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The concept of envelope system for a given dynamic system is proposed in this paper which refers to those systems whose module of transfer function in the whole range of frequency domain is always bigger than that of a given system. This concept opens a new way to study the problems of robust design and modelling for dynamic systems. The condition that an envelope system has to satisfy is rendered as the determination of the positiveness of a real polynomial function and Sturm's sequence method is used to establish an easily implemented criterion for evaluating the positiveness of the polynomial in terms of its coefficients. The optimization for the envelope system is expressed as the minimization of the 2-norm of its transfer function and simplex method is employed to search for the optimal solution. Two dynamic systems are used to illustrate the optimal design for the envelope systems of some of their responses. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
吴健生  马洪坤  彭建 《地理科学进展》2018,37(12):1663-1671
城市生态安全格局构建是综合协调生态保护与经济发展的重要举措,对于合理配置有限的生态资源并最大限度发挥其生态作用具有重要意义。本文以深圳市为例,在生态功能节点识别的基础上,结合景观的生态系统服务价值,根据耗费距离模型,生成生态功能耗费表面,并进行最短路径网络分析,在此基础上提取核心斑块、关键生态廊道。结果表明:各景观类型的生态阻力值,林地阻力最小,且远小于其他景观类型生态阻力值;生态功能耗费梯度表面的分布呈现围绕生态功能节点向周围辐散递减的趋势,东部地区较西部西南部建成区低;核心斑块的大小和形状均存在不同程度的差异,较大的斑块集中分布在东部地区,且对应的节点级别较高;所识别的关键廊道共有4条,空间位置大体上落在基本生态控制线内,羊台山向塘朗山的廊道外缘与基本生态控制线存在冲突,需要对该区域加以管控。建议一方面适时调整生态控制线范围并将冲突部分纳入生态控制线之内,另一方面对该地区进行必要的监管和保护,防止受到进一步破坏。  相似文献   
多点地质统计学建模研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从精细油藏描述中地质建模的意义和现状入手,介绍了多点地质统计学建模研究现状及其与传统地质建模方法的差 异。以辽河盆地西部凹陷某蒸汽驱试验区为例,分析了多点地质统计学建模中建模的基础、训练图像的建立、多点地质统计学 建模与传统地质建模相比所具有的优势等内容。指出多点地质统计学在井间预测方面具有明显优于其他传统建模方法的特 点。在文献调研基础上,结合自身工作实践,探讨了多点地质统计学建模目前存在的问题和未来的发展方向。指出未来多点 地质统计学建模的发展方向主要包括多信息综合地质成因分析基础上的训练图像获取、多点地质统计学算法进行改进和完善 和多点地质统计学建模方法应用领域的扩大等。  相似文献   
青藏高原东南部作为板块碰撞的前缘地带一直是地球科学研究的热点,为了揭示碰撞前缘地带地壳结构特征,作者 利用布设在中国青藏高原东南部的38个宽频带流动台站记录的2487条远震P波接收函数,采用接收函数CCP叠加(共转换点 叠加)和H-κ叠加两种方法获得了研究区域详细的地壳厚度图像和泊松比值。研究结果显示:两种方法获得的地壳厚度特征 具有较好的一致性;青藏高原东南部地壳厚度存在明显的东西差异和南北差异;喜马拉雅构造区内莫霍面深度变化较大, 介于65~80 km之间;拉萨地体内莫霍面深度介于72~80 km之间;雅鲁藏布缝合带两侧地壳厚度突变,缝合带北侧和南侧地 壳厚度相差约8 km。研究区域平均泊松比值较小,为0.24,和大多数造山带泊松比偏低的特征类似。研究区域中下地壳广 泛存在强转换界面,该界面可能对应中下地壳高速层的上界面,埋深40~70 km,表明壳内发生深熔或部分熔融作用,导致 壳内发生重力分异,在中下地壳形成了高速薄层。  相似文献   
The term “overcapitalized” is frequently used to describe the condition of various fisheries, and to explain why a fishery is in poor condition from a stock status perspective. Often, the concept of overcapitalization is associated with the number of active vessels in a fishery. Although vessel counts are important, they do not fully capture investment or disinvestment in a fishery, and only serve as a crude proxy for a richer concept of fishing capital. A better measure to judge whether overcapitalization is occurring would be the change in capital value for vessels operating, or permitted in a fishery, relative to a benchmark value. Unfortunately, data do not always exist to measure vessel value and associated changes through time. This study presents a method for calculating vessel capital value using a distance function, publicly available vessel sale price data, and non-parametric programming methods. Estimates of value for vessel attributes returned by the distance function are then used to estimate a total value for currently permitted vessels in the northeast region of the United States, and to construct a capital value index for vessels active in the squid, mackerel and butterfish (SMB) fishery between 1996 and 2016. Findings show that the total value of commercially permitted vessels in the northeast region is estimated to be between $606.6 and $769.7 million ($2016). Based on the constructed capital value index, the SMB fishery has undergone a period of disinvestment marked by both declining vessel numbers and capital value.  相似文献   
产业结构变动对经济增长影响已经得到了现代经济增长理论的肯定,但是产业结构变动对经济增长效率的影响一直是学术界没有解决的问题。目前中国已经进入了中等收入国家,粗放式增长逐渐结束,集约式增长越来越受到重视。文章基于海洋产业,研究了海洋产业结构变动对经济增长效率的影响,将海洋产业结构变动具体量化,分为海洋产业结构高级化和合理化;其次运用海洋产业全要素生产率来衡量海洋经济增长效率,通过从海洋生产函数中剔除初级要素带来的海洋经济增长效率得出海洋产业全要素生产率;同时计算出海洋产业劳动和资本的生产效率;最后收集了1996—2015年全国沿海11个省、市、自治区的数据,运用混合面板数据模型来研究海洋产业结构高级化和合理化对海洋经济增长效率的影响。研究发现海洋产业结构合理化和高级化对海洋经济增长具有正面影响,对于未来发展海洋经济提出了提高海洋产业技术来提高海洋产业结构优化,从而使得海洋经济发展走上集约式增长之路。  相似文献   
When ordinary Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method is used to simulate wave propagation in a wave tank, it is usually observed that the wave height decays and the wave length elongates along the direction of wave propagation. Accompanied with this phenomenon, the pressure under water decays either and shows a big oscillation simultaneously. The reason is the natural potential tensile instability of modeling water motion with ordinary SPH which is caused by particle negative stress in the computation. To deal with the problems, a new sextic kernel function is proposed to reduce this instability. An appropriate smooth length is given and its computation criterion is also suggested. At the same time, a new kind dynamic boundary condition is introduced. Based on these improvements, the new SPH method named stability improved SPH (SISPH) can simulate the wave propagation well. Both the water surface and pressure can be well expressed and the oscillation of pressure is nearly eliminated. Compared with other improved methods, SISPH can truly reveal the physical reality without bringing some new problems in a simple way.  相似文献   
主体功能区定位决定区域的发展方向和重点,各类型区逐步实现公共服务均等化,民生质量发展表现出一定的区域差异。本文基于新疆主体功能区规划和民生发展实际状况构建民生质量评价指标体系,运用熵值法计算2005 年和2014 年各主体功能类型区的民生质量,并结合差异贡献率动态分析各类型区民生差异的影响因素。结果表明:(1)各类型区民生质量存在显著差异,重点开发区最优,重点生态功能区最低;尤其是收入与消费、文化与教育和生态与环境方面水平差距日益拉大。(2)各类型区民生质量发展侧重点各有不同,在文化与教育方面呈现水平共同下滑趋势。(3)各因素对于影响类型区民生质量差异的作用效果不同,收入、消费、交通设施、信息化、医疗卫生和生态平衡水平等成为拉大民生差距的主要因素。(4)收入消费水平和交通设施水平对拉大类型区民生质量差距的强度最为突出,生态平衡水平和信息化水平对拉大差距的程度逐渐加强,社会保障水平和教育水平对缩小差距的作用最强。基于上述分析,对缩小新疆主体功能区民生发展差距,保障基本公共服务均等化提出相应对策建议。  相似文献   
Rapid economic development, industrialization, and urbanization aggravates the tense relationship between human beings and the land. With multiple demands for food security, ecological protection and economic development, frequent conflicts and competition occur between multiple different functional land types. The current land use classification system focuses on the productive and living functions of land, but gives little consideration to ecological functions. This study builds a national Ecological-Living-Productive Land Classification System based on land functions emphasizing the concept and position of ecological land. So-called ecological land uses are types of land use regulating, maintaining and protecting ecological security. The new land classification is more flexible for overall planning purposes and for making arrangements for ecological, living and productive land spaces. The Ecological-Living-Productive Land Classification System includes three levels. The first level has four major types: ecological land, ecological-productive land, productive-ecological land, and living-productive land. The second level subdivides the major types into 15 functional land categories, including major ecological regulation land, common ecological regulation land, and ecological conservation land for ecological lands; pasture land, timber land and aquaculture land for ecological-productive lands; arable land and orchard for productive-ecological lands; and urban built-up area, rural living land, and industrial land for living-productive lands. The third level is based on land cover types. Based on multiple data sources, and using a strategy of zoning and re-classification, we extracted the spatial distribution of ecological-living-productive lands on a national scale. The areas of ecological land, ecological-productive land, productive land, and living-productive land area are 6,037,000 km2, 1,353,800 km2, 2,001,900 km2 and 207,300 km2, respectively; accounting for 62.89%, 14.10%, 20.85% and 2.16% of total area, respectively. For the second-level classification, the area of ecological conservation land is the largest, accounting for 20.17% of the total area. Ecological land is located mainly in central and western China. Ecological-productive land is distributed in various areas throughout the country, and productive-ecological land and living-productive land are concentrated in eastern China.  相似文献   
朱妮  张艳芳 《干旱区地理》2015,38(4):843-850
基于陕西省1989-2011年能源消费等统计数据,分析能源消费结构、产业结构的演变特征,建立陕西省能源消费结构-产业结构-碳排放强度系统的VAR模型,对该系统的长期和短期动态关系进行实证分析。结果表明:陕西省的发展模式,是能源消费结构长期以高碳能源为主和产业结构长期以高碳产业为主导。能源消费结构与产业结构的变化对陕西省碳排放强度的减小作用初期微弱;从中长期来,两个结构多元化提高的负效应对碳排放强度的增加有长期持久的抑制作用,且能源消费结构演进对碳排放强度的冲击效果始终大于产业结构变化的冲击效果。优化产业结构和调整能源消费结构尤其是提高低碳产业与低碳能源比重是驱动陕西省碳排放强度下降的有效措施。  相似文献   
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