monosaccharides in nearly all samples examined. Analyses of over 150 seawater and sediment pore water samples showed that fructose is highly significantly correlated (>0.99) with glucose concentrations. Laboratory kinetic experiments on the epimerization reaction, glucose ? fructose, in sterilized natural seawater in the dark, yielded a forward rate constant, k1, of 1.2 × 10?5 h?1 at 25°C and 1.6 × 10?7 h?1 at 2°C. The approximate time required to attain equilibrium at 25°C was 1.1 y and at 2°C, 15.4 y; the measured equilibrium constant was in the range 0.3–0.4. The actual ratio of fructose to glucose in natural water samples was usually in the range 1.0–1.4/l, independent of the total monosaccharide concentrations, which varied in the samples by a factor of ~100. Several possible explanations for the apparent discrepancy in the determined and found ratios are discussed: the presence of universal, as yet, undiscovered major biological sources for fructose in marine environments; preferential utilization of glucose; preferential incorporation of fructose into or onto inorganic colloids; and preferential formation of fructose-transition metal ion associations.  相似文献   
When the upper part of a neutron star crystallizes to form the crust, the constituting ions are trapped in the lattice as a result of the low diffusion rates in the solid phase. As a consequence, the local composition of the crust corresponds to the equilibrium condition at the melting point and not at the present internal temperature. The inclusion of the small entropic contribution to the free energy does not lead to marked changes in our view of the microscopic structure of a neutron star crust, because the melting temperature is much smaller than the typical energies at play in the crystal cell. However, mixing between layers characterized by different nuclear species is found to be an important effect for the production of impurities. We show that one should expect an increase of the thermal diffusion time through the crust at small temperatures, because of the decrease of thermal conductivity in relatively thin impurity-rich layers acting as isolating shields.  相似文献   
1H NMR spectra of humic (HA) and fulvic (FA) acids and their oxidative degradation products are reported. The HA shows the presence of -(CH2)n - CH3 (n > 6) chemical fragments belonging to n-alkanes and/or n-fatty acids physically adsorbed onto the macromolecule structure. These fragments are absent in the FA fraction. Both humic fractions reveal the presence of similar amounts of aromatic protons which partly undergo exchange phenomena. The importance of this experimental observation is discussed. Oxidative degradation seems to cause partial cleavage of aromatic rings, more pronounced in the FA than in the HA. The degraded FA shows a higher total acidity and a higher phenolic OH content than the degraded HA. Both degraded fractions display some sharp singlet signals at 1.9 and 3.9 ppm arising from protons belonging to repetitive chemical fragments probably formed during the oxidation reaction. Tentative assignments of these signals are given. A general analysis of the HA and FA degraded spectra seems to indicate that the chemical fragments which undergo peracetic oxidation are substantially similar. The extent of oxidation of the two humic fractions is different. The HA degradation products reveal the presence of oligomeric structures, whereas the degraded FA appears less resistant to the oxidizing agent.  相似文献   
A series of kerogens and kerogen precursors isolated from DSDP samples, oil shales and Recent algal mats have been examined by Curie point pyrolysis-high resolution gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. This study has shown that the three main types of kerogens (marine, terrestrial and mixtures of both) can be characterized using these techniques. The marine (algal) kerogens yield principally aliphatic products and the terrestrial kerogens yield more aromatic and phenolic products with some n-alkanes and n-alkenes. The yields of n-alkanes and n-alkenes increase and phenols decrease with increasing geologic age, however, pyrolysis-GC cannot be used to characterize the influence of short term diagenesis on the kerogen structure.  相似文献   
Marine mussels accumulate the carcinogen benzo(a)pyrene from contaminated environments. Baseline studies in California indicate that levels of the carcinogen in mussels are at or near zero, except in areas of human activity. This finding runs counter to previous suggestions that benzo(a)pyrene is widely distributed in marine organisms.  相似文献   
Organic carbon from sediments collected in Texas seagrass meadows was enriched in 13C by an average of 6.6% relative to organic carbon from offshore sediments. Within the South Texas hay system examined. δ13C values became increasingly more typical of offshore sediments with increasing distance from seagrass meadows. This permits the use of carbon isotope data as a measure of the relative contributions of seagrasses and plankton to sedimentary organic matter.  相似文献   
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