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水稻稻茬小麦因水稻收获晚、适耕期短、整地困难、播种质量差等因素的影响,很难适期播种,加之水稻稻茬土壤板化,理化性状差,导致稻茬小麦的单产长期低而不稳,在200kg上下徘徊。为改变这一现状,我们提出了以旱作水稻替代水稻,并进行试验研究。结果表明,旱作水稻比水稻早熟10天,并能调整土壤理化性状,旱作水稻稻茬小麦比水稻稻茬小麦增产100kg。  相似文献   
A database composed of 673 natural rainfall events with sediment concentration measurements at the field or plot scale was analysed. Measurements were conducted on similar soil type (loess soils prone to sealing phenomenon) to apprehend the variability and complexity involved in interrill erosion processes attributable to soil surface conditions. The effects of the dominant controlling factors are not described by means of equations; rather, we established a classification of potential sediment concentration domain according to combination of the dominant parameters. Thereby, significant differences and evolution trends of mean sediment concentration between the different parameter categories are identified. Further, when parameter influences interact, it allows us to discern the relative effects of factors according to their respective degree of expression. It was shown that crop cover had a major influence on mean sediment concentration, particularly when soil surface roughness is low and when maximum 6‐min intensity of rainfall events exceeds 10 mm h?1: mean sediment concentration decreases from 8·93 g l?1 for 0–20 per cent of coverage to 0·97 g l?1 for 21–60 per cent of coverage. The established classification also indicates that the increase of the maximum 6‐min intensity of the rainfall factor leads to a linear increase of mean sediment concentration for crop cover over 21 per cent (e.g. from 2·96 g l?1 to 14·44 g l?1 for the 1–5 cm roughness class) and to an exponential increase for low crop cover (e.g. from 3·92 g l?1 to 58·76 g l?1 for the 1–5 cm roughness class). The implication of this work may bring perspective for erosion prediction modelling and give references for the development of interrill erosion equation. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Human diets strongly rely on wheat, maize, rice and soybean; research on the potential crop productivity of these four main crops could provide the basis for increasing global crop yields. The evaluation model of realistic potential crop productivity based on remote sensing and agro-ecological zones was proposed in this study to provide reliable reference data for world food security. The statistical data on these four main crops yields were obtained from the FAO. The model was used to investigate the potential production of four staple crops in the world. The distributions of the realistic potential productivity of four staple crops (winter wheat, maize, rice and soybean) were produced. In the main producing countries of the four staple crops, statistical analysis was conducted on the realistic potential productivity (RPP) of the four staple crops, the highest productivity (HP) during the period 1983–2011 and the gap between RPP and HP.  相似文献   
Estimation of crop area, growth and phenological information is very important for monitoring of agricultural crops. However, judicious combination of spatial and temporal data from different spectral regions is necessary to meet the requirement. This study highlights the use of active microwave QuikSCAT Ku-band scatterometer and Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) passive microwave radiometer data to derive information on important phenological phases of rice crop. The wetness index, a weekly composite product derived using brightness temperatures from 19, 37 and 85 GHz channels of SSM/I, was used to identify the puddling period. Ku-band scatterometer data provided the signal of transplanted rice seedlings since they acts as scatterers and increases the backscattering. Dual peak nature of temporal backscatter curve around the heading stage of rice crop was observed in Ku-band. The decrease of backscatter after first peak was associated with the threshold value of 60% crop canopy cover. The symmetric (Gaussian) and asymmetric (lognormal) curve fits were attempted to derive the date of initiation of the heading phase. The temporal signature from each of these sensors was found to complement each other in crop growth monitoring. Image showing pixel-wise timings of heading stage revealed the differences exists in various parts of the study area.  相似文献   
吕杰 《测绘科学》2015,(9):88-91
针对现有研究在准确估算叶绿素含量方面的不足,该文运用粒子群优化算法和支持向量机构建叶片尺度作物叶绿素含量高光谱反演模型:利用PROSPECT模型模拟作物光谱,并运用所对应的叶绿素含量建立训练数据集,然后采用粒子群优化算法支持向量机学习训练数据集,最后建立实测叶片叶绿素含量估测模型。研究结果表明,粒子群优化算法和支持向量机构建的反演模型能准确预测作物的叶绿素含量,能够解决小样本作物采样点情况下叶绿素含量反演问题,可以作为作物叶绿素含量估测的参考方法。  相似文献   
The use of multispectral satellite sensors for generation of hyperspectral indices is restricted because of their coarse spectral resolutions. In this study, we attempted to synthesize a few of these hyperspectral indices, viz. RedEdge Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI705), Plant Senescence Reflectance Index (PSRI) and Normalized-Difference-Infrared-Index (NDII), for crop stress monitoring at regional scale using multispectral images, simulated from Hyperion data. The Hyperion data were resampled and simulated to corresponding spatial and spectral resolutions of AWiFS, OCM-2 and MODIS sensors using their respective filter function. Different possible combinations of two bands (i.e. simple difference, simple ratio and normalized difference) were computed using synthetic spectral bands of each sensor, and were regressed with NDVI705, PSRI and NDII. Models with highest correlation were selected and inverted on Hyperion data of another date to synthesize respective multispectral indices. Synthetic broad band indices of multispectral sensors with their respective narrow band indices of Hyperion were found to be in good agreement.  相似文献   
农作物长势综合监测——以印度为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邹文涛  吴炳方  张淼  郑阳 《遥感学报》2015,19(4):539-549
提出农作物长势综合监测方法,利用卫星遥感得到的NDVI时间序列数据,综合采用实时监测、过程监测和时间序列聚类监测方法,明确不同方法适用的监测尺度及监测目的,对不同范围农作物长势进行监测。改进了Crop Watch全球农情遥感速报系统运行化作物长势监测方法,克服了原有作物长势监测中实时监测方法无法反映相同区域苗情在整个生长过程中的连续变化情况的缺点。实现对相同区域作物长势连续变化的定量描述,可对作物长势进行更准确的判断。利用官方发布的作物单产变幅数据,对单产变幅较大的12个作物主产省区作物长势监测结果的准确性进行判断,结果表明:6个邦的实时监测和聚类监测方法所得结果一致,都符合作物单产变化的实际状况;4个邦的聚类监测方法所得结果对作物长势监测更为准确,更符合该区域作物单产的实际变化;1个邦实时监测结果对作物长势监测比聚类监测方法更为准确;只有1个邦采用两种方法对作物长势的监测存在误差,聚类监测方法在对农作物生长过程的连续监测及空间分布的定量化表述方面,比实时监测更为准确。3种方法可以综合使用,实现业务化运行的农作物长势监测。  相似文献   
结合Sentinel-2光谱与纹理信息的冬小麦作物茬覆盖度估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作物茬覆盖度的估算对于探究农业耕作方式对周围环境的影响具有十分重要的意义。目前,基于多光谱影像的作物茬指数是作物茬覆盖度估算的常用方法。然而,在作物茬高覆盖区域,指数法容易出现“饱和”现象。已有研究结果表明结合影像的光谱与纹理信息有助于改善指数法的“饱和”问题。Sentinel-2作为一颗多光谱卫星,空间分辨率可达10 m,与Landsat OLI相比,具有更丰富的纹理信息。因此,探究Sentinel-2光谱与纹理信息相结合在作物茬覆盖度估算上的潜力具有重要意义。本文以山东省禹城市为研究区,分析了Sentinel-2各波段反射率、归一化差值指数以及不同窗口大小下灰度共生矩阵统计量等遥感因子与野外实测作物茬覆盖度的相关性,并利用最优子集法对遥感因子进行筛选,构建作物茬覆盖度的最优估算模型。同时,使用留一法交叉验证对模型进行评价。结果表明在单因子分析中,归一化差异耕作指数NDTI(Normalized Difference Residue Index)与作物茬覆盖度的相关性最好,相关系数达0.735。使用NDTI、5×5窗口下Sentinel-2 8A波段的相关性统计量以及12波段的方差统计量构建的多元方程是作物茬覆盖度估算的最优模型,相关系数为0.869,均方根误差为11%。与仅使用光谱信息的最优模型相比,相关系数提高了0.094,均方根误差下降了3.5%。可见,结合Sentinel-2的纹理信息有助于提高作物茬覆盖度的估算精度。  相似文献   
区域作物生长过程的遥感提取方法   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
提出利用时序NDVI数据提取作物生长过程方法。遥感数据在采集过程中受云、大气因子的影响 ,以及混合像元问题 ,造成时序植被指数值变得没有规律 ,对比性不强。采用基于最小二次方拟合的谐函数分析方法 ,依据作物轮作规律和生长周期性特征 ,用主要频率的正弦、余弦谐函数重建时序图像 ,去除了影像中云污染的影响。以中国的旱地为例 ,考虑到像元内旱地对NDVI值的贡献率 ,计算区域内旱地像元加权平均值来反映其作物生长过程。同时与区域所有像元的平均值、旱地平均值等统计方法的结果进行对比分析 ,表明区域内旱地的加权平均值能够削弱旱地比例和地域间的差异 ,突出耕地上作物的生长过程特征。通过与地面实测数据分析 ,平滑前后的作物生长过程与叶面积指数相关性增加 5 %— 11% ,采用区域加权平均的方法得到的作物生长过程 ,比旱地平均和NDVI平均的结果与叶面积指数的相关性增加 14 %— 17%。  相似文献   
选择山西太谷一个 5km× 5km的实验区 ,利用样条采样框架结合GVG农情采样系统调查农作物分类成数。同时借助QuickBird甚高分辨率遥感影像进行地面作物种植地块勾绘 ,并派出地面调查队伍进行作物填图 ,统计汇总出的农作物分类成数的真实值。然后将两种不同方法得出的分类成数进行对比 ,发现利用样条采样框架和GVG农情采样系统对于大宗粮食作物分类成数的调查相对误差在 3%以内 ,能够满足中国农情遥感速报系统的运行需要。而对于小成数作物的调查精度较低 ,且存在漏采现象 ,不能满足需求 ,同时也由于漏采现象的存在和图片判读的主观性。利用样条采样框架和GVG农情采样系统获取的大宗作物分类成数略大于真实值 ,存在少量的系统误差 ,需要进行地面验证并加以克服。  相似文献   
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