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为探究洱海湖滨区环境因子与蜻蜓物种多样性之间的关系,2014年5月至2017年5月对洱海10个样点进行实地调查,记录植物20科46种,共采集蜻蜓11科22属28种1448个体,并对环境因子与蜻蜓多样性进行相关性分析.结果表明蜻蜓成虫多样性与植被丰富度、湿生植被覆盖度、挺水植被覆盖度和沉水植被覆盖度均呈正相关,与浮水植物覆盖度和人为干扰程度呈负相关;稚虫多样性与湖底底质和水体溶解氧呈正相关,并对结果进行了讨论.研究结果给洱海蜻蜓栖息地的保护及湖滨缓冲带生态修复提供了有益的参考和数据支持.  相似文献   
基于安徽数字地震台网2010年1月至2017年12月记录到的ML2.5~5.0级地震,根据中小地震震源参数测定原理,利用多台多地震联合反演Atkinson方法和Moya方法分别计算了安徽地区地壳平均非弹性衰减因子Q值和安徽24个省属专业地震的台站场地。在此基础上,运用遗传算法求得安徽地区96个地震事件的震源谱参数,进而根据Brune中小地震圆盘模型计算其拐角频率、地震矩、应力降、矩震级、震源尺度等震源参数,并分析其特征及相互之间的关系。研究结果表明:安徽地区中小地震的ML震级与其他震源参数之间存在一定相关关系,而地震矩M0与应力降Δσ、震源尺度r和拐角频率fc之间并未表现出明显的相关关系。  相似文献   
Many models of incision by bedrock rivers predict water depth and shear stress from discharge; conversely, palaeoflood discharge is sometimes reconstructed from flow depth markers in rock gorges. In both cases, assumptions are made about flow resistance. The depth–discharge relation in a bedrock river must depend on at least two roughness length scales (exposed rock and sediment cover) and possibly a third (sidewalls). A conceptually attractive way to model the depth–discharge relation in such situations is to partition the total shear stress and friction factor, but it is not obvious how to quantify the friction factor for rough walls in a way that can be used in incision process models. We show that a single flow resistance calculation using a spatially averaged roughness length scale closely approximates the partitioning of stress between sediment and rock, and between bed and walls, in idealized scenarios. Both approaches give closer fits to the measured depth–discharge relations in two small bedrock reaches than can be achieved using a fixed value of Manning's n or the Chézy friction factor. Sidewalls that are substantially rougher or smoother than the bed have a significant effect on the partitioning of shear stress between bed and sidewalls. More research is needed on how best to estimate roughness length scales from observable or measurable channel characteristics. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
陈亚光 《地震工程学报》2019,41(6):1607-1614
天水市秦安县王家墩滑坡为宝兰客专沿线巨型古滑坡群,宝兰客运专线秦安隧道穿其而过。以王家墩滑坡为研究对象,围绕工程中静、动力抗滑稳定性问题,通过室内试验、现场调查对影响王家墩古滑坡稳定性的地质构造、场地工程条件等内在因素进行分析评价,在此基础上通过有限元动力分析,对王家墩古滑坡在地震载荷下的动力响应进行分析,明确地震荷载作用下,王家墩古滑坡失稳影响因素、地震荷载与滑坡失稳破坏间的关系。采用动力有限元法和强度折减法相结合的方法,开展动力抗滑稳定性分析方法研究;采用位移突变的方法来确定边坡动力失稳及动力安全系数,分析结果表明:地震作用时的水平推力对王家墩古滑坡的稳定性有很大影响,表现为上部坡体的整体滑移和隧道入口段黄土堆积层局部失稳滑塌;在天然状态下坡体处于稳定状态,在遭遇未来该区域中强地震作用时,该斜坡会发生失稳,黄土斜坡的整体滑动最容易出现在第三阶坡体,沿着塑性应变最大的滑移面整体滑移;给出了坡体动力稳定性安全系数Fs=0.92。  相似文献   
A risk-targeted design spectral acceleration and the corresponding seismic design action for the force-based design of structures is introduced by means of two formulations. The first one called direct formulation utilizes the seismic hazard function at the site of the structure. Because the seismic action defined in the codes is often associated with a designated return period, an indirect formulation is also introduced. It incorporates a risk-targeted safety factor that can be used to define a risk-targeted reduction factor. It is shown that the proposed formulations give analogical results and provide an insight into the concept of the reduction of seismic forces for the force-based seismic design of structures if the objective is defined by a target collapse risk. The introduced closed-form solution for the risk-targeted reduction factor can be used to investigate how the target collapse risk, the seismic hazard parameters, the randomness of the seismic action, and the conventional parameters (ie, the overstrength factor and the deformation and energy dissipation capacity) affect the seismic design forces in the case of force-based design. However, collaborative research is needed in order to develop appropriate models of these parameters. In the second part of the paper, the proposed formulations are demonstrated by estimating the risk-targeted seismic design action for a six-storey reinforced concrete building. By verifying the collapse risk of the designed structure, it is demonstrated that the risk-targeted seismic action, in conjunction with a conventional force-based design, provided structure with acceptable performance when measured in terms of collapse risk.  相似文献   
选取乌加河地震台2015-2018年地电阻率观测资料,分析数据异常变化,结合观测环境及实地调查,发现存在降雨、雷电、金属管线、农田灌溉、设备漏电等影响因素,对比分析并总结各类干扰曲线形态、变化幅度、影响时间、干扰频次等特征,以便正确认识并排除地电阻率干扰,为地震异常信息识别提供帮助。  相似文献   
针对陕西石泉井水位多次出现的阶降变化,从观测仪器、井孔装置、周边地下水开采、区域降雨、井区河流及水库水位变化、地震影响等方面进行了分析。结果表明,石泉井区附近的石泉水库放水和汉江水位升降会造成石泉井水位的突升-突降变化,但石泉井水位出现的系列阶降变化与仪器故障、地下水开采、井管漏水、远场大震同震效应、区域应力变化以及附近河流水库水位变化等因素均无关。  相似文献   
非生物因子对底栖动物无齿相手蟹重金属富集量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以长江口滨岸滩地生态系统一种常见的大型底栖动物无齿相手蟹(Sesarma dehaani)为研究对象,分析温度、盐度、重金属间相互作用等几个主要非生物因子对无齿相手蟹积累Cu,Zn,Pb,Cr,Ni的影响。结果表明,夏季无齿相手蟹对Cu,Zn,Cr,Ni的累积量高于其他季节,说明较高的温度有助于动物对重金属元素的吸收;秋季,无齿相手蟹体内的Pb含量与盐度显著负相关;春季,无齿相手蟹体内的Zn含量与盐度负相关;无齿相手蟹体内累积的Zn—Ni,Pb—Cr之间相关显著,二者均呈正相关。  相似文献   
洱海富营养化影响因素分析   总被引:24,自引:8,他引:16  
水质富营养化评价表明,洱海现属中营养水平,根据全年平均状态下的某些单项指标评分或近年来某些时段的全湖营养类型综合评分,将洱海评价为从中营养状态向营养营养状态过渡型的湖泊可能更为适宜。与历史资料相比,80年代至今富营养化进程料快,主要营养盐守趋势。  相似文献   
海南异常高温的气候特征及其海气背景   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
分析1961~2001年海南5~7月异常高温频数的气候特征及其影响因子南海海温和北半球500hPa高度场特征,结果表明,5、6月异常高温频数分别存在3馏年和5年左右的显著周期;南海中部海域是影响同期异常高温频数的关键区域;异常高温频数偏多年,欧亚地区500hPa环流特征是中高纬度有阻塞高压存在,西风槽南压,西太平洋副热带高压位置长期偏南、偏西。  相似文献   
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