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The dynamics of the circular restricted three-body Earth-Moon-particle problem predicts the existence of the retrograde periodic orbits around the Lagrangian equilibrium point L1. Such orbits belong to the so-called family G (Broucke, Periodic orbits in the restricted three-body problem with Earth-Moon masses, JPL Technical Report 32–1168, 1968) and starting from them it is possible to define a set of trajectories that form round trip links between the Earth and the Moon. These links occur even with more complex dynamical systems as the complete Sun-Earth-Moon-particle problem. One of the most remarkable properties of these trajectories, observed for the four-body problem, is a meaningful inclination gain when they penetrate into the lunar sphere of influence and accomplish a swing-by with the Moon. This way, when one of these trajectories returns to the proximities of the Earth, it will be in a different orbital plane from its initial Earth orbit. In this work, we present studies that show the possibility of using this property mainly to accomplish transfer maneuvers between two Earth orbits with different altitudes and inclinations, with low cost, taking into account the dynamics of the four-body problem and of the swing-by as well. The results show that it is possible to design a set of nominal transfer trajectories that require ΔV Total less than conventional methods like Hohmann, bi-elliptic and bi-parabolic transfer with plane change.  相似文献   
三峡水库运行后长江中游洪、枯水位变化特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
韩剑桥  孙昭华  杨云平 《湖泊科学》2017,29(5):1217-1226
流域大型水库蓄水后,坝下游河道调整过程中的洪、枯水位变化,对下游水安全、水生态和水资源利用影响甚大.利用1955-2012年长江中游各水文站水位、流量等资料,采用改进的时间序列分析方法,对三峡水库运行前后长江中游洪、枯水位变化特征进行了研究,结果表明:三峡水库蓄水前长江中游洪、枯水位变化的周期长度分别为9~14、11~15 a,在假设三峡水库运行后水位无趋势性变化的前提下,估算得到的水位变化周期长度基本在20 a以上,蓄水前的自然周期性已被打破,枯水位发生趋势性下降且无复归迹象,而洪水位波动周期虽有所延长,但上升幅度未超过历史波动变幅,仅可确定洪水位没有明显的下降趋势.三峡水库蓄水后坝下游长距离冲刷,枯水河槽冲刷量占平滩河槽的比例逐年增加,累计至2013年已达91.5%,是枯水位下降的主控因素.河槽冲刷导致的床沙粗化增加了河道床面阻力,高程在平滩水位附近的滩体上覆盖的大量植被增加了水流流动阻力,同时大量航道整治、护岸、码头等工程主体部分布设在枯水位以上,综合因素作用使得洪水河槽阻力增加.三峡水库蓄水后,虽然枯水期流量补偿作用显著削弱了枯水位下降的效应,但枯水位下降事实已经形成,不利于航道水深的提高及通江湖泊枯水期的水量存蓄,洪水位未明显下降,同级流量下的江湖槽蓄量不会明显调整.  相似文献   
位于四川省甘孜藏族自治州康定市内大渡河干流的长河坝—黄金坪水电站,为大渡河流域开发中,以长河坝、大岗山、瀑布沟等形成主要梯级格局开发方案中,"三库22级"水电站中的第10和11级电站,其地震监测台网也采用梯级设计方式,长河坝—黄金坪上下游水库地震监测台网统一设计、建设及监测,共享同一地震监测能力。通过对监测设备的技术指标、台基地噪声水平和震级—频度对数关系的分析,结果表明,长河坝—黄金坪水库区域地震固定台站建成后,地震监测能力达到并优于设计的理论监测能力,地震监测震级达到下限为ML 0.5的设计要求。  相似文献   
区域数字地震台网实时速报系统研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
根据我国地震监测台网的发展趋势,提出了区域数字地震台网实时速报系统的发展目标,研究了实现这一目标应解决的实时数据流接收、震相自动识别、震相可靠性处理、实时地震定位、震相到时等值线实时绘制、地震震级的实时计算、地震动强度分布图的实时绘制等问题.我们编制了一套实时地震速报软件,实现了上述功能,并用福建数字地震台网记录的地震事件进行软件功能测试.测试结果表明:对于网内地震,软件处理结果基本达到中国地震局地震速报评比满分的要求,速报时间缩短至30~50 s.此外,通过实时仿真技术,系统可给出实际观测到的PGA、PGV、PGD等值线图,可以为应急救灾确定重灾区和有感范围提供帮助.  相似文献   
为了全面评价和考核湘江长沙段各洲滩近几年来采取的不同灭螺措施对洲滩钉螺(Oncomelania hu-pensis)螺情的影响,采用以系统抽样结合环境抽查的查螺方法,2003~2008年对湘江长沙段20个有螺洲滩进行了跟踪调查.结果表明,2008年与2003年相比,活螺洲滩数、有螺框出现率、钉螺平均密度和活螺率分别下降了40.00%,99.10%,99.74%,51.09%.经统计学处理,各洲滩有螺框出现率(Z=91.560 2,P<0.01)、活螺率(Z=65.133 2,P<0.01)不相同,但年度下降趋势明显.在20个有螺洲滩中,有感染性钉螺分布的洲滩5个,占有螺洲滩总数的25.00%;有感染性钉螺分布的洲滩逐年减少,感染性钉螺的平均密度和感染率逐年降低,2007~2008年所有洲滩无感染性钉螺分布.湘江长沙段有螺洲滩采取的各种防治措施中,药物与环改灭螺相结合的效果远好于单纯的药物灭螺.各种环改灭螺措施,又以抬洲降滩、翻耕垦种的灭螺效果更持久,更彻底.  相似文献   
斜轴式望远镜是一种新颖的望远镜结构, 其独特的结构设计更适合南极等极端气候环境, 但目前国内外缺乏针对斜轴式望远镜详细的动力学建模与控制研究. 提出一套斜轴式望远镜动力学建模与鲁棒控制方法, 首先, 对斜轴式望远镜进行了动力学分析, 采用拉格朗日法建立望远镜2自由度刚体模型; 接着, 结合望远镜驱动系统的柔性和所受干扰, 完成了斜轴式望远镜的干扰情况下刚柔耦合系统数学模型的推导; 然后, 针对抗干扰问题, 根据所建数学模型, 设计了基于干扰观测器的滑模控制器, 对于所受干扰进行抑制, 实现了斜轴式望远镜的鲁棒控制; 最后, 仿真结果显示, 在考虑模型的非线性外部干扰的情况下, 相比于传统的比例-积分-微分控制器, 基于干扰观测器的滑模控制器使得系统具有更好的动态性能和抗干扰特性.  相似文献   
浅谈建筑设计与室内设计的联系与协调   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对现今在设计过程中建筑设计和室内设计的不协调,阐述了建筑设计和室内设计的相关概念及内在联系,分析了造成这种不协调的原因,并提出解决两者协调一致的方法。  相似文献   
根据浙江省装备管理实际,设计完成了浙江省气象装备信息管理系统,实现了相关数据的统一和规范及信息交流、资源共享,提高了装备管理工作的科学化、自动化、规范化水平。  相似文献   
Conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation (CNOP) is a nonlinear generalization of linear singular vector (LSV) and features the largest nonlinear evolution at prediction time for the initial perturbations in a given constraint. It was proposed initially for predicting the limitation of predictability of weather or climate. Then CNOP has been applied to the studies of the problems related to predictability for weather and climate. In this paper, we focus on reviewing the recent advances of CNOP’s applications, which involves the ones of CNOP in problems of ENSO amplitude asymmetry, block onset, and the sensitivity analysis of ecosystem and ocean’s circulations, etc. Especially, CNOP has been primarily used to construct the initial perturbation fields of ensemble forecasting, and to determine the sensitive area of target observation for precipitations. These works extend CNOP’s applications to investigating the nonlinear dynamical behaviors of atmospheric or oceanic systems, even a coupled system, and studying the problem of the transition between the equilibrium states. These contributions not only attack the particular physical problems, but also show the superiority of CNOP to LSV in revealing the effect of nonlinear physical processes. Consequently, CNOP represents the optimal precursors for a weather or climate event; in predictability studies, CNOP stands for the initial error that has the largest negative effect on prediction; and in sensitivity analysis, CNOP is the most unstable (sensitive) mode. In multi-equilibrium state regime, CNOP is the initial perturbation that induces the transition between equilibriums most probably. Furthermore, CNOP has been used to construct ensemble perturbation fields in ensemble forecast studies and to identify sensitive area of target observation. CNOP theory has become more and more substantial. It is expected that CNOP also serves to improve the predictability of the realistic predictions for weather and climate events plays an increasingly important role in exploring the nonlinear dynamics of atmospheric, oceanic and coupled atmosphere-ocean system. Supported by National Basic Research Program of China (Grant Nos. 2006CB403606, 2007CB411800), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40830955, 40675030, 40505013), Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. IAP07202), and LASG State Key Laboratory Special Fund  相似文献   
针对导向钻进非开挖铺设地下管线施工中回扩钻头存在的口径大、包泥堵钻、进尺缓慢、切削齿不耐磨等问题,对钻头结构进行了研究,并从导向钻头、出水口、刮刀、切削齿等四个方面对钻头进行了改进。改进后的回扩孔钻头既有利于切入地层,具有导向和稳定作用,又具有切削阻力低、强度高、耐磨性好的优点,极大的提高了钻进效率。经多项工程检查,扩孔钻头平均单孔耐磨翼片磨损量为1.2~1.75mm,平均〈0.5mm/km。  相似文献   
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