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国产磁通门磁力仪稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国产磁通门磁力仪(GM-3磁通门磁力仪)在全国各地磁台站推广应用,两年来,该仪器在武汉地震台工作比较稳定。本文对该仪器的基线值进行了多层线性回归分析。结果表明仪器性能比较稳定。  相似文献   
轮廓与特征点研究是头足类角质颚形态特征鉴别的基本方法,对于轮廓与特征点的提取最常用的方法是手动描绘与标定,利用计算机视觉进行轮廓与特征点的提取,不仅可以降低手动提取带来的误差、提高准确性,而且更加快速、便捷。文章将利用计算机视觉提取头足类角质颚的轮廓与特征点,首先将自制装置拍摄得到的角质颚三视图放入MTALAB软件中进行编程处理,然后利用Canny算法提取角质颚轮廓,最后根据地标点的定义标定特征点位置并建立空间坐标系得到角质颚的特征点坐标。研究结果显示,利用计算机视觉提取角质颚的轮廓图像以及特征点坐标是可行的,当标准差σ取值为0.1时角质颚轮廓图效果最佳,在得到的轮廓图上进行特征点的标定,通过迭代遍历轮廓图获得各个特征点的空间坐标。研究分析认为,将计算机视觉应用于头足类角质颚形态学的研究可以提高研究的便捷性,同时也为后续的研究提供了新的实验思路和方法。  相似文献   
The computer simulation is an important method for hydrokinetic hammer design. Various kinds of simulation measures with their technical characters and applications being taken during the computer aided design are enumerated. Computer simulation supports plenty of valuable references to the designer. Each type of simulation process is used to explore the exact aspect of the performance of hydrokinetic hammer and each type of simulation method has its own excellences and deficiencies. Thus the integrative simulation methods based on modern computational technology are brought forward to obtain the perfect capability of the whole product. Along with the development of computer hardware and software, various kinds of platforms have been provided to different simulation methods that can be carried out with distinct working flows. The jet flow element is the core part of the hydrokinetic hammer. We can build the ideal simulation model of it by means of CFD (computational fluid dynamics) technology. On the other hand, to set up the digital model of piston and hammer, the best way is to build the virtual prototype using automatic dynamic analysis of mechanical system. As a result of the argumentation, we think the technique of Virtual Prototype and CFD are the prime way to process the combined computer simulation for hydrokinetic hammer.  相似文献   
上海计算机产业转移及其对区域经济影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自2008年全球金融危机之后,全球生产网络重组对中国区域经济的影响日益浮现。上海计算机制造业持续向重庆等地转移,重构了该行业全球生产网络的基本格局。利用上海市投入-产出表以及中国工业企业数据库、企业年报等,采用结构分解等方法分析上海计算机制造业产业变化,结合制造业多样性指数等指标,评估产业转移对区域经济的影响。研究发现:① 上海计算机产业被锁定在全球价值链低端的组装制造环节,2007—2012年,增加值率(增加值与总产出的比值)从7.38%下降为4.29%;劳动者报酬占增加值比例从22.06%上涨为67.97%,推动产业对外迁移。② 受上海市产业转移和国际市场低迷等因素影响,2007—2012年,上海计算机制造业总产出减少了483.9亿元。③ 制造业多样性指数较高的浦东新区受到计算机产业转移的影响较小,制造业多样性指数相对较低且计算机制造业占制造业总产值比例较高的闵行区、松江区在一定时期内仍然面临着计算机产业转移的负面影响。为了降低全球生产网络“去耦合”的冲击,提高区域经济的韧性,上海需要从全球生产网络的成熟产品生产平台转型为新产品研发创新枢纽,提高劳动生产率和产业增加值率,推动产业结构多样化。  相似文献   
Tidal flushing of animal burrows in mangrove swamps provides an effective and important mechanism for transport of salt and other soluble substances. The burrows have complex morphologies consisting of multiple loops. Using established computational modelling techniques, burrow geometries were simulated from characteristic burrow dimensions and the effect of multiple loops on flushing is studied. The computational models show that flushing is enhanced in multiple-loop burrows as upper loops can be completely evacuated, increasing the volume of burrow water removed. The models indicate that there may be a depth limit to which flushing occurs in complex burrow structures. Periscope loops extend further than one characteristic loop depth and are shown to affect the flushing of burrows if the surface-water plume penetrates to their lower depth. Periscope loops with surface openings on the downstream side of the burrow, relative to the tidal inundation, most frequently experience this condition and thus have a great impact on burrow flushing. Field measurements of salinity agree with the hypothesis that there is a depth limit of flushing for complex burrows that is independent of burrow salinity, and suggest a value of 30–35 cm. The measurements also support the suggestion that significant flushing of burrows occurs within a single tidal event. An experiment considered the movement of animals across the interface created by low-salinity surface water and high-salinity burrow water after a partial flushing event. The motion enhances the effective diffusion coefficient of salt by a factor of at least 102, as compared with free diffusion of salt in water, resulting in a more even distribution of dissolved salt in the burrow water between tidal inundations. This distribution may lead to an increase in the depth to which flushing occurs during subsequent inundations.  相似文献   
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海涂围垦工程中悬挂式爆破挤淤基础处理技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沿海软土地基围涂工程中悬挂式爆破挤淤基础处理断面结构设计中遇到的最大难题是对腰宽的处理,腰宽太窄则工后沉降大,反之,则断面石方量增大,投资增加,因此,试图通过工程实例说明悬挂式爆破挤淤基础处理断面设计及工程实施过程中遇到的问题及对策措施。  相似文献   
以Al2O3、K2S2O7、NaF、C作为缓冲剂与样品混匀,装入石墨电极中,以平头石墨电极为上电极,样品电极为下电极进行摄谱,由光电译谱仪测定谱线的黑度值,以锗为内标用内标法测定样品中Cu、Pb、Zn、Co、Ag、Sn、Mo和B的质量分数。  相似文献   
层序地层学模拟研究进展及趋势   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
模拟层序地层学是层序地层学理论重要的研究手段之一,在国外该项技术较为成熟.层序地层计算机模拟软件采用的算法主要有扩散算法、流体流动算法、几何控制沉积算法、经验数值逼近算法、沉积物搬运的构造校正算法.目前,国外学者对以海平面升降、构造沉降和沉积物供应为主控因素的层序地层概念模拟的适用性提出了质疑,并对层序控制因素的多样性和不确定性进行了深入的研究.结合当前的研究进展,提出了层序控制因素的"多变量系统"观点,将层序的控制因素分为综合变量和独立变量,进一步指出如果假设综合变量为独立变量,则可以简化层序模拟,假设越多,模拟越简单,但模拟结果越粗略;要使模拟结果真实地反映实际地层特征,就要尽可能采用独立变量.  相似文献   
二维黄金分割法在抗滑桩截面优化设计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对抗滑桩截面宽度和截面高度与抗滑桩费用之间的关系进行综合讨论分析的基础上,引入二维黄金分割法与计算机编程方法,编制了专门的计算软件对抗滑桩截面进行优化设计,以实现满足抗滑要求的前提下使单抗滑桩工程总费用达到最低的优化目的.在三峡库区某工程的实例应用表明,该方法具有良好的社会经济效益,对滑坡的治理设计具有较重要的实际应用价值.  相似文献   
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