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单晶高温合金展现出优越的抗疲劳性能和高温蠕变性能,广泛应用于航空发动机和燃气轮机的热端部件。但是,其制备过程中会产生晶体取向偏离、杂晶等缺陷。目前国际上已经普遍使用X射线劳埃衍射技术对单晶叶片的晶体缺陷进行无损检测,但是这种检测方法主要依赖人工识别,效率低,结果可重复性差,不适合批量化检测。本文结合工程需要,提出对劳埃衍射斑点进行自动识别的算法,主要包括衍射图样的预处理、轮廓检测、轮廓形态筛选及轮廓符合检测等。该算法能够自动检测出衍射图样上的衍射斑点,并最终给出斑点的位置坐标数据及其误差。根据衍射斑点的位置,通过衍射分析算法,计算出单晶叶片上的晶体取向,并最终对叶片的晶体缺陷给出综合评价。  相似文献   
武晗 《地质找矿论丛》2020,35(3):363-372
津巴布韦大岩墙蕴含丰富的铬铁矿资源,不同部位成矿特征存在差异。钙碱性铁质基性-超基性岩浆结晶分异过程中伴随着铬铁矿的成矿作用,南部岩浆房两翼300m深度范围内共赋存7个不连续的铬铁矿层,矿层垂向间距30~50m,南部矿层发育优于北部;铬铁矿层厚度多为0.2~1m,铬铁矿层发育于辉橄岩系和辉石岩系的接触部位,三者呈渐变式过渡接触,共同构成典型的韵律结构;两翼矿层产状呈对称状倾向于岩墙的轴部,倾角约为10°~20°;矿石多为自形-半自形微细粒结构,稀疏浸染状及中等浸染状构造,矿石为需选贫铬矿石,w(Cr2O3)=5%~30%,且矿体内Pt+Pd含量可观。大岩墙南段两翼铬铁矿为典型的早期岩浆结晶分异矿床,后期构造运动加剧了矿层的不连续性,并对局部岩矿层产状产生改造,蛇纹石化蚀变形成了指示矿体的标志性斑杂构造岩。  相似文献   
Deformation mechanisms at the pore scale are responsible for producing large strains in porous rocks. They include cataclastic flow, dislocation creep, dynamic recrystallization, diffusive mass transfer, and grain boundary sliding, among others. In this paper, we focus on two dominant pore‐scale mechanisms resulting from purely mechanical, isothermal loading: crystal plasticity and crofracturing. We examine the contributions of each mechanism to the overall behavior at a scale larger than the grains but smaller than the specimen, which is commonly referred to as the mesoscale. Crystal plasticity is assumed to occur as dislocations along the many crystallographic slip planes, whereas microfracturing entails slip and frictional sliding on microcracks. It is observed that under combined shear and tensile loading, microfracturing generates a softer response compared with crystal plasticity alone, which is attributed to slip weakening where the shear stress drops to a residual level determined by the frictional strength. For compressive loading, however, microfracturing produces a stiffer response than crystal plasticity because of the presence of frictional resistance on the slip surface. Behaviors under tensile, compressive, and shear loading invariably show that porosity plays a critical role in the initiation of the deformation mechanisms. Both crystal plasticity and microfracturing are observed to initiate at the peripheries of the pores, consistent with results of experimental studies. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
X射线衍射技术应用于宝石鉴定-合成及晶体结构研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张妮  林春明 《岩矿测试》2016,35(3):217-228
因宝石检测常附带无损要求、宝石评价具科学性和不确定性等特点,X射线衍射(XRD)在宝石学这门矿物学的分支学科中的应用具有特殊性,其应用领域主要集中在三个方面。①宝石鉴定领域:对单晶宝石和多晶宝石进行物相鉴定、宝石产地特征研究以及宝石矿物多型的种类划分等。例如根据XRD图谱,可将品种繁多的微晶石英隐晶质变种玉髓中不同的SiO2质矿物相精确区分;通过黏土矿物成分及其含量可将鸡血石中"地"的种类进行划分。②宝石矿物的晶体结构研究:对成分复杂的单晶宝石进行晶体化学分析、获取矿物类质同象替代情况、利用结晶度划分宝石品质。例如晶格参数中的c/a比值可将绿柱石的Al八面体类质同象替代和Be四面体类质同象替代进行区分;软玉中通过XRD数据计算出的结晶度与软玉的品质关系密切。③宝石学研究技术的开发:对宝石的优化处理过程进行监测,在宝石合成过程中检验矿物晶形大小、结晶质量及内应力等,以有机宝石的晶体结构为基础的人工养殖技术研究。例如尖晶石在热处理过程中,Mg离子由四面体中的T位迁移至八面体中的M位,导致M-O和T-O键长随温度变化,并反映在尖晶石的色调中;在托帕石合成过程中,XRD数据显示770~800℃时形成含氟托帕石(与天然托帕石结构相同),而在950℃和1000℃出现含氟托帕石离解成刚玉和莫来石。目前,我国在宝石学的XRD应用方面起步较晚,国外在宝石鉴定、优化与合成方面的应用相对成熟。本文认为,该技术与扫描电镜、质子探针等分析技术的联用仍有很大发展空间。  相似文献   
胶东是我国最重要的金矿集中区,破碎带蚀变岩型金矿床是区内最主要的金矿床类型,该类型金矿床已探明金资源量占全区的90%以上,其巨量金的来源是引人瞩目的关键科学问题。招平断裂带是该区内规模最大的断裂-成矿带,位于招平金矿带中段的大尹格庄金矿床是该金矿带最具代表性的破碎带蚀变岩型金矿床之一,已探明金金属量约283t。大尹格庄金矿床严格受沿胶东群与玲珑花岗岩接触带发育的NNE向招平断裂带控制,矿体赋存在招平断裂下盘黄铁绢英岩化和碎裂岩化玲珑花岗岩中,主要由Ⅰ号和Ⅱ号矿体组成,其具有相似的矿物组成,矿石主要矿物是绢云母、石英、黄铁矿,次要矿物是钾长石、斜长石、黑云母、方解石、黄铜矿、方铅矿、闪锌矿、磁黄铁矿、黝铜矿和自然金、自然银、金银矿、碲银矿等;其中黄铁矿是最主要的载金矿物。根据穿插关系和矿物共生组合,大尹格庄金矿床内成矿作用可划分为4个成矿阶段,分别是黄铁矿-石英-绢云母阶段(I)、石英-黄铁矿阶段(Ⅱ)、石英-多金属硫化物阶段(Ⅲ)和石英-方解石-多金属硫化物阶段(Ⅳ)。各个成矿阶段的黄铁矿的晶体形态标型研究表明,成矿Ⅰ阶段黄铁矿以粗粒自形立方体为主,含有少量五角十二面体;成矿Ⅱ和Ⅲ阶段黄铁矿以细粒五角十二面体为主,且具有更多五角十二面体、八面体和立方体形成的聚形;成矿Ⅳ阶段主要为细粒立方体晶形。不同矿体各个成矿阶段的硫化物的δ~(34)S值集中在4.58‰~7.54‰,具有一定的塔式效应,正向偏离陨石硫,与胶东地区胶东群变质岩、围岩花岗岩类δ~(34)S比较接近,指示大尹格庄金矿床各个成矿阶段的矿石硫源总体一致,与胶东群变质岩和中生代花岗岩间具有继承演化关系。此外,从成矿Ⅰ阶段→Ⅱ阶段→Ⅲ阶段→Ⅳ阶段,大尹格庄金矿床矿石硫化物δ~(34)S呈现出逐渐降低的趋势,反映了成矿过程中物理化学条件的演化趋势:Ⅰ阶段为较高温度(330~350℃)、快速冷却、低过饱和度、低氧逸度和硫逸度的成矿环境;Ⅱ和Ⅲ阶段黄铁矿形成于中-低温(200~300℃)、成矿流体过饱和度高、高氧逸度和硫逸度、缓慢冷却同时物质供应充分的成矿环境;Ⅳ阶段处于较低温度(200℃)、热液流体过饱和度较低、低氧逸度和硫逸度、同时物质供应不足的成矿环境。  相似文献   
Here we report on a set of six apatite reference materials (chlorapatites MGMH#133648, TUBAF#38 and fluorapatites MGMH#128441A, TUBAF#37, 40, 50) which we have characterised for their chlorine isotope ratios; these RMs span a range of Cl mass fractions within the apatite Ca10(PO4)6(F,Cl,OH)2 solid solution series. Numerous apatite specimens, obtained from mineralogical collections, were initially screened for 37Cl/35Cl homogeneity using SIMS followed by δ37Cl characterisation by gas source mass spectrometry using both dual‐inlet and continuous‐flow modes. We also report major and key trace element compositions as determined by EPMA. The repeatability of our SIMS results was better than ± 0.10‰ (1s) for the five samples with > 0.5 % m/m Cl and ± 0.19‰ (1s) for the low Cl abundance material (0.27% m/m). We also observed a small, but significant crystal orientation effect of 0.38‰ between the mean 37Cl/35Cl ratios measured on three oriented apatite fragments. Furthermore, the results of GS‐IRMS analyses show small but systematic offset of δ37ClSMOC values between the three laboratories. Nonetheless, all studied samples have comparable chlorine isotope compositions, with mean 103δ37ClSMOC values between +0.09 and +0.42 and in all cases with 1s ≤ ± 0.25.  相似文献   
以径厚为30~45 nm的辉钼矿作为导电填料,采用熔融共混法制备高密度聚乙烯/纳米辉钼矿复合材料,应用高阻计ZC-36、SEM、XRD、TG等研究复合材料的电性能、晶体结构、界面微观形貌、热性能等。研究结果表明:当纳米辉钼矿含量为25%,复合材料的体积电阻率为5.1×109Ωcm,纳米辉钼矿高定向排列,呈链状集合体;复合材料tonset分解温度提高了35℃;辉钼矿的晶体结构发生变化,(002)晶面2θ右移了1.12°,面间距缩小0.257 nm。  相似文献   
1 Introduction Natural beryl is an accessory mineral mainly in pegmatite, partly in some highly diffractionated granite or metamorphic rocks, with the crystal shapes beingprismatic, or occasionally tabular. For tabular beryl found in pegmatite it is believed that the tabular configuration is connected with alkali metals (Bieus, 1960; Wang et al., 1981) and geneses of the tabular configuration have been reported before. In recent years, tabular beryl has been found in the Xuebaoding W-Sn-Be d…  相似文献   
High-silica granitoids record the formation and evolution of the continental crust. A new intrusive complex has been recognized among silicic volcanic rocks of the Weixi arc, Southwest China. The intrusions consist of granites, granitic porphyries, and granodiorites. Zircon U-Pb age data indicate that the Weixi granitoids formed at 248–240 Ma and were coeval with silicic volcanic rocks of the Weixi arc. The Weixi granitoids are enriched in Rb, Th, and U, depleted in Ba, Sr, Nb, Ta, and Ti, and have high light/heavy rare earth element ratios and slightly negative Eu anomalies. The Weixi granitoids have negative εNd(t) values (?9.8 to ?7.8) and negative zircon εHf(t) values (?12.02 to ?5.11). The geochemical and isotopic features suggest the Weixi granitoids were derived by partial melting of ancient crustal material. The Weixi granitoids and silicic volcanic rocks were derived from the same magma by crystal accumulation and melt extraction, respectively, and they record the formation of a continental arc in the central Sanjiang orogenic belt.  相似文献   
Chemical investigation of the ethanol extract of the marine green alga Chaetomorpha basiretorsa Setchell led to the isolation of a new sterol stigmast-4,28-dien-3α,6β-diol 1 in addition to the five known sterols of β-lawsaritol 2, saringosterol 3, 24-hydroperoxy-24-vinyl - cholesterol 4, β-stigmasterol 5, 29-hydroxystigmasta-5, 24 (28) -dien-3β-ol 6. Compounds were isolated by normal phase silica gel and Sephadex LH - 20 gel colum chromatography, reverse phase HPLC and recrystalization. Their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic methods including MS, IR 1D/2D NMR and X-ray analysis. Cytotoxicity of compounds was screened by using the standard MTF method. All these compounds were isolated from the green alga Chaetomorpha basiretorsa Setchell for the first time and they were inactive (50% inhibitory concentration was greater than 10 μg/cm^3) against KB, Bel -7402, PC - 3M, Ketr 3 and MCF-7 cell lines.  相似文献   
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